FULL RETENTION OF LEGAL SIZED FISH. All legal sized fish of allocated stocks harvested during the fishing operations must be retained and counted against the Sector’s ACE allocation.
FULL RETENTION OF LEGAL SIZED FISH. All legal sized fish of allocated stocks harvested on 3 sector trips must be retained and counted against the sector’s ACE allocation, unless otherwise 4 exempted.
FULL RETENTION OF LEGAL SIZED FISH. Tri State Sector vessels will retain all legal sized groundfish of those stocks for which they have an allocation.
FULL RETENTION OF LEGAL SIZED FISH. All legal sized fish of allocated stocks harvested on 2 sector trips must be retained and counted against the sector’s ACE allocation, unless otherwise 3 exempted. 5 5. Fishing Activity Location: NEFS 11 sector members and their participating vessels will fish 6 primarily in the Gulf of Maine Broad Stock Area (BSA), though fishing may occur to a lesser 7 extent in the Georges Bank BSAs (inshore & offshore).