The Governing Board. A. The Governing Board shall be composed of one member of the Board of Education from each of the member districts. Each member district Board of Education shall select a member to represent their district on the NDSEC Governing Board and an alternate member for the NDSEC Governing Board. The alternate member shall exercise all rights and perform all duties, including attending meetings and voting, of the member whenever the member is unable to do so. Method for selection of Governing Board members and alternate members shall be at the discretion of each local Board of Education. Governing Board members’ length of terms shall be for two years. To facilitate Board continuity, five member districts shall be appointed for terms ending on odd years, and four member districts shall be appointed for terms ending on even years. Terms of Board of Education members of Districts 4, 7, 11, 13 and 100 shall end in May of odd-numbered years; terms of Board of Education members of Districts 2, 10, 12 and 108 shall end in May of even-numbered years.
The Governing Board. If you have any questions pertaining to the Rules and Regulations or Discipline Process, please call Transportation at 686-7733.
The Governing Board. A. The Governing Board shall be composed of one member of the Board of Education from each of the member districts. Each member district Board of Education shall select a member to represent their district on the NDSEC Governing Board and an alternate member for the NDSEC Governing Board. The alternate member shall exercise all rights and perform all duties, including attending meetings and voting, of the member whenever the member is unable to do so. Method for selection of Governing Board members and alternate members shall be at the discretion of each local Board of Education. Governing Board members’ length of terms shall be for two years. To facilitate Board continuity, five member districts shall be appointed for terms ending on odd years, and four member districts shall be appointed for terms ending on even years. Terms of Board of Education members of Districts 4, 7, 11, 13 and 100 shall end in May of odd-numbered years; terms of Board of Education members of Districts 2, 10, 12 and 108 shall end in May of even-numbered years.
B. The Governing Board shall seat new members and shall organize each year at the May meeting, electing a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson and appointing a Secretary. It shall also adopt and publish a calendar of meeting dates for the ensuing year.
C. The Governing Board shall meet regularly in March, May and August, and special meetings may be called at the request of the Chairperson or any four members of the Governing Board.
D. The duties and responsibilities of the Governing Board shall be as follows:
1. Shall be the final authority for NDSEC and shall conduct the affairs of NDSEC under the statutory authority granted in the Illinois School Code.
2. Shall serve as Administrative Agent for NDSEC, acting on behalf of member districts who shall grant such authority by resolution of each member district Board of Education.
3. Shall adopt the annual budget, but may not levy taxes nor authorize incurring of indebtedness which exceeds the annual budget.
4. Shall set policies which govern NDSEC.
5. Xxxxx vote on proposed amendments to these Articles of Agreement.
6. Shall delegate operational responsibilities to the Operational Board to conduct the business of the organization.
7. Xxxxx approve employment and termination of employment of the Director, as well as termination of employment of all other personnel upon recommendation of the Operational Board.
8. Shall approve establishment of all NDSEC programs and services, upon rec...
The Governing Board. 1. The Governing Board shall be made up of three representatives of the Instituto de Xxxxx Xxxxxx XXX and an institutional representative for each of the institutions in the consortium, designated by their senior authorities. In any cases of absence or illness, and in general on any justified grounds, the members of the Governing Board shall be substituted by the persons expressly delegated their representation by the consortium institutions. No member of the CIBER research groups shall be allowed to be a representative by delegation of the consortium institution.
2. The Governing Board shall be made up of three representatives of the Instituto de Xxxxx Xxxxxx XXX and an institutional representative for each of the institutions in the consortium, appointed by their senior authorities. The President of the Governing Board shall be entitled to veto any strategic agreements in the economic field covered in sections f), g) and p) of Article 6.1, pursuant to his or her status as promoter of the consortium and as laid down in Article 1.
3. Unless expressly designated by the President, the Vice-President of the Governing Board shall be the Assistant Director General for Cooperative Research and Networks Centres of the Instituto de Xxxxx Xxxxxx XXX, who shall stand in for the President in any unavoidable absence. The Vice- President shall carry out the functions entrusted to him or her by the President.
The Governing Board. 18.1 The Governing Board shall be the strategy and policy-making body of the IILM.
18.2 The Governing Board shall comprise members which fulfills the following criteria (hereinafter referred to as ―Eligible Member‖):
(a) A central bank, a monetary authority or a governmental ministry or agency that has regulatory oversight on finance or trade and commerce, where –
(i) International sovereign rating of the country of the member shall be at least rated B or equivalent given by an internationally recognised rating agency or where the country is not rated, the country‘s public debt level is low according to indicators set by leading international bodies such as the International Monetary Fund or the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. In case more than one sovereign rating is assigned, the lowest rating shall be applicable;
(ii) The country of the member has no major issues in relation to compliance with the core recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, and
(iii) If there is more than one Eligible Member from the same country, then only the member that is responsible for the provision of liquidity support to IIFS among the Eligible Members from the same country shall become a member of the Governing Board; or
(b) An international multilateral organization which has a specific mandate to develop, promote or xxxxxx cooperation in Islamic finance.
18.3 For the first ten (10) years of the establishment of the IILM, the membership of the Governing Board shall consist of up to fifteen
The Governing Board. 7.1. The Centre shall be guided and supervised by a Governing Board renewed every two years composed of:
(a) the President of IPHAN or his/her appointed representative as representative of the Brazilian government;
(b) representatives of all Participant States, which have sent the Centre a notification for membership;
(c) a representative of the Director-General of UNESCO; Other participants: (without vote)
(d) the President of Instituto Xxxxx Xxxxxx de Conservação da Biodiversidade, ICMBio, or his/her appointed representative;
(e) one representative from the Ministry of Culture of Brazil;
(f) one representative from the Ministry of External Relations of Brazil;
(g) one representative from the Brazilian Cooperation Agency - ABC; and
(h) the Director of the Centre.
