Flora. A botanical inventory done at the obtainment of decision on environmental conditions and in May 2018 proved that: Protected species of plants and fungi are not present within the Malinówka 1 Reservoir, Protected environmental habitats are not present within the Malinówka 1 Reservoir, The most valuable elements in the area are old oaks and willows growing along the old channel, Such invasive species as Canadian goldenrod and such highly invasive species of trees as box elder and black cherry have been identified within the inspected area.
Flora. A botanical inventory done at the obtainment of decision on environmental conditions and in May 2018 proved that: Occurrence of one protected species of plants – bryophyte under partial protection, i.e. 1 m2 of red-stemmed feathermoss Pleurozium schreberi – has been identified within the Malinówka 2 Reservoir. Protected species of fungi are not present within the Malinówka 2 Reservoir. Occurrence of two protected environmental habitats has been identified within the Ma- linówka 2 Reservoir: o 91E0 Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Al- nion incanae, Salicion albae) (1 patch of habitat with an area of 1.2 ha), o 9170 Galio-Carpinetum oak-hornbeam forests (2 patches of habitat with a total area of 1.2 ha). Such invasive species as Canadian goldenrod and small balsam, and such highly inva- sive species of trees as box elder, black locust, and black cherry have been identified within the inspected area.
Flora. Watch out for that squirrel! Not much goes on in the mind of a squirrel. The average squirrel brain spends ninety percent of its time entertaining variations on a single thought: “I wonder what there is to eat.” So when this particular squirrel got swallowed up by the Xxxxxxx 2000X, he did not think: “Here, at last, is my fate come to meet me!”
Flora. No heartbeat. I think it’s dead.
Flora. It worked! He’s breathing! MRS. TICKHAM For heaven’s sake. Where did you learn to do that? FLORA It’s called the kiss of life. It was in Terrible Things Can Happen to You!
Flora. If you’d read The Amazing Incandesto! you’d know that impossible things happen all the time.
Flora. What’s this one called? “On Feathered Wings of Joy.”
Flora. Xxx says you’re so in love with books about love that you didn’t know how to love him anymore, and that’s why you got a divorce. XXXXXXX Xx! Your father wouldn’t recognize love if it stood up in his soup and sang. FLORA Why would love be singing in a bowl of soup? XXXXXXX I’m on deadline here. Go upstairs and do your homework. I already did it.
Flora. But I’m almost finished. Anyway, you’re not really here, you’re just a memory.
Flora. No I did not.