Discharges of Floriston Sample Clauses

Discharges of Floriston. Rate Water shall not be made at any time at a rate which will result in flows at the Farad Gage in excess of Floriston Rates or Reduced Floriston Rates.
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Related to Discharges of Floriston

  • Invoicing for Charges Against the Judicial Council’s Master Account A. The Contractor shall establish a Master Account for the Judicial Council’s charges provided for under the exhibits of this Agreement. B. Charges to the Master Account shall be settled with Citibank CMC, as defined herein. C. The Contractor's final invoice for the Master Account shall include the Judicial Council Contract Number set forth on the face of this Agreement and shall be itemized to show the applicable and allowable charges by date and event/category/activity and number served, as appropriate. D. For performing the Work of this Agreement, the Contractor shall xxxx the Judicial Council for the total actual charges against the Master Account, based upon the prices stated herein and itemized to provide the following details, if applicable: i. Sleeping room charges as set forth in Exhibit C; ii. Meeting room rental charges as set forth in Exhibit D; iii. Food and beverage charges as set forth in Exhibit E; and/or iv. Charges for miscellaneous requirements as set forth in Exhibit F. E. If the Contract is terminated in whole or in part, pursuant to either the termination for cause provision or the Judicial Council’s obligation subject to availability of funds provision, as set forth in Exhibit A, the Contactor shall xxxx the Judicial Council for only those applicable and allowable charges accrued up to the effective date of termination, itemized as set forth above in this provision. F. If the Contract is terminated pursuant to the Termination Fee charge provision, as set forth in Exhibit B, the Contractor shall xxxx the Judicial Council for the allowable and applicable Termination Fee, as set forth in Table 2, below, and shall offset the Termination Fee by rental charges for the meeting and function rooms that the Contractor received from Third Parties during the Program

  • Charges of Depositary The following charges shall be incurred by any party depositing or withdrawing Shares or by any party surrendering American Depositary Shares or to whom American Depositary Shares are issued (including, without limitation, issuance pursuant to a stock dividend or stock split declared by the Company or an exchange of stock regarding the American Depositary Shares or Deposited Securities or a delivery of American Depositary Shares pursuant to Section 4.3), or by Owners, as applicable: (1) taxes and other governmental charges, (2) such registration fees as may from time to time be in effect for the registration of transfers of Shares generally on the Share register of the Company or Foreign Registrar and applicable to transfers of Shares to or from the name of the Depositary or its nominee or the Custodian or its nominee on the making of deposits or withdrawals hereunder, (3) such cable (including SWIFT) and facsimile transmission fees and expenses as are expressly provided in this Deposit Agreement, (4) such expenses as are incurred by the Depositary in the conversion of foreign currency pursuant to Section 4.5, (5) a fee of $5.00 or less per 100 American Depositary Shares (or portion thereof) for the delivery of American Depositary Shares pursuant to Section 2.3, 4.3 or 4.4 and the surrender of American Depositary Shares pursuant to Section 2.5 or 6.2, (6) a fee of $.05 or less per American Depositary Share (or portion thereof) for any cash distribution made pursuant to this Deposit Agreement, including, but not limited to Sections 4.1 through 4.4 and Section 4.8, (7) a fee for the distribution of securities pursuant to Section 4.2 or of rights pursuant to Section 4.4 (where the Depositary will not exercise or sell those rights on behalf of Owners), such fee being in an amount equal to the fee for the execution and delivery of American Depositary Shares referred to above which would have been charged as a result of the deposit of such securities under this Deposit Agreement (for purposes of this item 7 treating all such securities as if they were Shares) but which securities are instead distributed by the Depositary to Owners, (8) in addition to any fee charged under item 6 above, a fee of $.05 or less per American Depositary Share (or portion thereof) per annum for depositary services, which will be payable as provided in item 9 below, and (9) any other charges payable by the Depositary or the Custodian, any of the Depositary's or Custodian’s agents or the agents of the Depositary's or Custodian’s agents, in connection with the servicing of Shares or other Deposited Securities (which charges shall be assessed against Owners as of the date or dates set by the Depositary in accordance with Section 4.6 and shall be payable at the sole discretion of the Depositary by billing those Owners for those charges or by deducting those charges from one or more cash dividends or other cash distributions). The Depositary may collect any of its fees by deduction from any cash distribution payable, or by selling a portion of any securities to be distributed, to Owners that are obligated to pay those fees. In performing its duties under this Deposit Agreement, the Depositary may use brokers, dealers, foreign currency dealers or other service providers that are owned by or affiliated with the Depositary and that may earn or share fees, spreads or commissions. The Depositary may own and deal in any class of securities of the Company and its affiliates and in American Depositary Shares.

