ESTIMATED ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS. <TABLE> <CAPTION> Costs with ---------- Costs Margin ----- ------ <S> <C> <C> Management and Supervision $ [*] $ [*] Warehouse Labor $ [*] $ [*] Process Support Personnel $ [*] $ [*] Equipment $ [*] $ [*] Information Systems-Hardware $ [*] $ [*] Space - 50,000 sq. ft. $ [*] $ [*] Miscellaneous Storage $ [*] $ [*] Miscellaneous Handling $ [*] $ [*] Total Estimated Annual Operating Costs $ [*] $ [*] (Cost Plus) </TABLE> Accepted and agreed to by and between the parties set forth below: APL LOGISTICS AMERICAS, LTD F/K/A NETGEAR, INC. GATX LOGISTICS, INC. By: /s/ W. Xxxx Xxxxxx By: /s/ Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxx -------------------- --------------------- Name Printed: W. XXXX XXXXXX Name Printed: XXXXXX X. XXXXXXX Title: SR. MANAGING DIRECTOR-OPERATIONS Title: VP & CFO Date: 7-13-01 Date:7/12/01 13 <PAGE> CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUEST * Portions denoted with an asterisk have been omitted and filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to a request for confidential treatment. SCHEDULE "C" OPERATING PARAMETERS Attached to and made a part of the Warehousing Agreement (the "Agreement") dated as of July 5, 2001, by and between NETGEAR, Inc. ("NETGEAR") and APL LOGISTICS AMERICAS, LTD. F/K/A GATX LOGISTICS, INC. ("APLL"). 1)
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  • Total Operating Expenses All costs and expenses paid or incurred by the Company, as determined under GAAP, that are in any way related to the operation of the Company or its business, including the Advisory Fee, but excluding (i) the expenses of raising capital such as Organization and Offering Expenses, legal, audit, accounting, underwriting, brokerage, listing, registration, and other fees, printing and other such expenses and taxes incurred in connection with the issuance, distribution, transfer and registration of securities, (ii) interest payments, (iii) taxes, (iv) non-cash expenditures such as depreciation, amortization and bad debt reserves, (v) incentive fees paid in compliance with the NASAA REIT Guidelines; (vi) acquisition fees and Acquisition Expenses, (vii) real estate commissions on the sale of Real Property, and (viii) other fees and expenses connected with the acquisition, disposition, management and ownership of real estate interests, mortgages or other property (including the costs of foreclosure, insurance premiums, legal services, maintenance, repair, and improvement of property). The definition of “Total Operating Expenses” set forth above is intended to encompass only those expenses which are required to be treated as Total Operating Expenses under the NASAA REIT Guidelines. As a result, and notwithstanding the definition set forth above, any expense of the Company which is not part of Total Operating Expenses under the NASAA REIT Guidelines shall not be treated as part of Total Operating Expenses for purposes hereof. 2%/25% Guidelines. 2%/25% Guidelines shall have the meaning set forth in Section 13.

  • Limit on Operating Expenses The Advisor hereby agrees to limit the Fund’s current Operating Expenses to an annual rate, expressed as a percentage of the Fund’s average daily net assets for the month, to the amounts listed in Appendix A (the “Annual Limit”). In the event that the current Operating Expenses of the Fund, as accrued each month, exceed its Annual Limit, the Advisor will pay to the Fund, on a monthly basis, the excess expense within the first ten days of the month following the month in which such Operating Expenses were incurred (each payment, a “Fund Reimbursement Payment”).

  • Operating Costs The Assuming Institution agrees, during its period of use of any Leased Data Management Equipment, to pay to the Receiver or to appropriate third parties at the direction of the Receiver all operating costs with respect thereto and to comply with all relevant terms of any existing Leased Data Management Equipment leases entered into by the Failed Bank, including without limitation the timely payment of all rent, taxes, fees, charges, maintenance, utilities, insurance and assessments.

  • Operating Expenses Unless modified in accordance with Exhibit D, Landlord maintenance addendum, attached hereto, it is the intention of the parties and they hereby agree that this shall be a triple net Lease, and the Landlord shall have no obligation to provide any services, perform any acts or pay any expenses, charges, obligations or costs of any kind whatsoever with respect to the Premises, and Tenant hereby agrees to pay one hundred percent (100%) of any and all Operating Expenses as hereafter defined for the entire term of the Lease and any extensions thereof in accordance with specific provisions hereinafter set forth. The term Operating expenses shall include all costs to Landlord of operating and maintaining the Building and related parking areas, and shall include, without limitation, real estate and personal property taxes and assessments, management fee, heating, electricity, water, waste disposal, sewage, operating materials and supplies, service agreements and charges, lawn care, snow removal, restriping, repairs, repaving, cleaning and custodial, security, insurance, the cost of contesting the validity or applicability of any governmental acts which may affect operating expenses, and all other direct operating costs of operating and maintaining the Building and related parking areas, unless expressly excluded from operating expenses. Notwithstanding the foregoing, operating costs (and Tenant's obligations in relation thereto) shall not include (i) any expense chargeable to a capital account or capital improvement, ground leases; principal or interest payments on any mortgage or deed of trust on the premises; (ii) any amount for which Landlord is reimbursed through insurance, by third persons, or directly by other tenants of the premises, (iii) repair costs occasioned by fire, windstorm or other casualty, (iv) any construction, repair or maintenance expenses or obligations that are the sole responsibility of Landlord (not to be reimbursed by Tenant), (v) leasing commissions and other expenses incurred in connection with leasing any other area located on the premises to any other party, (vi) any expense representing an amount paid to an affiliate or subsidiary of Landlord which is in excess of the amount which would be paid in the absence of such relationship, and (vii) costs of items and services for which Tenant reimburses Landlord or pays third persons directly.

