Exemption and Indemnification Sample Clauses

Exemption and Indemnification. 4.1 The Parties acknowledge that in no event shall the WFOE be liable to or be required to compensate financially or in any other aspect, any other party or any third party for any exercise of the Entrusted Rights by the person designated by the WFOE. 4.2 Each of Shareholders and the Company agree to hold the WFOE harmless and compensate the WFOE for all losses suffered or likely to suffered in connection with designating the Trustee to exercise the Entrusted Rights, including but not limited to, any loss resulting from any litigation, demand, arbitration or claim initiated by any third party, and any loss resulting from administrative investigation or penalty by governmental authorities. Nevertheless, losses suffered as a result of the intentional misconduct or gross negligence of the Trustee shall not be indemnified.
Exemption and Indemnification. 4.1 The Parties acknowledge that the Sole Corporation shall not be required to be liable for any responsibility to other parties or any third party or compensate in economic or other aspect due to the exercise of Delegated Right by Assignee under this Agreement. 4.2 The Shareholders and the Company agree to indemnify in full and hold harmless the Sole Corporation for any loss incurred or likely to incur by appointing the Assignee to exercise the Delegated Right, including but not limited to any loss caused by lawsuit, recovery, arbitration, claim bring by any third party against it or administrative investigation, punishment made by government departments, unless such loss is resulting from wilful misconduct or gross negligence of the Assignee.
Exemption and Indemnification. 3.1 The Parties acknowledge that the WFOE and/or the Designee shall not be required to take any responsibility in whatever nature or make any economic or other indemnification to any Party hereto as a result of exercise of the Entrusted Rights hereunder. 3.2 The Target Shareholder and the Target agree to indemnify and hold harmless the WFOE and/or the Designee against all losses which it suffers in connection with exercise of the Entrusted Rights, including but not limited to any litigation, allegation or claim initiated by any third party, and losses from administrative investigation or penalty by government authorities. However, losses suffered as a result of the intentional misconduct or gross negligence of the WFOE and/or the Designee shall not be indemnified.
Exemption and Indemnification. 4.1 The Parties acknowledge that the WFOE shall not be required to be liable to other Parties or any third party or make any economic or any other indemnifications with respect to the exercise of the Entrusted Rights hereunder by the WFOE or the individual or the company appointed by the WFOE. 4.2 The Company and Shareholder agree to compensate the WFOE for the loss or potential loss of the WFOE in connection with the Assignee’s exercise of the Entrusted Rights, and preclude the WFOE from any harm, including but not limited to, any loss arising from any litigation, demand, arbitration or claim initiated by any third party, and any loss arising from administrative investigation or penalty by governmental authorities against the WFOE. However, any losses caused by intentional or gross negligence of the WFOE shall not be covered by the indemnifications.
Exemption and Indemnification. 4.1 The Parties acknowledge that, in no circumstance, the Agent shall be required to be liable for or make any economic or other indemnification to any other Party hereto or any third party as a result of the exercise of the Entrusted Rights hereunder. 4.2 The Company and the Shareholder agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Agent against all losses which it suffers or may suffer in connection with the Agent’s exercise of the Entrusted Rights, including but not limited to, any loss resulting from any litigation, demand, arbitration, claim initiated by any third party against them, and losses from administrative investigation or penalty by government authorities. However, losses suffered as a result of the intentional misconduct or gross negligence of the Agent shall not be indemnified.
Exemption and Indemnification. 4.1 The Parties acknowledge that in no circumstance shall Party A be required to be liable to or make any economic or other compensations to other parties or any third party for the Trustee’s exercise of the Authorized Rights hereunder. 4.2 Party B agrees to indemnify and hold Party A and the Trustee harmless for and against any and all losses that they have suffered or may suffer due to their exercise of the Authorized Rights hereunder, including but not limited to any losses resulting from any lawsuit, demand, arbitration or claim initiated by any third party against them and administrative investigation or penalty imposed upon them by government authorities, except for any such losses caused by willful misconduct or gross negligence of Party A and/or the Trustee, which shall not be indemnified.
Exemption and Indemnification. 3.1 各方认可,在任何情况下,乙方不应就其指定的个人行使本协议项下委托权利而被要求对其他方或任何第三方承担任何责任或做出任何经济上的或其他方面的补偿。 The Parties acknowledge that under no circumstances shall Party B be required to assume any liability or make any economic compensation or compensation in other aspects to the other Parties or to any third party in respect of the exercise of the Entrusted Rights under this Agreement by the Designees of Party B. 3.2 甲方和丙方同意补偿乙方因指定受托人行使委托权利而蒙受或可能蒙受的一切损失并使其不受损害,包括但不限于因任何第三方向乙方提出诉讼、仲裁、追讨、索赔或政府机关的行政调查、 处罚而引起的任何损失。但如系由于受托人故意或严重过失而引起的损失,则该等损失不在补偿之列。 Party A and Party C agree to indemnify and hold harmless Party B against all actual or potential losses arising from the exercise of the Entrusted Rights by the Designees, including without limitation any loss arising out of litigations, arbitrations, pursuits for recovery or claims initiated by any third party against Party B, or administrative investigations or penalties by governmental authorities, except for those losses resulting from the willful conduct or gross negligence of the Designees of Party B.
Exemption and Indemnification. 4.1. The Parties acknowledge that in no event shall the Wholly-owned Company be liable to or be required to compensate financially or in any other aspect, any other party or any third party for any exercise of the Entrusted Rights by the person designated by the Wholly-owned Company. 4.2. The Domestic-funded Company agrees to hold the Wholly-owned Company harmless and compensate the Wholly-owned Company for all losses suffered or likely to be suffered in connection with designating the Proxy to exercise the Entrusted Rights, including but not limited to, any loss resulting from any litigation, demand, arbitration or claim initiated by any third party, and any loss resulting from administrative investigation or penalty by governmental authorities. However, losses suffered as a result of the intentional misconduct or gross negligence of the Proxy shall not be indemnified.
Exemption and Indemnification. The Target Company and the Shareholders agree to hold the WFOE and the Proxy harmless and compensate the WFOE and the Proxy for all losses suffered or likely to be suffered by them in connection with the Proxy’s exercise of the Entrusted Rights, including but not limited to, any loss resulting from any litigation, demand, arbitration or claim initiated by any third party against them, and any loss resulting from administrative investigation or penalty by governmental authorities. However, losses suffered as a result of the intentional misconduct or gross negligence of the WFOE or the Proxy shall not be indemnified.
Exemption and Indemnification. 4.1 The Parties acknowledge that if any entity/individual designated by the Trustee exercises its Entrusted Rights under this Agreement, the Trustee shall not be liable to or be required to compensate financially any other party or any third party for exercising the Entrusted Rights by such entity/individual designated by the Trustee. 4.2 Party C agrees to hold the Trustee harmless and compensate the Trustee for all losses suffered or likely to suffered in connection with designating the Trustee to exercise the Entrusted Rights, including but not limited to, any loss resulting from any litigation, demand, arbitration or claim initiated by any third party, and any loss resulting from administrative investigation or penalty by governmental authorities. Nevertheless, losses suffered as a result of the intentional misconduct or gross negligence of the Trustee shall not be indemnified.