Effect of Federal Law. Both the Corporation and the Indemnitee acknowledge that in certain instances, federal law will override Delaware law and prohibit the Corporation from indemnifying its offices and directors. For example, the Corporation and Indemnitee acknowledge that the Securities and Exchange Commission has taken the position that indemnification is not permissible for liabilities arising under certain federal securities law, and federal law prohibits indemnification for certain violations of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended.
Effect of Federal Law. Both the Corporation and the Indemnitee acknowledge that in certain instances, federal law will override Nevada law and prohibit the Corporation from indemnifying its officers and directors. For example, the Corporation and Indemnitee acknowledge that the Securities and Exchange Commission has taken the position that indemnification is not permissible for liabilities arising under certain federal securities law, and federal law prohibits indemnification for certain violations of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended.
Effect of Federal Law. No benefits are payable under the Policy which would cause the Policy to fail to qualify as a Qualified Long-Term Care Insurance Contract under Sections 7702B(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. THE POLICY MAY NOT COVER ALL THE EXPENSES ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR LONG-TERM CARE NEEDS.
Effect of Federal Law. Both the Company and the Indemnitee acknowledge --------------------- that in certain instances, federal law will override New York law and prohibit the Corporation from indemnifying its offices and directors. For example, the Corporation and Indemnitee acknowledge that the Securities and Exchange Commission has taken the position that indemnification is not permissible for liabilities arising under certain federal securities law, and federal law prohibits indemnification for certain violations of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act.