Final Result Sample Clauses
Final Result. Input for the Detailed Brief and input for the Master Plan. Discussion during the workshop. This workshop is a 3-hour interactive videoconference meeting with the JFMED CU project team, some additional employees, and the architect. During the workshop the JFMED CU project team makes decisions and choices concerning the outpatient departments.
Final Result. Suggestions and improvements for the Master Plan. o Study and functional – spatial review the concept of the floorplans of the Master Plan. o Videoconference meeting for discussion and questions-answers, to improve the Master Plan.
Final Result. The final result is a concept functional and spatial brief, with: o Functional principles per department: short description of how the department functions. o Roomlist of the functions / departments: number and type of rooms, m2 and requirements per particular rooms. o Write concept functional and spatial brief, based on the outcome of the workshops and XXX expert advice. o Consult with JFMED CU by email.
Final Result. The final result is a finalized Detailed Brief. o Adjust and finalize the Detailed Brief. o Approval of the document by JFMED CU.
Final Result. The final result is: o Answered questionnaire with the (preliminary) leading principles of the new hospital. o Production data and benchmarks to be able to calculate capacities. The JFMED CU project team is responsible for most of the preparation in this step. The approach is written communication and a future hospital site visit. The activities are given below.
Final Result. The mean smoke values (SV) from each cycle (test speed) must be calculated as follows: For test speed A: SVA = (Ymax1,A + Ymax2,A + Y max3,A) / 3 For test speed B: SVB = (Ymax1,B + Ymax2,B + Y max3,B) / 3 For test speed C: SVC = (Ymax1,C + Ymax2,C + Y max3,C) / 3 where: Ymax1, Ymax2, Ymax3 = highest 1 s Bessel averaged smoke value at each of the three load steps The final value must be calculated as follows: SV = (0.43 * SVA) + (0.56 * SVB) + (0.01 * SVC)
Final Result. The final result is a list of the capacities of the new hospital per function, in concept. This gives also a complete list of all functions (departments) of the new hospital. It is input for the Overall requirements.
Final Result. The final result is a concept functional and spatial brief for inpatient and outpatient departments, with: o Elaborate descriptions and schemes of the functional principles, per department. This is for good understanding of how the department functions and the processes fit into the building. o Roomlist of inpatient and outpatient departments: number and type of rooms, m2 and requirements per particular room. o Write concept functional and spatial brief, based on the outcome of the workshops and XXX expert advice. o Consult with JFMED CU by email.
Final Result. The final result is a list/overview of the functions, capacities and m2 per functions and of the total building. The bandwidth of the m2 in this phase is 10% on the total size of the building. The XXX advisors calculate the m2 based on the capacities and attune with the JFMED CU project team when necessary.
Final Result. The final result is a final list of the functions and the capacities per function of the new hospital. It is input for the Overall requirements. Review the preliminary list of capacities and functions, based on expertise and/or benchmarks. This can be done by the JFMED CU project team and/or by the advisors. The activities of the advisors: o Review: activities to be agreed on in a later stage. The activities of the project team: o Determine definitive functions and capacities. XXX proposes to agree on an ‘advisory budget’ which will only be used if XXX advisors do a review and/or benchmark. This way, it is up to JFMED CU if or when this review or benchmark is desired. Also other additional advisory works can be performed within this budget.