Exceptional Items Sample Clauses

Exceptional Items. When exceptional items of income and expense are material, their nature and amount is disclosed separately, either on the face of the Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement or in the Notes to the Accounts, depending on how significant the items are to an understanding of the council’s financial performance.
Exceptional Items. A fully taxable, lump-sum, gross payment equal to one (1) month’s base salary, to a maximum of $ 40,000. These funds may be used by the associate to facilitate and expedite his family’s relocation and unlike all other aspects of this program; payments made under this provision need not be supported by specific receipts but will, instead, be considered a “Miscellaneous Relocation Allowance” that will be issued within 30 days from the date when the associate establishes a permanent domicile in his/her new location.
Exceptional Items. If, where Service Line 21 (Emergency Services) is invoked by the Executive Committee, the Settlement System Administrator shall necessarily incur additional costs in running the Settlement Business during a Security Period, those costs shall be regarded as beyond the control of the Settlement System Administrator and the Settlement System Administrator may recover the same, together with an administration charge of 2.5 per cent., as if they were Third Party Costs (but shall not have the right to recover the Handling Charge in respect thereof) provided that such costs have been verified as additional costs by the Settlement System Administrator's auditors. Pool Members shall be obliged to pay the actual amount of such costs and all reasonable costs of the Settlement System Administrator's auditors in verifying the same.
Exceptional Items. The results of the Company ended on the Balance Sheet Date as shown by the audited accounts and the trend of the results thereby shown have not (except (i) as fairly disclosed in such accounts; or (ii) in the case of transactions between the Company and the Affiliate of the Vendors, as fairly reflected in such accounts) been materially affected by changes or inconsistencies in accounting practices, by the inclusion of non-recurring items of income or expenditure, by transactions of an abnormal or unusual nature or entered into otherwise than on normal commercial terms.
Exceptional Items net earnings and losses of any Subsidiary of the Original Borrower accrued prior to the date it became such a Subsidiary;
Exceptional Items. In addition to the increase in the Price for *** Product pursuant to Clauses 1.1 to 1.5 inclusive, additional alterations shall be made to the Price for each Batch of Product to cover: (a) exceptional items of cost of raw materials or utilities other than equipment and capital cost items are demonstrated to the reasonable satisfaction of Customer and such exceptional costs are agreed in advance as being incurred in the provision of the Services by LB or (b) capital items that may be required due to change in process or specifications that are initiated by Customer (which shall be paid for by Customer) and changes in FDA or other regulatory guidelines which may require capital expenditure specifically for the manufacture of Product (which shall be paid for by Customer). No other capital equipment charges shall be paid for by Customer.
Exceptional Items. None of the Last Accounts or the Management Accounts contain any Exceptional Items that have not been Fairly Disclosed to the Purchaser.
Exceptional Items. The profits of the Company for the three years ended on the Balance Sheet Date as shown by the Audited Accounts and by the audited accounts of the Company for previous periods delivered to the Purchaser and the trend of profits thereby shown have not (except as disclosed in such accounts) been affected by inconsistencies in accounting practices or by the inclusion of non-recurring items of income or expenditure or by transactions entered into otherwise than on normal commercial terms.
Exceptional Items. The results shown by the Accounts were not materially affected by: 8.3.1 transactions of a nature not usually undertaken by the Company; 8.3.2 transactions or circumstances of an extraordinary, exceptional or non-recurring nature; or 8.3.3 charges or credits relating to prior or subsequent financial periods.
Exceptional Items. Save as disclosed in the Accounts the results shown by the Accounts were not materially affected by: 8.2.1 transactions of a nature not usually undertaken by the Company; 8.2.2 transactions or circumstances of an extraordinary, exceptional or non-recurring nature; 8.2.3 any change in the accounting policies or practices from those applied in the preparation of previous audited financial statements of the Company.