Formula Funding. Funding equivalent to the level of funding which would be provided through the funding formula of the LA to a maintained school which had all of that Academy's relevant characteristics, including its number of pupils;
Formula Funding. Funding equivalent to the level of funding which would be provided through the funding formula of the local authority to a maintained special school which had all of that Academy’s relevant characteristics, including its number of places and/or pupils;
Formula Funding. Funding equivalent to the level of funding which would be provided through the funding formula of the LA to a maintained school which had all of that Academy's relevant characteristics, including its number of pupils; budget headings in order to ensure that the project remains within its approved budget. Where the Academy Trust wishes to make such an adjustment of over £10,000, the reason for the change and a revised budget must be submitted to the Secretary of State for approval. 68C)The Secretary of State will pay Implementation Grant to the Academy Trust on the basis of claims for grant submitted to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Approved Implementation Budget and in the notified format with supporting invoices, receipts and documents as required by the Secretary of State. If the grant claim is acceptable, the Secretary of State undertakes to pay the amount due within 21 days from the day on which it was received. If a dispute arises over whether a grant claim or part of it is acceptable, both parties undertake to attempt to resolve the dispute in good faith. 68D)Any amount in the Approved Implementation Budget in respect of which the expenditure has not been incurred by the Academy Trust by the date on which the Academy opens will lapse and no Implementation Grant will be payable in respect of that part of the Approved Implementation Budget. Any amount of Implementation Grant which has been paid but remains unexpended on relevant expenditure by the date on which the Academy opens will, without prejudice to any other mode of recovery, be taken into account in determining the total amount of grant to be paid to the Academy Trust after the Academy has opened. Any amount of Implementation Grant which is found to have been used on ineligible expenditure will, without prejudice to any other mode of recovery, be taken into account in determining the total amount of grant to be paid to the Academy Trust.