Fixing of locale Sample Clauses

Fixing of locale. The parties may mutually agree to the locale where the Arbitration is to be held. If the parties cannot agree on the locale, the Arbitrator shall have the power to determine the locale and its decision shall be final and binding.
Fixing of locale. The parties may mutually agree on the locale where the hearing is to be held. If the locale is not designated within 45 days from the time the complete list of parties is re- ceived, the American Arbitration Asso- ciation shall have power to determine the locale. Its decision shall be final and binding. If any party requests, and informs the other parties of its request, that the hearing be held in a specific locale and the other parties file no ob- jection thereto within 14 days of the re- quest, the locale shall be the one re- quested.
Fixing of locale. T h e p a r t ies m a y m u t u a ll y a g r ee o n t h e loc a le w h e r e t h e h e a r i n g i s t o be h eld. If t h e loc a le i s n o t desig n a t ed wi t h i n 45 d a y s f r o m t h e t i m e t h e co m ple x x xx s t of p a r t ies i s r e- ceived, t h e A m e r ic a n A r bi t r a t io n Asso- ci a t io n s h a ll h a ve xxxx r t o de t e r m i n e t h e loc a le. I t s decisio n s h a ll be fi n a l a n d bi n di n g. If a ny p a r t y r eq u es t s, a n d i nfo r m s t h e o t h e r p a r t ies of i t s r eq u es t , t h a t t h e h e a r i n g be h xxx x x x specific loc a le a n d t h e o t h e r p a r t ies file n o ob- jec t io n t h e r e t o wi t h i n 14 d a y s of t h e r e- q u es t , t h e loc a le s h a ll be t h e o n e r e- q u es t ed.
Fixing of locale. The arbitration shall be held at a locale in Los Angeles, California, unless the parties to the arbitration agree otherwise. The parties may mutually agree on the exact locale where the arbitration is to be held. If the parties cannot agree on the exact locale, the arbitrator shall have the power to determine the locale (as long as it is located in Los Angeles, California) and its decision shall be final and binding.
Fixing of locale. The parties should mutually agree on the locale where the arbitration is to be held. If any party requests that the hearing be held in a specific locale and the other party files no objection thereto within 15 days after notice of the request has been sent to it by ADR Services, the locale shall be the one requested. If a party promptly objects to the locale requested by the other party, ADR Services shall have the power to determine the locale, and its decision shall be final and binding.
Fixing of locale. Supplementing the provisions of Section 10 above, the locale for hearing should be that city wherein the American Arbitration Association maintains a Regional Office and which is nearest to the depository bank to which the employer was obligated to remit the most contributions under the Plan for employment in the calendar year preceding the year in which withdrawal is claimed to have occurred.
Fixing of locale. The parties may mutually agree on the locale where the arbitration is to be held. If the locale is not designated within seven days from the date of filing the Demand or Submission, the AAA shall have power to determine the locale. Its decision shall be final and binding. If any party requests that the hearing be held in a specific locale and the other party files no objection thereto within seven days after notice of the request, the locale shall be the one requested.

Related to Fixing of locale

  • NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETINGS At least seven clear days’ notice in writing counting from the date service is deemed to take place as provided in these Articles specifying the place, the day and the hour of the meeting and the general nature of the business, shall be given in the manner hereinafter provided or in such other manner (if any) as may be prescribed by the Company by Ordinary Resolution to such Persons as are, under these Articles, entitled to receive such notices from the Company, but with the consent of all the Shareholders entitled to receive notice of some particular meeting and attend and vote thereat, that meeting may be convened by such shorter notice or without notice and in such manner as those Shareholders may think fit.

  • Place of Business; Location of Collateral The address set forth in the heading to this Agreement is Borrower's chief executive office. In addition, Borrower has places of business and Collateral is located only at the locations set forth on the Schedule. Borrower will give Silicon at least 30 days prior written notice before opening any additional place of business, changing its chief executive office, or moving any of the Collateral to a location other than Borrower's Address or one of the locations set forth on the Schedule.

  • Registered Agent and Registered Office The name of the registered agent of the Trust and the address of the registered office of the Trust are as set forth on the Certificate of Trust.

  • Closing Location The Closing shall be held at the location designated by the Corporation or, if no such designation is made, at the office of Seller's Attorney.

  • Domicile of Loans Each Lender may transfer and carry its Loans at, to or for the account of any office, Subsidiary or Affiliate of such Lender. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, to the extent that a transfer of Loans pursuant to this Section 14.13 would, at the time of such transfer, result in increased costs under Section 2.09, 2.10, or 4.04 from those being charged by the respective Lender prior to such transfer, then the Borrower shall not be obligated to pay such increased costs (although the Borrower shall be obligated to pay any other increased costs of the type described above resulting from changes after the date of the respective transfer).

  • Name and Place of Business Other than previously disclosed in writing to you I have not changed my name or principal place of business within the last 10 years and have not used any other trade or fictitious name. Without your prior written consent, I do not and will not use any other name and will preserve my existing name, trade names and franchises.

  • Registered Agent; Registered Office The registered agent for service of process on the Company in the State of Delaware shall be The Corporation Trust Company. The registered office of the Company in the State of Delaware shall be c/o The Corporation Trust Company, Corporation Trust Center, 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx 00000, in the County of New Castle. The Board of Managers may, from time to time, change the registered agent or office through appropriate filings with the Secretary of State.

  • Principal Place of Business The principal place of business of the Company shall be 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx, 00000. The Manager may relocate the principal place of business or establish additional offices from time to time.

  • Time and Place of Meetings All meetings of stockholders shall be held at such place, either within or without the State of Delaware, on such date and at such time as may be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors (or the Chairman in the absence of a designation by the Board of Directors).

  • Call, Notice and Place of Meetings (a) The Trustee may at any time call a meeting of Holders of Securities of any series for any purpose specified in Section 1501, to be held at such time and at such place in the City of Chattanooga, Tennessee or the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, or in London as the Trustee shall determine. Notice of every meeting of Holders of Securities of any series, setting forth the time and the place of such meeting and in general terms the action proposed to be taken at such meeting, shall be given, in the manner provided in Section 106, not less than 21 nor more than 180 days prior to the date fixed for the meeting. (b) In case at any time the Company, pursuant to a Board Resolution, or the Holders of at least 10% in principal amount of the Outstanding Securities of any series shall have requested the Trustee to call a meeting of the Holders of Securities of such series for any purpose specified in Section 1501, by written request setting forth in reasonable detail the action proposed to be taken at the meeting, and the Trustee shall not have made the first publication of the notice of such meeting within 21 days after receipt of such request or shall not thereafter proceed to cause the meeting to be held as provided herein, then the Company or the Holders of Securities of such series in the amount above specified, as the case may be, may determine the time and the place in the City of Chattanooga, Tennessee or the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, or in London for such meeting and may call such meeting for such purposes by giving notice thereof as provided in subsection (a) of this Section.