Emergency Alerts Availability. If Member has a 24 hour dispatch center capable of receiving control data associated with all its Talkgroups, and Member can verify to MPSCS that it has the capacity to monitor and supervise the Emergency Alerts feature, Member may have the Emergency Alerts feature activated at no additional charge during a template reprogram. When this feature is activated, the Member must keep their RCM logged in and respond to Emergency Alerts in a timely manner. Additionally, Member must obtain, at its own expense, a license to operate its Radio Control Manager (RCM) from its equipment vendor in order to have this feature activated. The NCC cannot serve as back-up for monitoring Emergency Alerts if the Member chooses this feature.
Emergency Alerts Availability. If User Agency has a 24-hour dispatch center capable of receiving control data associated with all its talkgroups, and User Agency can verify to NJICS that it has the capacity to monitor and supervise the Emergency Alerts feature, User Agency may have the Emergency Alerts feature activated during a Template program. This can be accomplished either by an approved dispatch console or Radio Control Manager (RCM) directly connected to the System. When this feature is activated, the User Agency must keep their RCM logged in and respond to Emergency Alerts in a timely manner. Additionally, User Agency must obtain, at its own expense, a license to operate its Radio Control Manager (RCM) from its equipment vendor in order to have this feature activated. The NCC cannot serve as back-up for monitoring Emergency Alerts if the User Agency chooses this feature.