ELECTION AND APPOINTMENT AND TERM OF OFFICE. The Corporation shall have such officers with such titles as shall be stated in a resolution of the Board, and with such duties as shall be given them as hereinafter provided or as may otherwise be specifically given them by the Board, but such officers shall include at least (a) a Chairman of the Board or one or more Vice-Chairmen of the Board or a President or one or more Vice Presidents, or any or all the foregoing, and (b) a Secretary or one or more Assistant Secretaries or a Treasurer or one or more Assistant Treasurers, or any or all of the foregoing. One of such officers shall have the duty to record the proceedings of the meetings of stockholders and directors in a book to be kept for that purpose. Any number of offices may be held by the same person except that at least one person who holds an office referred to in clause (a) of the second preceding sentence shall not be the same as at least one person who holds any office referred to in clause (b) of the second preceding sentence.
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ELECTION AND APPOINTMENT AND TERM OF OFFICE. (a) The officers of the Corporation may be a Chairman of the Board or Co-Chairmen, a President, such number, if any, of Vice Presidents (including Executive or Senior Vice Presidents) as the Board may from time to time determine, a Secretary and a Treasurer and such officers as the Board may from time to time determine. The Chairman of the Executive Committee may, if the Board of Directors so determines, be an officer of the Corporation. Each such officer shall be elected by the Board at its annual meeting or such other time as the Board shall determine, and shall serve at the discretion of the Board. Two or more offices may be held by the same person except that the same person shall not be both


  • Appointment and Term of Office The Officers shall be appointed by the Board of Directors at such time and for such term as the Board of Directors shall determine. Any Officer may be removed, with or without cause, only by the Board of Directors. Vacancies in any office may be filled only by the Board of Directors.

  • Election and Term of Office The officers of the Company shall be elected annually by the Board of Managers at the first meeting of the Board of Managers held after the annual meeting of Members. If the election of officers shall not be held at such meeting, such election shall be held as soon thereafter as convenient. Vacancies may be filled or new offices created and filled at any meeting of the Board of Managers. Each officer shall hold office until his successor shall have been duly elected and shall have qualified or until his death or until he shall resign or shall have been removed in the manner hereinafter provided.

  • Number, Election and Term of Office The Board of Directors shall consist of not fewer than one (1) or more than five (5) persons, or such other number as is fixed from time to time by the vote of a majority of the entire Board of Directors or by action of the Sole Member or Members of the Company. Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Sole Member or Members for a term of one year, and shall hold office until their successors are elected, or until their earlier death, resignation or removal as provided in this Agreement.

  • Term of Office of Trustees; Resignation and Removal (a) Each Trustee shall hold office during the existence of this Trust, and until its termination as herein provided unless such Trustee resigns or is removed as provided herein. Any Trustee may resign by notice to the Chairman, if any, the Vice Chairman, if any, the President or the Secretary and such resignation shall be effective upon such notice, or at a later date specified by such Trustee.

  • Designation and Appointment The Board may, from time to time, employ and retain Persons as may be necessary or appropriate for the conduct of the Company’s business (subject to the supervision and control of the Board), including employees, agents and other Persons (any of whom may be a Member or Director) who may be designated as Officers of the Company, with titles including but not limited to “chief executive officer,” “president,” “vice president,” “treasurer,” “secretary,” “general counsel” and “chief financial officer,” as and to the extent authorized by the Board. Any number of offices may be held by the same Person. In the Board’s discretion, the Board may choose not to fill any office for any period as it may deem advisable. Officers need not be residents of the State of Delaware or a Member. Any Officers so designated shall have such authority and perform such duties as the Board may, from time to time, delegate to them. The Board may assign titles to particular Officers. Each Officer shall hold office until his successor shall be duly designated and shall have qualified as an Officer or until his death or until he shall resign or shall have been removed in the manner hereinafter provided. The salaries or other compensation, if any, of the Officers of the Company shall be fixed from time to time by the Board.

  • Term of Office of Trustees The Board of Trustees shall be divided into three classes. Within the limits above specified, the number of the Trustees in each class and the class which each Trustee is assigned shall be determined by resolution of the Board of Trustees. The term of office of the first class shall expire on the date of the first annual meeting of Shareholders or special meeting in lieu thereof following the effective date of the Registration Statement. The term of office of the second class shall expire on the date of the second annual meeting of Shareholders or special meeting in lieu thereof following the effective date of the Registration Statement. The term of office of the third class shall expire on the date of the third annual meeting of Shareholders or special meeting in lieu thereof following the effective date of the Registration Statement. Upon expiration of the term of office of each class as set forth above, the number of Trustees in such class, as determined by the Board of Trustees, shall be elected for a term expiring on the date of the third annual meeting of Shareholders or special meeting in lieu thereof following such expiration to succeed the Trustees whose terms of office expire. The Trustees shall be elected at an annual meeting of the Shareholders or special meeting in lieu thereof called for that purpose, except as provided in Section 2.3 of this Article and each Trustee elected shall hold office until his successor shall have been elected and shall have qualified; except (a) that any Trustee may resign his trust (without need for prior or subsequent accounting) by an instrument in writing signed by him and delivered to the other Trustees, which shall take effect upon such delivery or upon such later date as is specified therein; (b) that any Trustee may be removed (provided the aggregate number of Trustees after such removal shall not be less than the number required by Section 2.2 hereof) for cause, at any time by written instrument, signed by the remaining Trustees, specifying the date when such removal shall become effective; and (c) that any Trustee who requests in writing to be retired or who has become incapacitated by illness or injury may be retired by written instrument signed by a majority of the other Trustees, and he shall execute and deliver such documents as the remaining Trustees shall require for the purpose of conveying to the Fund or the remaining Trustees any Fund property held in the name of the resigning or removed Trustee. Upon the incapacity or death of any Trustee, his legal representative shall execute and deliver on his behalf such document as the remaining Trustees shall require as provided in the preceding sentence.

  • Number and Term of Office The authorized number of directors of the corporation shall be fixed in accordance with the Certificate of Incorporation. Directors need not be stockholders unless so required by the Certificate of Incorporation. If for any cause, the directors shall not have been elected at an annual meeting, they may be elected as soon thereafter as convenient at a special meeting of the stockholders called for that purpose in the manner provided in these Bylaws.

  • Appointment of Officers The Trust may have one or more Officers who are hereby empowered to take and are responsible for performing all ministerial duties on behalf of the Trust pursuant to this Agreement and the other Operative Agreements, including, without limitation, the execution of the Officers’ Certificate (as defined in the Indenture), the Trust Order (as defined in the Indenture), the Trust Request (as defined in the Indenture), the annual compliance report required under Section 3.09 of the Indenture, and any annual reports, documents and other reports which the Trust is required to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Each of the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer, the President, each Senior Vice President and each Vice President of the Depositor is hereby appointed as an Officer of the Trust. The Depositor shall promptly deliver to the Owner Trustee and the Indenture Trustee a list of its officers who shall become the Officers of the Trust pursuant to this Section 11.01.

  • Resignation and Removal of Officers An officer may resign at any time by delivering notice to the Company. A resignation shall be effective when the notice is delivered unless the notice specifies a later effective date. If a resignation is made effective at a later date and the Company accepts the future effective date, the Board may fill the pending vacancy before the effective date if the Board provides that the successor shall not take office until the effective date. The Board may remove any officer at any time with or without cause.

  • Resignation and Appointment of Successor (a) The Company agrees, for the benefit of the holders from time to time of the Warrant Certificates, that there shall at all times be a Warrant Agent hereunder until all the Warrants have been exercised or are no longer exercisable.

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