7.2. The Governing Board shall:
(a) approve the long-term and medium-term programmes of the Centre;
(b) approve the annual work plan of the Centre, including the staffing table;
(c) examine the annual reports submitted by the director of the Centre, including biennial self- assessment reports of the Centre’s contribution to UNESCO’s programme objectives;
(d) examine the periodic independent audit reports of the financial statements of the Centre and monitor the provision of such accounting records necessary for the preparation of financial statements;
(e) adopt the rules and regulations and determine the financial, administrative and personnel management procedures for the Centre in accordance with the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil;
(f) decide on the participation of regional intergovernmental organizations and international organizations in the work of the Centre.
7.3. The Governing Board shall meet in ordinary session at regular intervals, at least once every calendar year; it shall meet in extraordinary session if convened by its Chairperson, either on his/her own initiative or at the request of the Director-General of UNESCO or of one third of its members.
7.4. The Governing Board shall adopt its own rules of procedure. For its first meeting the procedure shall be established by the Government and UNESCO.
The Governing Board. If you have any questions pertaining to the Rules and Regulations or Discipline Process, please call Transportation at 686-7733. District programs and activities shall be free from discrimination, including harassment, intimidation and bullying based on a student’s actual or perceived disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race, ethnicity, color, ancestry, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital or parental status, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. The district has a policy of nondiscrimination in accordance with federal law and Title IX, and also prohibits sexual harassment of or by any student or by anyone in or from the district. More detailed information regarding the district’s prohibition of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying or the prohibition against sexual harassment is contained in the district’s Parent & Student Handbook and is also available on the district’s website. Parents, students and staff should immediately report incidents of alleged discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying or sexual harassment to the Principal or designee. Students, parents, guardians or any other individuals having questions or concerns or who may wish to file a complaint are urged to first contact the Principal or designee, but if your concerns are not resolved, you may also contact the Associate Superintendent for Human Resources, at (000) 000-0000, for matters involving a potential complaint or concern regarding a district employee. You may contact the Associate Superintendent for Pre-K-6 Education, at (000) 000-0000 regarding a potential complaint or concern related to a PreK-6 student (or students); and you may contact the Associate Superintendent for Secondary Education, at (000) 000-0000, regarding a potential complaint or concern related to a student (or students) in grades 7-12. No one shall be retaliated against for reporting any incident of alleged discrimination or harassment, and complainants’ identities will be kept confidential to the extent practical in the course of investigating the incidents of alleged discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying or sexual harassment. Pursuant to California Education Code section 221.5, a pupil shall be permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs and activities, including athletic teams and competitions, and use facilities consistent with his or her gender ident...
The Governing Board. Powers
(a) decide all matters relating to the strategies and policies to be undertaken by the IILM in attaining its objectives, carrying out its functions or exercising its powers;
(b) approve the general rules and by-laws of the IILM pursuant to Article 45;
(c) admit new members and determine the conditions of their admission;
(d) suspend a member and extend or lift the suspension;
(e) decide questions of interpretation or application of the Articles of Agreement or general rules and by-laws proposed by the Board Executive Committee;
(f) appoint and remove the members of the Board Executive Committee, the Chief Executive Officer and the members of the Xxxxx`ah Committee, and establish any other board committee(s) as the Governing Board deems necessary, appoint members of the committee(s) and set general rules and by-laws for the committee(s) from time to time;
(g) propose to the General Assembly the reserves and the distribution of the net income and surplus of the IILM and the currency of distribution;
(h) propose to the General Assembly the suspension or termination of the operations of the IILM and the distribution of its assets;
(i) propose to the General Assembly amendments to the Articles of Agreement;
(j) establish a secretariat or other committees as the Governing Board deems necessary;
(k) approve matters relating to the issuance of any Xxxxx`ah- compliant financial instruments by the IILM, the currency, frequency and manner thereof;
(l) approve the eligibility criteria of assets or properties to be accepted into the global pool of assets or properties created under this Agreement;
(m) approve the annual administrative budget;
(n) determine the maximum limits to borrow, raise or secure or receive such monies or financing in any manner in accordance with Xxxxx`ah as it may require from time to time; and
(o) any other powers to be approved by the General Assembly as it may require from time to time.
The Governing Board. The Board of Trustees: x Will prescribe and regularly review the arrangements for debt recovery x Must approve any legal action taken if the debt is above £500 x Will ensure that when action is approved, it will be recorded in the minutes of the relevant meeting.
x Will adhere to the privacy arrangements. x May delegate its responsibilities under this policy to the Audit, Finance & Personnel Committee
The Governing Board. The Governing Board shall consist of one representative or coordinator for each Participating Party, appointed in consultation with the Secretary-General. The Governing Board may discuss any questions or any matters within the scope of XXXXXX’s Statutes and participation agreement and may make recommendations to the Participating Parties or to the Oversight Council on any such questions or matters. The Governing Board is empowered to adopt resolutions by a two-thirds majority vote. In the spirit of paragraph 5, all resolutions shall be presented to the Oversight Council for constitutional validation. It is the prerogative of the Secretary-General or his appointee to schedule and chair the meetings of the Governing Board.