Membership Sample Clauses
Membership. The Committee shall include nine (9) members - five (5) representatives from CUPE/SCFP and four (4) representatives from the CTA. Up to two (2) advisors from the Ministry of Education shall act in a resource capacity to the committee. Other persons may attend meetings in order to provide support and resources as mutually agreed. Up to one (1) representative from each of the four (4) employee bargaining agencies at the other education workers tables will be invited to participate on the Committee.
Membership. The Committee shall include four (4) representatives from CUPE/SCFP and four (4) representatives from the CTA. The parties may mutually agree to invite the Crown and/or other persons to attend meetings in order to provide support and resources as required. CUPE/SCFP and CTA representatives will each select one co-chair. The two Co-Chairs will govern the group’s agendas, work and meetings.
Membership. Membership in this cooperative requires all members to sign this Agreement. “
Membership. Membership in Sourcewell is open to public and nonprofit entities across the United States and Canada; such as municipal, state/province, K-12 and higher education, tribal government, and other public entities. The benefits of this Contract should be available to all Members that can legally access the Equipment, Products, or Services under this Contract. A Member’s authority to access this Contract is determined through its cooperative purchasing, interlocal, or joint powers laws. Any entity accessing benefits of this Contract will be considered a Service Member of Sourcewell during such time of access. Vendor understands that a Member’s use of this Contract is at the Member’s sole convenience and Members reserve the right to obtain like Equipment, Products, or Services from any other source. Vendor is responsible for familiarizing its sales and service forces with Sourcewell membership requirements and documentation and will encourage potential members to join Sourcewell. Sourcewell reserves the right to add and remove Members to its roster during the term of this Contract.
Membership. It shall be a condition of employment for all Nurses in the Bargaining Unit currently employed by the Employer and all new Nurses in the Bargaining Unit employed by the Employer that they take out and maintain membership in the Union.
Membership. All employees who are now members of the Union or who may become members, shall remain members in good standing as a condition of employment.
Membership. Membership in the Cooperative will be limited to school districts located within the boundaries of NWESD. All membership applications require submission of an appropriately completed Agreement, signed by the local school district Superintendent.
Membership. (a) The Council shall consist of 70 members of whom 12 shall be appointed to represent the employers and 58 to represent the employees.
(b) The Employers' representatives shall be appointed as follows: Local Government Association 9 representatives Welsh Local Government Association 1 representative Northern Ireland Local Government Association 1 representative National Association of Local Councils 1 representative
(c) The Trade Unions’ representatives shall be appointed as UNISON 31 representatives GMB Unite 16 representatives 11 representatives TOTAL 58 representatives NIPSA 1 observer These are the recognised trade unions for this agreement.
(d) If any of the bodies referred to in paragraphs (b) and (c) fail to appoint the number of representatives provided for by the constitution, such failure to appoint shall not invalidate the decisions of the Council
(e) In the event of any member of the Council or any of its committees being unable to attend any meeting, the body represented by such member shall be entitled to appoint another representative to attend as a substitute, provided that a substitute for a member of a committee shall be appointed only from amongst the remaining members of the Council
(f) The members of the Council shall retire on 30 September in each year and be eligible for re-appointment.
(g) On the occurrence of a vacancy, a new member shall be appointed by the body in whose representation the vacancy occurs and shall be a member until the end of the period for which the previous member was appointed.