EASEMENTS REQUIRED. In the case of private property, the consumer or prospective consumer must furnish necessary easements to enable the Cooperative to supply the service required to that consumer. The easements must be suitable for service installation and must allow the Cooperative’s distribution lines to cross the consumer’s and/or legal owner’s property. The Cooperative has the right to determine the location of the easement and the terms and conditions of the easement. In the absence of a binding written easement stating otherwise, the width of all Cooperative easements shall be ten (10) feet on either side of the centerline of the Cooperative’s facilities.
EASEMENTS REQUIRED. The customer must supply easements as required by the North Slope Borough.
EASEMENTS REQUIRED. The customer must supply easements as required by the North Slope BoroughBUECI for any authorized pipelines to the BUECI plant.
EASEMENTS REQUIRED. Developer shall record an Affidavit of Correction revising the Easement Details portions of CSM 14444 to indicate that all public sewer, public water and access easements shown on CSM 14444 shall benefit the Village of Windsor. The Village of Windsor and Village of XxXxxxxx may share nonexclusive rights to such easements. This Affidavit of Correction shall be recorded prior to any transfer of the property to any third party and prior to commencement of construction, and shall be in a form acceptable to the Village Attorney. The Village of Windsor may also require that separate easements confirming its rights be recorded, all in a form acceptable to the Village Attorney, and the Developer shall provide same to Windsor prior to connection of public water and sewer.