  • Operating Expenses and Taxes Lessee and Lessor acknowledge and agree that commencing with the Second Extended Lease Term and continuing with any Extended Lease Term validly exercised thereafter, (x) the Lease provisions relating to payment of Taxes and Operating Expenses shall be converted from a Base Year computation to a straight net basis computation, and (y) Lessee shall be assuming the obligation of maintenance and repair described in Paragraph 11 below. In connection with the conversion from a Base Year to a net lease and Lessee’s assumption of the maintenance and repair obligations described in Paragraph 11 below, Lessee and Lessor wish to modify the terms and provisions of the Lease relating to Operating Expenses to account for such modifications and Lessee’s assumption of such obligations. In connection with the foregoing, Lessee and Lessor hereby acknowledge and agree that commencing on January 1, 2013, (i) the MOU shall have no further force or effect with respect to all periods from and after January 1, 2013 (the MOU shall remain in effect with respect to periods on or before December 31, 2012, except as modified by Xxxxxxxxxx 00 xxx 00 xxxxx), (xx) notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Lease, Lessee’s obligations with respect to the payment of Lessee’s Percentage of Taxes and Lessee’s Percentage of Operating Expenses shall be computed without reference to a Base Year, with the effect that Lessee’s obligation for payment of Taxes during any Tax Year shall be payment of Lessee’s Percentage of the Taxes incurred with respect to such Tax Year and Lessee’s obligation for payment of Operating Expenses during any Lease Year for Operating Expenses shall be payment of Lessee’s Percentage of the Operating Expenses incurred with respect to such Lease Year for Operating Expenses, and (iii) Article 5 of the Original Lease shall be deleted in its entirety with respect to all periods from and after January 1, 2013 and replaced with the provisions of this Paragraph 10.

  • Annual Operating Budget Manager shall, on or before December 20 in each calendar year during the Term, deliver to Licensee for Licensee’s approval, an annual operating budget for the Licensed Facility for the next calendar year (the “Annual Operating Budget”) which shall include separate line items for Capital Replacements and set forth an estimate, on a monthly basis, of Gross Revenues and Licensed Facility Expenses, together with an explanation of anticipated changes to Resident charges, payroll rates and positions, non-wage cost increases, the proposed methodology and formula employed by Manager in allocating shared Licensed Facility Expenses, and all other factors differing from the then current calendar year. The Annual Operating Budget shall be accompanied by a narrative description of operating objectives and assumptions. If Licensee does not approve an Annual Operating Budget or any portion thereof, it shall do so, to the extent practicable, on a line item basis. Manager and Licensee shall cooperate to resolve disputed items, provided if the Annual Operating Budget is not approved by Licensee within thirty (30) days of Licensee’s receipt, Manager shall operate under the expired Annual Operating Budget until a new Annual Operating Budget is approved, provided that line items for Impositions, insurance premiums and utilities shall be the amounts actually incurred for such items. If agreement on the Annual Operating Budget cannot be reached within forty-five (45) days of Licensee’s receipt (which time may be extended upon mutual agreement of the parties), the matter shall be resolved by arbitration. The Annual Operating Budget as approved by Licensee, or as resolved by arbitration, will be the “Approved Budget” for the applicable calendar year. Manager will obtain Licensee’s prior approval for any expenditure which will, or is reasonably expected to, result in a variance of 5% or more of any Approved Budget. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, Licensee shall retain independent approval of all operating and capital budgets and Manager’s authority to make expenditures and to incur obligations on behalf of the Licensed Facility shall be at all times subject to and limited by Licensee’s independent authority over the same.

  • Operating Expense Payments Landlord shall deliver to Tenant a written estimate of Operating Expenses for each calendar year during the Term (the “Annual Estimate”), which may be revised by Landlord from time to time during such calendar year. During each month of the Term, on the same date that Base Rent is due, Tenant shall pay Landlord an amount equal to 1/12th of Tenant’s Share of the Annual Estimate. Payments for any fractional calendar month shall be prorated.

  • Tenant’s Share of Operating Expenses Tenant shall pay Tenant’s Share of Operating Expenses in the respective shares of the respective categories of Operating Expenses as set forth below.

  • Statement of Actual Direct Expenses and Payment by Tenant Landlord shall give to Tenant within five (5) months following the end of each Expense Year, a statement (the “Statement”) which shall state the Direct Expenses incurred or accrued for such preceding Expense Year, and which shall indicate the amount of Tenant’s Share of Direct Expenses. Upon receipt of the Statement for each Expense Year commencing or ending during the Lease Term, Tenant shall pay, with its next installment of Base Rent due that is at least thirty (30) days thereafter, the full amount of Tenant’s Share of Direct Expenses for such Expense Year, less the amounts, if any, paid during such Expense Year as “Estimated Direct Expenses,” as that term is defined in Section 4.4.2, below, and if Tenant paid more as Estimated Direct Expenses than the actual Tenant’s Share of Direct Expenses, Tenant shall receive a credit in the amount of Tenant’s overpayment against Rent next due under this Lease. The failure of Landlord to timely furnish the Statement for any Expense Year shall not prejudice Landlord or Tenant from enforcing its rights under this Article 4. Even though the Lease Term has expired and Tenant has vacated the Premises, when the final determination is made of Tenant’s Share of Direct Expenses for the Expense Year in which this Lease terminates, Tenant shall immediately pay to Landlord such amount, and if Tenant paid more as Estimated Direct Expenses than the actual Tenant’s Share of Direct Expenses, Landlord shall, within thirty (30) days, deliver a check payable to Tenant in the amount of the overpayment. The provisions of this Section 4.4.1 shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease Term.

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