  • Platby In consideration for the proper performance of the Study by Site in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, payments shall be made in accordance with the provisions set forth in Attachment A, with the last payment being made after the Site completes all its obligations hereunder, and IQVIA has received all properly completed CRFs and, if IQVIA requests, all other Confidential Information (as defined below). V souvislosti s řádným plněním Studie Místem provádění klinického hodnocení, a to v souladu s podmínkami a ustanoveními této Smlouvy, budou poskytovány platby dle podmínek a ustanovení definovaných v Příloze A, přičemž poslední platba bude uskutečněna poté, co Místo provádění klinického hodnocení splní a dokončí veškeré závazky, jež mu vyplývají z této Smlouvy, a IQVIA obdrží veškeré řádně vyplněné CRF a, bude-li tak IQVIA vyžadovat, veškeré další Důvěrné informace The estimated value of financial payment under this Agreement shall be approximately CZK 903.042,-. DrugDev will receive Site invoices and process payments unless otherwise agreed. Any queries regarding Site invoices or payments should be directed to XxxxXxx at the contact details outlined in Attachment A. All payments will be made in favor of the Institution. (ve smyslu níže uvedené definice). Předpokládaná hodnota finančního plnění dle této Smlouvy činí přibližně 903.042,- Kč. Nebude-li ujednáno jinak, faktury od Místa provádění klinického hodnocení obdrží a platby bude zpracovávat společnost DrugDev. Veškeré dotazy ohledně faktur Místa provádění klinického hodnocení nebo plateb mají být adresovány společnosti DrugDev, jejíž kontaktní údaje jsou uvedeny v Příloze A. Veškeré platby budou uskutečněny ve prospěch Poskytovatele...

