ANNUAL CATCH ENTITLEMENT. The members agree that they will not collectively harvest more than the Sector ACE, as adjusted by transfers, for any allocated groundfish stocks. Furthermore, the members agree that once an annual ACE is reached no member will fish commercially with any fishing gear capable of catching any of the allocated groundfish stocks or other species managed under plan within the applicable area/s. The Sector members may resume fishing activities if additional ACE is secured through inter‐sector ACE transfer.
ANNUAL CATCH ENTITLEMENT. The members agree that they will not collectively harvest more 19 Entitlement Final Rule as published by NMFS. 20 2. QUOTA MANAGEMENT: Sector vessels, the dealers to which they are delivering fish and monitors 21 will use a PC based software for collecting data, reporting catch, landings and discards, and 22 reporting catch area information for logbook and stock attribution purposes. The Sector will utilize a
ANNUAL CATCH ENTITLEMENT. The members agree that they will not collectively harvest more 2 than the Sector ACE, as adjusted by transfers, for any allocated groundfish stocks. Furthermore, the 3 members agree that once an annual ACE is reached no member will fish commercially with any 4 fishing gear capable of catching any of the allocated groundfish stocks or other species managed 5 under plan within the applicable area(s): except in those situations where a member is participating 6 in an exempted fishery, or if a plan submitted by the Sector under §648.87(b)(2)(xiv) in this 7 document has been approved by NMFS. The Sector members may resume fishing activities if 8 additional ACE is secured through inter-sector ACE transfer.
ANNUAL CATCH ENTITLEMENT. The members agree that they will not collectively harvest more 17 by NMFS to NEFS V for FY 2017 is identified in the table below: GB Cod GB Cod East 508 GB Cod West 5932 GOM Cod 4 XX Xxxxxxx GB Xxxxxxx East 368581 GB Xxxxxxx West 433285 GOM Xxxxxxx 238 GB Yellowtail Flounder 5948 SNE/MA Yellowtail Flounder 86506 CC/GOM Yellowtail Flounder 1547 Plaice 11612 Witch Flounder 4584 GB Winter Flounder 5672 GOM Winter Flounder 247 SNE/MA Winter Flounder 154751 Redfish 3265 White Xxxx 6951 Xxxxxxx 16686 1 The Annual Catch Entitlement, allocated by NMFS to NEFS V for FY 2018 will be identified in Exhibit I of 2 this Agreement in accordance with NMFS guidance and schedule pertaining to bi‐annual operation plan 3 submission.
ANNUAL CATCH ENTITLEMENT. The members agree that they will not collectively harvest more 19 Entitlement Final Rule as published by NMFS.
ANNUAL CATCH ENTITLEMENT. The members agree that they will not collectively 16 lease/transfer more than the Sector ACE, as adjusted by transfers, for any allocated groundfish 17 stocks.
ANNUAL CATCH ENTITLEMENT. The members agree that they will not collectively harvest more 16 by NMFS to NEFS I for FY 2015 is identified in the table below: GB Cod GB Cod East GB Cod West GOM Cod GB Xxxxxxx XX Xxxxxxx Xxxx GB Xxxxxxx West GOM Xxxxxxx GB Yellowtail Flounder SNE/MA Yellowtail Flounder CC/GOM Yellowtail Flounder Plaice Witch Flounder GB Winter Flounder GOM Winter Flounder SNE/MA Winter Flounder Redfish White Xxxx Xxxxxxx 1 The Annual Catch Entitlement, allocated by NMFS to NEFS I for FY 2016 will be identified in Exhibit I of 2 this Agreement in accordance with NMFS guidance and schedule pertaining to bi-annual operation plan 3 submission.
ANNUAL CATCH ENTITLEMENT. The members agree that they will not collectively harvest more 17 by NMFS to NEFS VIII for FY 2019 is identified in the table below: GB Cod 232,966 GB Cod East 15,413 GB Cod West 217,553 GOM Cod 9,476 GB Xxxxxxx 7,260.080 GB Xxxxxxx East 2,536,068 XX Xxxxxxx Xxxx 4,724,012 GOM Xxxxxxx 1,238,560 GB Yellowtail Flounder 75,194 SNE/MA Yellowtail Flounder 6.248 CC/GOM Yellowtail Flounder 50,182 Plaice 95,790 Witch Flounder 66,646 GB Winter Flounder 349,384 GOM Winter Flounder 36,431 SNE/MA Winter Flounder 118,129 Redfish 209,091 White Xxxx 62,937 Xxxxxxx 964,947 1 The Annual Catch Entitlement, allocated by NMFS to NEFS VIII for FY 2020 will be identified in Exhibit I 2 of this Agreement in accordance with NMFS guidance and schedule pertaining to bi-annual operation 3 plan submission.
ANNUAL CATCH ENTITLEMENT. The members agree that they will not collectively harvest more 16 additional ACE is secured through inter‐sector ACE transfer.
ANNUAL CATCH ENTITLEMENT. (as determined by NMFS, in live pounds) GB Cod 11171.0128 GB Cod East 9351.1079 GB Cod West 102419.9049 GOM Cod 54025.3347 GB Xxxxxxx 1106854.639 GB Xxxxxxx Xxxx 000000.0000 XX Xxxxxxx Xxxx 461989.8199 GOM Xxxxxxx 18660.5241 GB Yellowtail Flounder 15157.8866 SNE/MA Yellowtail Flounder 66004.8286 CC/GOM Yellowtail Flounder 39510.04 Plaice 118279.8601 Witch Flounder 69948.0444 GB Winter Flounder 112684.981 GOM Winter Flounder 71704.1832 SNE/MA Winter Flounder 5180.4227 Redfish 1236673.2489 White Xxxx 368893.3246 Xxxxxxx 960098.17903