Findings and Decision. After completion of the hearing the Board shall issue a written decision on the matter. Unless the decision provides otherwise, it shall be effective immediately. Notice of the decision shall be mailed promptly to the employee or his/her counsel or representative. Except for the correction of clerical error, such decision shall be final and conclusive, subject to established rights of judicial review.
Findings and Decision. Upon completion of the hearing, Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law shall be signed and filed by the Governing Board, which shall constitute its decision. If the hearing is not before a quorum of the Governing Board, written findings and conclusions shall be submitted by the Hearing Board to the Governing Board for its approval. If the Governing Board accepts such findings and conclusions, it need not read the record of the hearing; if it declines to accept such findings and conclusions, it must read the record or hold a new hearing, after which it may adopt the findings and conclusions made by the Hearing Board, or make its own findings and conclusions. Unless the decision provides otherwise, it shall be effective immediately. Notice of the decision shall be mailed promptly to the employee or his/her counsel or representative. Except for the correction of clerical error, such decision shall be final and conclusive, subject only to judicial review.
Findings and Decision. Upon completion of the hearing, a written decision shall be issued by the Board. If the hearing is before a Hearing Officer, the Hearing Officer shall prepare written findings and recommendations to be submitted to the Board for its approval. If the Board accepts the findings and conclusions of the Hearing Officer, it need not review the record of the hearing. If the Board declines to accept the findings and conclusions of the Hearing Officer, it shall review the record or provide for an additional opportunity to be heard. The Board may then adopt the findings and conclusions of the Hearing Officer or make its own findings and conclusions.
Findings and Decision. Upon completion of the hearing, written Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions shall be signed and filed with the Governing Board by the Hearing Officer which shall constitute his/her decision. If the Governing Board adopts the Hearing Officer's findings and conclusions, it need not review the record of the hearing; if it declines to accept the findings and conclusions, it must review the record or provide for an additional opportunity to be heard, after which it may adopt the findings and conclusions made by the Hearing Officer, or adopt its own findings and conclusions. Unless the decision provides otherwise, it shall be effective immediately. Notice of the decision adopted by the Governing Board shall be mailed promptly to the employee or the employee's counsel or representative. Except for the correction of clerical error, the decision shall be final and conclusive.
Findings and Decision. Upon completion of the hearing, a written decision shall be signed and filed by the Governing Board, which shall constitute its decision. If the hearing is not before the Governing Board, written findings and recommendations shall be submitted by the Hearing Officer to the Governing Board for its approval. If the Governing Board accepts such findings and conclusions, it need not read the record of the hearing; if it declines to accept such findings and conclusions, it must review the record or provide for an additional opportunity to be heard, after which it may adopt the findings and conclusions made by the Hearing Officer, or make its own findings and conclusions.
Findings and Decision. Upon completion of the hearing, Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law shall be signed and filed by the Hearing Officer, which shall constitute his/her decision. Written findings and conclusions shall be submitted by the Hearing Officer to the Personnel Officer/City Administrator and to the employee or his/her counsel or representative.
Findings and Decision. 1) If the hearing is delegated, the designee shall submit a written recommended decision to the Board of Education which shall include proposed findings of fact and determination of issues. A copy of the recommended decision shall be sent to the employee.
2) If the hearing is delegated, prior to making a final decision on a recommended decision, the Board of Education shall afford the employee the opportunity to present written arguments to it on the sufficiency of cause for disciplinary action. The Board is not required to hold another hearing or receive oral argument.
3) The Board of Education may accept, reject, or modify the recommended decision. Should the Board reject or modify the recommended decision, it shall first review the record of the hearing. Any modified decision shall include finding of fact and determination of issues by the Board of Education.
4) If the Board conducts the hearing itself, a written decision shall be prepared including findings of fact and determination of issues.
Findings and Decision. 22 Upon completion of the hearing, findings of fact and conclusions of law shall be signed and 23 filed by the Hearing Officer, which shall constitute his advisory decision. Written findings 24 and conclusions shall be submitted by the Hearing Officer to the Governing Board through 25 the Superintendent of Schools for its approval. If the Governing Board accepts such 26 findings and conclusions, it need not read the record of the hearing; if it declines to accept 27 such findings and conclusions, it must read the record or hold a new hearing, after which it 28 may adopt the findings and conclusions made by the Hearing Officer, or make its findings 29 and conclusions. Unless the decision of the Board of Education provides otherwise, it shall 30 be effective immediately. Notice of the decision shall be mailed promptly to the employee 31 or his/her counsel or representative. Except for the correction of clerical error, such 32 decision of the Governing Board shall be final and conclusive.
Findings and Decision. 1967 Upon completion of the hearing, written 1968 Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions 1969 shall be signed and filed with the Governing 1970 Board by the arbitrator, which shall 1971 constitute his/her decision. If the Governing 1972 Board adopts the arbitrator’s findings and 1973 conclusions, it need not review the record of 1974 the hearing; if it declines to accept the 1975 findings and conclusions, it must review the 1976 record or provide for an additional 1977 opportunity to be heard, after which it may 1978 adopt the findings and conclusions made by 1979 the arbitrator, or adopt its own findings and 1980 conclusions.
Findings and Decision. 2028 Upon completion of the hearing, written 2029 Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions 2030 shall be signed and filed with the Governing 2031 Board by the arbitrator, which shall 2032 constitute his/her decision. If the Governing 2033 Board adopts the arbitrator’s findings and 2034 conclusions, it need not review the record of 2035 the hearing; if it declines to accept the 2036 findings and conclusions, it must review the 2037 record or provide for an additional 2038 opportunity to be heard, after which it may 2039 adopt the findings and conclusions made by 2040 the arbitrator, or adopt its own findings and 2041 conclusions.