Documentation and Change Control. The CB is to maintain a system for the control of all documentation relating to its Evaluation and Certification Scheme and ensure that:
Documentation and Change Control. 67 The Certification Body is to maintain a system for the control of all documentation relating to its Evaluation and Certification Scheme and will ensure that:
Documentation and Change Control. A. Sanofi-aventis US or its designated Affiliate will develop and release master batch records in accordance with its existing standard operating procedures. Sanofi-aventis US and its designated Affiliate are responsible for its own batch numbering system. Batch numbers are assigned by sanofi-aventis US in accordance with its standard operating procedures and are unique to a given item.
Documentation and Change Control. 3.1 Batch Numbering KING is responsible for its own batch numbering system. Batch numbers are assigned by KING standard operating procedures and are unique to a given item. Any changes to the batch numbering system(s) in use by KING will be communicated to _________’s Contract Quality Assurance representative in writing. Notification of any revisions to batch numbering standard operating procedures affecting Product made for __________ will be provided under the change control requirements below.