Urgent Care This plan covers services received at an urgent care center. For other services, such as surgery or diagnostic tests, the amount that you pay is based on the type of service being provided. See Summary of Medical Benefits for details. Follow-up care (such as suture removal or wound care) should be obtained from your
Emergency Care If you need emergency care, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room. If you are traveling outside our service area and need urgent care, call the Customer Service number provided in the chart above or visit our website and use the “Find A Doctor” feature to find a BlueCard provider.
Patient Care Resident shall participate in safe, effective, and compassionate patient care, under supervision, commensurate with Resident's level of advancement and responsibility.
Office Visits (other than Preventive Care Services) This plan covers office and clinic visits to diagnose or treat a sickness or injury. Office visit copayments differ depending on the type of provider you see. This plan covers physician visits in your home if you have an injury or illness that: • confines you to your home; or • requires special transportation; and • because of this injury or illness, you are physically unable to travel to the provider’s
Child Care The County will continue to support the concept of non-profit child care facilities similar to the “Kid’s at Work” program established in the Public Works Department.
Preventive Care This plan covers preventive care as described below. “
Please see the current Washtenaw Community College catalog for up-to-date program requirements Conditions & Requirements
Hospice Care If you have a terminal illness and you agree with your physician not to continue with a curative treatment program, this plan covers hospice care services received in your home, in a skilled nursing facility, or in an inpatient facility.
Medical Care The Parents must comply with the School Welfare Officer's recommendations which may include a reasonable decision to release the Pupil home or to his / her education guardian when s/he is unwell.
Dental Care a. Dental Care for Members over age 19 is limited to the following: i. care and stabilization treatment rendered within 62 days of an Accidental Dental Injury provided such services are for the treatment of damage to Sound Natural Teeth; ii. extraction of teeth required prior to radiation therapy when you have a diagnosis of cancer of the head or neck. b. General anesthesia and hospitalization services are covered when required to assure the safe delivery of necessary dental treatment or surgery for a dental Condition which, if left untreated, is likely to result in a medical Condition if: i. a Member has one or more medical Conditions that would create significant or undue medical risk for the Member in the course of delivery of any necessary dental treatment or surgery if not rendered in a Hospital or Ambulatory Surgery Center; or ii. a Covered Dependent child is under eight years of age and it is determined by a licensed dentist and the Covered Dependent’s Attending Physician that dental treatment or surgery in a Hospital or Ambulatory Surgery Center is necessary due to a significantly complex dental Condition, or a developmental disability in which patient management in the dental office has proven to be ineffective.