  • Pendahuluan Industri perbankan syari’ah di Indonesia tengah memasuki fase growth (pertumbuhan) xxx sangat membutuhkan kepercayaan xxx loyalitas masyarakat untuk terus meningkatkan produktivitasnya. Kepercayaan xxx loyalitas mutlak dibutuhkan untuk memasuki fase maturity perbankan syariah dalam menghadapi kompetisi global. Kepercayaan xxx loyalitas tidak dapat diperoleh tanpa adanya produk- produk yang mampu menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat. Produk bank syariah sudah semestinya mampu memenuhi seluruh komponen masyarakat, baik dalam produk funding, financing, xxx services. Oleh karenanya, inovasi produk bank syariah menjadi syarat mutlak sebagai indikator bahwa bank syariah mampu beradaptasi dengan kebutuhan manusia modern. Inovasi produk merupakan salah satu unsur penting untuk dapat menjaga sustainabilitas perusahaan. Inovasi produk merepresentasikan kemampuan perusahaan untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pasar sekaligus sebagai upaya untuk memperoleh keuntungan perusahaan. Bank syariah pada dasarnya telah melakukan serangkaian upaya inovasi, salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan “rekayasa” (engineering) terhadap akad- akad dalam fiqh muamalah. Beberapa akad dalam fiqh muamalah tidak begitu saja diadopsi oleh perbankan syariah, namun juga “diadaptasikan” dengan kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap xxxx-xxxx perbankan. Rekayasa xxx adaptasi ini memang sebuah keniscayaan, karena jika adopsi dilakukan secara apa adanya maka produk bank syariah diragukan dapat memberikan manfaat yang tepat bagi masyarakat. Prinsip keleluasan bermuamalah dalam Islam merupakan modal utama untuk menghadapi kompleksitas permasalahan ekonomi serta besarnya tuntutan masyarakat akan peran perbankan syariah.1 Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat xxx mengembangkan industri perbankan xxx keuangan xxxx xxxx kompetitif, inovasi dalam berbisnis yang dilakukan oleh perbankan syariah melalui serangkaian adaptasi tersebut memang sudah menjadi tuntutan bisnis. Sebagai contoh dapat dikemukakan xxxxxx xxxx kartu kredit syariah, asuransi syariah, obligasi syariah, FX iB, xxx Islamic Swap. Produk-produk dalam kegiatan keuangan syariah tersebut mengandung beberapa akad. Sebagai contoh, dalam transaksi kartu kredit syariah terdapat akad ijarah, qardh, xxx kafalah. Obligasi syariah mengandung sekurang-kurangnya akad mudharabah (atau ijarah) xxx wakalah, serta terkadang disertai kafalah atau wa’d. Islamic swap mengandung beberapa kali akad tawarruq, bay‘, wakalah, xxxxx, xxx terkadang disertai wa’d.2 Dalam setiap transaksi, akad-akad tersebut dilakukan secara bersamaan atau setidak-tidaknya setiap akad yang terdapat dalam suatu produk tidak bisa ditinggalkan, karena kesemuanya merupakan satu kesatuan. Transaksi seperti 1 Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx, “Konstruksi Akad dalam Pengembangan Produk Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia”, Al-‘Adalah, Vol. 12, No. 3 (Juni, 2015), 493. 2 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, “Multiakad dalam Transaksi Syariah Kontemporer pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah di Indonesia”, Al-Iqtishad, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Januari, 2011), 156. inilah yang dikenal dengan istilah multiakad (Indonesia) atau hybrid contract (Inggris) atau al-’uqud al-murakkabah (Arab). Hybrid contract merupakan perbincangan yang masih hangat dikalangan para cendikiawan muslim untuk menentukan keabsahan hukumnya. Pendapat pertama mengatakan hukumnya mubah berdasar kaidah fiqh al-ashlu fi al-mu’amalat al-ibahah (hukum asal muamalah adalah boleh). Pendapat kedua mengharamkan berdasarkan dengan hadits-hadits yang mengharamkan dua jual beli dalam satu jual beli (bai’ataini fi bai’atin), atau mengharamkan dua akad dalam satu akad (shafqatain fi shafqatin).3 Sebagai entitas bisnis yang menjadi bagian penting dalam sistem ekonomi syariah sebagai induknya, tentunya industri perbankan syariah tidak boleh keluar dari nilai-nilai syariah. Melakukan inovasi memang tuntutan bisnis, namun menjaga shariah compliance juga menjadi kewajiban bagi setiap pelaku bisnis syariah, tidak terkecuali perbankan syariah. Profit-oriented hanya boleh dijadikan sebagai media (tool) untuk mencapai tujuan (goal), yaitu benefit-oriented. Produk bank syari’ah seyogyanya memiliki multi benefit, yaitu: material benefit, emotional benefit, xxx spiritual benefit.4 Mengacu pada kondisi tersebut, maka inovasi produk perbankan syariah setidaknya memerhatikan inovasi dalam dua dimensi, yaitu dimensi ekonomi xxx dimensi sosial. Inovasi dalam dimensi ekonomi artinya bahwa produk perbankan syariah harus mampu menghadirkan produk yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat, sehingga bank syariah menjadi pilihan utama masyarakat. Jika hal ini dapat dilakukan, maka fungsi-fungsi bank syariah akan mampu memainkan perannya sebagai intermediary institution. Pada dimensi sosial, sebagai produsen jasa keuangan syariah, bank syariah bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan edukasi terhadap perilaku masyarakat. Bank syariah xxx masyarakat xxxxxx melekat xxx memengaruhi satu dengan yang lain. Pada satu sisi, bank syariah melalui pola inovasinya harus mampu “men-syariah- kan” perilaku masyarakat, khususnya yang berhubungan dengan lembaga 3 Najamuddin, “Al-‘Uqud Al-Murakkabah dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah”, Jurnal Syariah, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Oktober, 2013), 6.

