Problem Solving Employees and supervisors are encouraged to attempt to resolve on an informal basis, at the earliest opportunity, a problem that could lead to a grievance. If the matter is not resolved by informal discussion, or a problem-solving meeting does not occur, it may be settled in accordance with the grievance procedure. Unless mutually agreed between the Employer and the Union problem-solving discussions shall not extend the deadlines for filing a grievance. The Union Xxxxxxx or in their absence, the Local Union President, or Area Xxxxxxx, or Chief Xxxxxxx, either with the employee or alone, shall present to the appropriate supervisor a written request for a meeting. If the supervisor agrees to a problem- solving meeting, this meeting shall be held within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of the request. The supervisor, employee, Union Xxxxxxx, and up to one (1) other management person shall attempt to resolve the problem through direct and forthright communication. If another member of management is present that person will not be hearing the grievance at Step Two, should it progress to that Step. The employee, the Union Xxxxxxx or in their absence, the Local Union President, or Area Xxxxxxx, or Chief Xxxxxxx, may participate in problem-solving activities on paid time, in accordance with Article 31, Union Rights, Section 1H.
Medical Verification The Town may require medical verification of an employee’s absence if the Town perceives the employee is abusing sick leave or has used an excessive amount of sick leave. The Town may require medical verification of an employee’s absence to verify that the employee is able to return to work with or without restrictions.
Medical Examination Where the Employer requires an employee to submit to a medical examination or medical interview, it shall be at the Employer's expense and on the Employer's time.
Virus Management DST shall maintain a malware protection program designed to deter malware infections, detect the presence of malware within DST environment.
Medical Examinations An employee may be required by the Employer, at the request of and at the expense of the Employer, to take a medical examination by a physician of the employee's choice. Employees may be required to take skin tests, x-ray examination, vaccination, inoculation and other immunization (with the exception of a rubella vaccination when the employee is of the opinion that a pregnancy is possible), unless the employee's physician has advised in writing that such a procedure may have an adverse affect on the employee's health.
Independent Testing Owner shall furnish independent tests, inspections and reports required by law, the Contract Documents or deemed appropriate by the Owner, such as structural, mechanical, and chemical tests, tests for air and water pollution, and tests for hazardous materials to be conducted by consultants retained by the Owner.
Supervisory Employees For the purposes of this Article, the parties agree that Supervisory positions are those that are not excluded under Article 2.0 above and that satisfy the following criteria: a) Employees on Salary Schedule 01 who under Plan A "Nature of Supervision" have either Degree 3 (or higher) or its equivalent; b) Employees on Schedules 02 or 03 on condition they normally supervise other employees.
Employee Verification In accordance with Neb. Rev.
CULTURAL DIVERSITY The Cultural Diversity Requirement generally does not add units to a student's program. Rather, it is intended to be fulfilled by choosing courses from the approved list that also satisfy requirements in other areas of the student’s program; the exception is that Cultural Diversity courses may not satisfy Culture and Language Requirements for B.S. students. For example, COMM 6 – Intercultural Communication, can fulfill (3) units of the Behavioral Science requirement and (3) units of the Cultural Diversity requirement. This double counting of a class may only be done with the Cultural Diversity requirement. Courses in Cultural Diversity may be taken at the lower- division or upper-division level.