Examples of In a timely manner in a sentence
In a timely manner, the Contractor shall submit to NYSERDA’s Project Manager a brief report summarizing the issues discussed and decisions made, if any, during this meeting.
In a timely manner following the imposition of suspension, the principal or designee shall make a good faith effort to inform the student’s parent or guardian by telephone of the suspension and the reason such action was taken in a timely manner.
In a timely manner, to (i) the MRSB and (ii) the Trustee, notice of a failure by THDA to provide the Annual Financial Information set forth in (a) above within the time limit specified above.
In a timely manner before the bid submittal deadline, a potential bidder may request that the state or municipality modify the supplemental criteria.
In a timely manner, upon availability of the relevant greenhouse gas emissions data for a given year of the compliance period for the majority of Member States, the central administrator shall enter the total quantity of the relevant greenhouse gas emissions expressed in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent for each Member State in its ESD Compliance Account for that given compliance year.