Protected Species. Unless otherwise authorized by BOEM, Xxxxxx’s OCS activities must comply with the standards in the Project Design Criteria and Best Management Practices found in BOEM’s notice (xxxxx:// PDCs%20and%20BMPs%20for%20Atlantic%20Data%20Collection%2011222021.pdf) last revised on November 22, 2021. The 2021 BA and letter of concurrence from which these measures were derived may be found here: (xxxxx:// energy/nmfs-esa-consultations). At the Lessee’s option, the Lessee, its operators, personnel, and contractors may satisfy this requirement by complying with the NMFS- approved measures to safeguard protected species that are most current at the time an activity is undertaken under this lease, including but not limited to new or updated versions of the 2021 BA or 2021 NMFS Letter of Concurrence, or through new or activity-specific consultations.
Protected Species. To the County’s knowledge there are currently no protected species or species of special concern located on the Property, as said species are defined under local, state or Federal laws and regulations, with the exception of Gopher Tortoises. In the event additional capacity becomes available in to the Tippecanoe Environmental Park if expanded, Buyer may request relocation of Gopher Tortoises thereto in accordance with all existing local, state and Federal laws, rules and regulations. Buyer shall be responsible for any required mitigation of gopher tortoises in excess of the foregoing County capacity. County represents that the Property is not located within a Scrub Xxx Permit Boundary, that the Property is not subject to the payment of fees under the Countywide Habitat Conservation Plan and that no local, state or federal permit relative to the Florida Scrub Xxx is required in order to develop the Property.
Protected Species. Survey Methods Protected Species Observed on Site
Protected Species. This Agreement does not authorize take, incidental or otherwise, of any protected species. For the purpose of this Agreement, “protected species” means the following: a species fully protected under state law; a candidate species or species listed as threatened or endangered under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA; Fish & G. Code § 2050 et seq.) and/or Endangered Species Act (ESA; 16 U.S.C. § 1531 et seq.); a species identified by CDFW as a Species of Special Concern (SSC); or any other species for which take is prohibited under state or federal law. No direct or indirect impacts shall occur to any protected species, except as may be authorized by a Natural Community Conservation Plan or one or more individual permits that authorize such impacts.
Protected Species. Additional protected species which may or may not be a special interest feature of the Langstone Harbour SSSI may be present on the Plot. Before activities are undertaken by Hayling Health Society in the Plot, further consideration must be given by Hayling Health Society as to the possible presence of such species and the likely impact of activities on them, avoiding impacts where possible through following best practice guidance. A separate licence from Natural England may be needed if offences cannot be avoided. See xxxx:// for more information.
Protected Species. We have not assessed this application and associated documents for impacts on protected species. Natural England has published Standing Advice on protected species. The Standing Advice includes a habit decision tree which provides advice to planners on deciding if there is a ‘reasonable likelihood’ of protected species being present. It also provides detailed advice on the protected species most often associated with development, including flow charts for individual species to enable an assessment to be made of a protected species survey and mitigation strategy. You should apply our Standing Advice to this application as it is material consideration in the determination of applications in the same way as any individual response received from Natural England following consultation. The advice should not be treated as giving any indication or providing any assurance in respect of European Protect Species (EPS) that the proposed development is unlikely to affect the EPS present on the site, nor should it be interpreted as meaning that Natural England has reached any views as to whether a licence may be granted. If you have any specific questions on aspects that are not covered by our Standing Advice for European Protected Species or have difficulty in applying it to this application please contact us with the details at This application may provide opportunities to incorporate features into the design which are beneficial to wildlife, such as the incorporation of roosting opportunities for bats or the installation of bird nest boxes. The authority should consider securing measures to enhance the biodiversity of the site from the applicant, if it is minded to grant permission for this application. This is in accordance with Paragraph 118 of the NPPF. Additionally we would draw your attention to Section 40 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act (2006) which states that ‘Every public authority must, in exercising its functions, have regard, so far as is consistent with the proper exercise of those functions, to the purpose of conserving biodiversity’. Section 40(3) of the same Act also states that ‘conserving bio-diversity includes, in relation to a living organism or type of habitat, restoring or enhancing a population or habitat’. The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 which came into force on 15 April 2015, has removed the requirement to consult Natural England on...
Protected Species. In the event that it is determined that any protected plant or animal species, as designated by State and Federal listing agencies is resident on or otherwise is significantly dependent upon THE PRESERVE AT LOBLOLLY NORTH PUD, OWNER shall cease all activities which might negatively affect that individual or population and immediately notify Martin County, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Construction may resume when proper protection or permitting, required by the designated state and federal listing agencies, is provided by OWNER. Gopher Tortoises – In Florida, gopher tortoises are a protected species. No land clearing or construction shall occur until all tortoises that will be impacted are relocated to upland preservation areas or off-site, as authorized by FFWCC. A certified environmental professional will supervise clearing in the areas of the gopher tortoise xxxxxxx. Tortoises inhabiting xxxxxxx in areas to be developed will be captured and relocated using methodology approved by FFWCC and conducted by an environmental professional possessing a valid relocation permit. During clearing and grubbing operations, equipment operators will be notified of the occurrence of gopher tortoises on-site and instructed to observe for roaming and foraging individuals. Should gopher tortoises be seen during the clearing and grubbing, all equipment operations will be stopped, and the gopher tortoises will be captured and relocated. Once the tortoise(s) have been safely relocated, equipment operation can resume. Endemic Species - All gopher tortoise relocation efforts will include trapping of endangered endemic species that may live in the xxxxxx. Relocation of Tortoises - The Martin County Environmental Planning Administrator will be notified and will be provided with a copy of the Gopher Tortoise Relocation Permit as required from FFWCC. Every attempt shall be made to relocate within Martin County.
Protected Species. In August 2024, BOEM published the Final EA, which includes the most current measures to minimize potential adverse impacts, including Endangered Species Act (ESA)-listed species of marine mammals and sea turtles. BOEM has included in the leases these measures from the EA and the ESA Concurrence Letter and Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Response issued on July 12, 2024.
Protected Species. In the event that it is determined that any protected plant or animal species, as designated by State and Federal listing agencies is resident on or otherwise is significantly dependent upon the Gopher Tortoises – In Florida, gopher tortoises are a protected species. No land clearing or construction shall occur until all tortoises that will be impacted are relocated to upland preservation areas or off-site, as authorized by FFWCC. A certified environmental professional will supervise clearing in the areas of the gopher tortoise xxxxxxx. Tortoises inhabiting xxxxxxx in areas to be developed will be captured and relocated using methodology approved by FFWCC and conducted by an environmental professional possessing a valid relocation permit. During clearing and grubbing operations, equipment operators will be notified of the occurrence of gopher tortoises on-site and instructed to observe for roaming and foraging individuals. Should gopher tortoises be seen during the clearing and grubbing, all equipment operations will be stopped, and the gopher tortoises will be captured and relocated. Once the tortoise(s) have been safely relocated, equipment operation can resume. Endemic Species - All gopher tortoise relocation efforts will include trapping of endangered endemic species that may live in the xxxxxx. Relocation of Tortoises - The Martin County Environmental Planning Administrator will be notified and will be provided with a copy of the Gopher Tortoise Relocation Permit as required from FFWCC. Every attempt shall be made to relocate within Martin County.
Protected Species. A requirement for the Lessees to coordinate with BOEM, NMFS, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) prior to designing and conducting biological surveys intended to support offshore renewable energy plans that could interact with protected species.