  • Fees and Charges of Depositary The Company, the Holders, the Beneficial Owners, and persons depositing Shares or surrendering ADSs for cancellation and withdrawal of Deposited Securities shall be required to pay to the Depositary the Depositary’s fees and related charges identified as payable by them respectively as provided for under Article (9)

  • Program Requirements Provided At No Charge to the Judicial Council A. The Contractor shall provide the following items during the Program at no charge to the Judicial Council:

  • Exchanges of Securities Upon receipt of Proper Instructions, the Custodian shall exchange securities held by it for the account of a Portfolio for other securities in connection with any reorganization, recapitalization, split-up of shares, change of par value, conversion or other event relating to the securities or the issuer of such securities, and shall deposit any such securities in accordance with the terms of any reorganization or protective plan. The Custodian shall, without receiving Proper Instructions: surrender securities in temporary form for definitive securities; surrender securities for transfer into the name of the Custodian, a Portfolio or a nominee of either of them, as permitted by Section 2.02(b); and surrender securities for a different number of certificates or instruments representing the same number of shares or same principal amount of indebtedness, provided that the securities to be issued will be delivered to the Custodian or a nominee of the Custodian.


  • Obligations with Respect to Transfers and Exchanges of Notes (i) To permit registrations of transfers and exchanges, the Company shall execute and the Trustee shall authenticate Definitive Notes and Global Notes at the Registrar’s or co-registrar’s request. (ii) No service charge shall be made for any registration of transfer or exchange, but the Company may require payment of a sum sufficient to cover any transfer tax, assessments, or similar governmental charge payable in connection therewith (other than any such transfer taxes, assessments or similar governmental charge payable upon exchanges pursuant to Sections 2.8, 3.6, 4.9 and 9.5 of this Indenture). (iii) The Registrar or co-registrar shall not be required to register the transfer of or exchange of (a) any Definitive Note selected for redemption in whole or in part pursuant to Article 3, except the unredeemed portion of any Definitive Note being redeemed in part, or (b) any Note for a period beginning 15 Business Days before the mailing of a notice of an offer to repurchase or redeem Notes or 15 Business Days before an interest payment date (whether or not an Interest Payment Date or other date determined for the payment of interest), and ending on such mailing date or interest payment date, as the case may be. (iv) Prior to the due presentation for registration of transfer of any Note, the Company, the Trustee, the Paying Agent, the Registrar or any co registrar may deem and treat the person in whose name a Note is registered as the absolute owner of such Note for the purpose of receiving payment of principal of and interest on such Note and for all other purposes whatsoever, whether or not such Note is overdue, and none of the Company, the Trustee, the Paying Agent, the Registrar or any co registrar shall be affected by notice to the contrary. (v) All Notes issued upon any transfer or exchange pursuant to the terms of this Indenture shall evidence the same debt and shall be entitled to the same benefits under this Indenture as the Notes surrendered upon such transfer or exchange.

  • Vlastnictví Zdravotnické zařízení si ponechá a bude uchovávat Zdravotní záznamy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející převedou na Zadavatele veškerá svá práva, nároky a tituly, včetně práv duševního vlastnictví k Důvěrným informacím (ve smyslu níže uvedeném) a k jakýmkoli jiným Studijním datům a údajům.

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