Directory Assistance 72.1 The Parties acknowledge that CenturyLink is not a Directory Assistance (DA) provider. CenturyLink provides directory listings information for its subscribers to third party DA providers to be included in the national and local databases used by such third party providers. The Parties agree that to the extent the DA provider contracted by CLEC for DA services to CLEC’s subscribers also populates the national DA database, then CLEC’s DA listings have been made available to CenturyLink’s subscribers and no further effort is needed by either Party. If for any reason, CLEC desires that CenturyLink act as a middleman conduit for the placement of CLEC’s DA listings in the DA database(s), then CenturyLink shall provide such compensable DA listings service pursuant to separate written terms and conditions between CenturyLink and CLEC which will be attached to this Agreement as an Amendment.
Routing for Operator Services and Directory Assistance Traffic For a Verizon Telecommunications Service dial tone line purchased by VarTec for resale pursuant to the Resale Attachment, upon request by VarTec, Verizon will establish an arrangement that will permit VarTec to route the VarTec Customer’s calls for operator and directory assistance services to a provider of operator and directory assistance services selected by VarTec. Verizon will provide this routing arrangement in accordance with, but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law. Verizon will provide this routing arrangement pursuant to an appropriate written request submitted by VarTec and a mutually agreed-upon schedule. This routing arrangement will be implemented at VarTec's expense, with charges determined on an individual case basis. In addition to charges for initially establishing the routing arrangement, VarTec will be responsible for ongoing monthly and/or usage charges for the routing arrangement. VarTec shall arrange, at its own expense, the trunking and other facilities required to transport traffic to VarTec’s selected provider of operator and directory assistance services.
Directory Assistance Service 8.3.1 Directory Assistance Service provides local end user telephone number listings with the option to complete the call at the caller's direction separate and distinct from local switching.
Access to Services Subject to and in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, including any Schedules, Company grants You a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, nontransferable, non-assignable, revocable license for the term of this Agreement to access and use the Services. Services may only be used by Your Users for internal business purposes only. You agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including any Schedules, and with all applicable Company procedures and policies that further define use of the Services. You acknowledge and agree that the actions of any of Your Users with respect to the Services will be deemed to be actions by You and that any breach by any of Your Users of the terms of this Agreement, including any Schedule, will be deemed to be a breach by You.
Directory Assistance Service Updates BellSouth shall update end user listings changes daily. These changes include: New end user connections End user disconnections
Access to NID NewPhone may access the customer’s premises wiring by any of the following means and NewPhone shall not disturb the existing form of electrical protection and shall maintain the physical integrity of the NID: BellSouth shall allow NewPhone to connect its Loops directly to BellSouth’s multi-line residential NID enclosures that have additional space and are not used by BellSouth or any other telecommunications carriers to provide service to the premises; Where an adequate length of the customer’s premises wiring is present and environmental conditions permit, either Party may remove the customer premises wiring from the other Party’s NID and connect such wiring to that Party’s own NID; Either Party may enter the subscriber access chamber or dual chamber NID enclosures for the purpose of extending a cross-connect or spliced jumper wire from the customer premises wiring through a suitable “punch-out” hole of such NID enclosures; or NewPhone may request BellSouth to make other rearrangements to the customer premises wiring terminations or terminal enclosure on a time and materials cost basis. In no case shall either Party remove or disconnect the other Party’s loop facilities from either Party’s NIDs, enclosures, or protectors unless the applicable Commission has expressly permitted the same and the disconnecting Party provides prior notice to the other Party. In such cases, it shall be the responsibility of the Party disconnecting loop facilities to leave undisturbed the existing form of electrical protection and to maintain the physical integrity of the NID. It will be NewPhone’s responsibility to ensure there is no safety hazard, and NewPhone will hold BellSouth harmless for any liability associated with the removal of the BellSouth Loop from the BellSouth NID. Furthermore, it shall be the responsibility of the disconnecting Party, once the other Party’s loop has been disconnected from the NID, to reconnect the disconnected loop to a nationally recognized testing laboratory listed station protector, which has been grounded as per Article 800 of the National Electrical Code. If no spare station protector exists in the NID, the disconnected loop must be appropriately cleared, capped and stored. NewPhone shall not remove or disconnect ground wires from BellSouth’s NIDs, enclosures, or protectors. NewPhone shall not remove or disconnect NID modules, protectors, or terminals from BellSouth’s NID enclosures. Due to the wide variety of NID enclosures and outside plant environments, BellSouth will work with NewPhone to develop specific procedures to establish the most effective means of implementing this section if the procedures set forth herein do not apply to the NID in question.
Access to Employees Staff representatives of the Union shall be allowed to visit work areas of employees during working hours and confer on conditions of employment to the extent that such visitations do not disrupt the work activities of the area being visited. Prior to entering the work area, the representative shall receive permission from the appropriate department head or his/her designee stating the reason(s) for such visitations. Permission shall not be unreasonably denied.
Communications and Computer Lines Tenant may install, maintain, replace, remove or use any communications or computer wires and cables (collectively, the "Lines") at the Project in or serving the Premises, provided that (i) Tenant shall obtain Landlord's prior written consent, use an experienced and qualified contractor reasonably approved by Landlord, and comply with all of the other provisions of Articles 7 and 8 of this Lease, (ii) an acceptable number of spare Lines and space for additional Lines shall be maintained for existing and future occupants of the Project, as determined in Landlord's reasonable opinion, (iii) the Lines therefor (including riser cables) shall be (x) appropriately insulated to prevent excessive electromagnetic fields or radiation, (y) surrounded by a protective conduit reasonably acceptable to Landlord, and (z) identified in accordance with the "Identification Requirements," as that term is set forth hereinbelow, (iv) any new or existing Lines servicing the Premises shall comply with all applicable governmental laws and regulations, (v) as a condition to permitting the installation of new Lines, Tenant shall remove existing Lines located in or serving the Premises and repair any damage in connection with such removal, and (vi) Tenant shall pay all costs in connection therewith. All Lines shall be clearly marked with adhesive plastic labels (or plastic tags attached to such Lines with wire) to show Tenant's name, suite number, telephone number and the name of the person to contact in the case of an emergency (A) every four feet (4') outside the Premises (specifically including, but not limited to, the electrical room risers and other Common Areas), and (B) at the Lines' termination point(s) (collectively, the "Identification Requirements"). Landlord reserves the right to require that Tenant remove any Lines located in or serving the Premises which are installed in violation of these provisions, or which are at any time (1) are in violation of any Applicable Laws, (2) are inconsistent with then-existing industry standards (such as the standards promulgated by the National Fire Protection Association (e.g., such organization's "2002 National Electrical Code")), or (3) otherwise represent a dangerous or potentially dangerous condition.
Access to PHI Business Associate shall provide access to PHI in a Designated Record Set to Covered Entity or as directed by Covered Entity to an Individual to meet the requirements under 45 CFR § 164.524. Business Associate shall provide such access in the time and manner reasonably designated by Covered Entity. Within three (3) business days, Business Associate shall forward to Covered Entity for handling any request for access to PHI that Business Associate directly receives from an Individual.
Internet Access Hotels and Airports Employees who travel may need to access their e-mail at night. Many hotels provide free high speed internet access and Tyler employees are encouraged to use such hotels whenever possible. If an employee’s hotel charges for internet access it is reimbursable up to $10.00 per day. Charges for internet access at airports are not reimbursable.