Enrollment The Competitive Supplier shall be responsible for enrolling all Eligible Consumers through EDI transactions submitted to the LDC for all enrollments of Eligible Consumers during the term of this Agreement.
Enrollment Process The Department may, at any time, revise the enrollment procedures. The Department will advise the Contractor of the anticipated changes in advance whenever possible. The Contractor shall have the opportunity to make comments and provide input on the changes. The Contractor will be bound by the changes in enrollment procedures.
Notice of Enrollment Notice shall include a list of new employees represented by the Union scheduled to attend the NEO. If practical, the City agrees to provide additional identifying information including, but not limited to, classification and department. Six months from enactment, in the event the City is unable to provide classification and department information in the Notice of Enrollment, the Union can reopen this Agreement for the sole purpose of meeting and conferring over the identifying information provided in this Section II.C.3
Open Enrollment KFHPWA will allow enrollment of Subscribers and Dependents who did not enroll when newly eligible as described above during a limited period of time specified by the Group and KFHPWA.
Enrollment Requirements You must maintain with Blue Cross and Blue Shield a current and updated listing of covered employees. You will be responsible for all claims costs and expenses associated with failure to maintain an accurate and current listing with Blue Cross and Blue Shield, unless such claims costs and expenses are due to an error on Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s part. In order to maintain health care coverage with Blue Cross and Blue Shield, an employee must meet the written eligibility requirements (such as length of service, active employment and number of hours worked) you impose as long as they do not conflict with Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s eligibility requirements. An eligible employee as defined by Blue Cross and Blue Shield means: • A permanent full-time employee regularly working 30 hours or more each week at the employer’s usual place(s) of business and who is paid a salary or wage in accordance with state and federal wage requirements; or • A permanent part-time employee regularly working at least 20 hours but less than 30 hours each week at the employer’s usual place(s) of business and who is paid a salary or wage in accordance with state and federal wage requirements; or • A disabled permanent full-time or part-time employee who is actively working despite the disability (including one who is engaged in a trial work period) and a disabled employee who is not actively working but whom the employer treats as an employee; or • A former employee (or a former covered dependent of the employee of the group) who qualifies for continued group coverage under federal or state law, but only if the employer maintains Blue Cross and Blue Shield group coverage for permanent full-time employees as defined in (a) above; or • A retired employee of the employer. Newly hired employees who are eligible for group benefits can enroll in the benefits plan according to your eligibility requirements for coverage, provided that your requirements comply with Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s eligibility and enrollment requirements. The effective date of an eligible employee’s (or his or her dependent’s) membership in the benefits plan may be the Member’s initial eligibility date or your subsequent anniversary/renewal date, as long as: (a) Blue Cross and Blue Shield receives your written notice no later than 30 days after the Member’s enrollment notification period applicable to membership modifications (as described in the Subscriber Certificate for your benefits plan); and (b) you pay the applicable premium charges.
Enrollment Period Educational Support Professionals may elect to participate in the Career Transition Trust annually during a two (2) week enrollment period determined by the District, but that will occur no later than May 1st each year, provided they have met the eligibility requirements for participation in Subdivision. 2.
Special Enrollment a. KFHPWA will allow special enrollment for persons: 1) Who initially declined enrollment when otherwise eligible because such persons had other health care coverage and have had such other coverage terminated due to one of the following events: • Cessation of employer contributions. • Exhaustion of COBRA continuation coverage. • Loss of eligibility, except for loss of eligibility for cause. 2) Who initially declined enrollment when otherwise eligible because such persons had other health care coverage and who have had such other coverage exhausted because such person reached a lifetime maximum limit. KFHPWA or the Group may require confirmation that when initially offered coverage such persons submitted a written statement declining because of other coverage. Application for coverage must be made within 31 days of the termination of previous coverage. b. KFHPWA will allow special enrollment for individuals who are eligible to be a Subscriber and their Dependents (other than for nonpayment or fraud) in the event one of the following occurs: 1) Divorce or Legal Separation. Application for coverage must be made within 60 days of the divorce/separation. 2) Cessation of Dependent status (reaches maximum age). Application for coverage must be made within 30 days of the cessation of Dependent status. 3) Death of an employee under whose coverage they were a Dependent. Application for coverage must be made within 30 days of the death of an employee. 4) Termination or reduction in the number of hours worked. Application for coverage must be made within 30 days of the termination or reduction in number of hours worked. 5) Leaving the service area of a former plan. Application for coverage must be made within 30 days of leaving the service area of a former plan. 6) Discontinuation of a former plan. Application for coverage must be made within 30 days of the discontinuation of a former plan. c. KFHPWA will allow special enrollment for individuals who are eligible to be a Subscriber and their Dependents in the event one of the following occurs: 1) Marriage. Application for coverage must be made within 31 days of the date of marriage. 2) Birth. Application for coverage for the Subscriber and Dependents other than the newborn child must be made within 60 days of the date of birth. 3) Adoption or placement for adoption. Application for coverage for the Subscriber and Dependents other than the adopted child must be made within 60 days of the adoption or placement for adoption. 4) Eligibility for premium assistance from Medicaid or a state Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), provided such person is otherwise eligible for coverage under this EOC. The request for special enrollment must be made within 60 days of eligibility for such premium assistance. 5) Coverage under a Medicaid or CHIP plan is terminated as a result of loss of eligibility for such coverage. Application for coverage must be made within 60 days of the date of termination under Medicaid or CHIP. 6) Applicable federal or state law or regulation otherwise provides for special enrollment.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING REPAYMENT ELECTION FORM AND EXERCISING REPAYMENT OPTION Capitalized terms used and not defined herein have the meanings defined in the accompanying Repayment Election Form.
ENROLMENT For new hires, each Board shall distribute benefit communication material as provided by the Union to all new members within 15 to 30 days from their acceptance of employment.
Deferral Election A Participant may elect to defer all or a specified percentage of the Compensation earned in a Plan Year by such Participant for serving as a member of the Board of any Participating Fund or as a member of any committee or subcommittee thereof. Reimbursement of expenses of attending meetings of the Board, committees of the Board or subcommittees of such committees may not be deferred. Such election shall be made by executing before the first day of such Plan Year such election notice as the Administrator may prescribe; provided, however, that upon first becoming eligible to participate in the Plan by reason of appointment to a Board, a Participant may file a Deferral Election not later than 30 days after the effective date of such appointment, which election shall apply to Compensation earned in the portion of the Plan Year commencing the day after such election is filed and ending on the last day of such Plan Year.