Functional Food and Beverages in United States Sample Clauses

Functional Food and Beverages in United States. Buyer and Seller acknowledge that Seller has already obtained GRAS certification self-determination with successful FDA notification for certain Functional Food and Beverages, including vitamin waters, protein shakes, nutrition bars, gum, chews, and powdered beverages at a maximum level of 0.0057% by weight as consumed. Seller has successfully completed a New Dietary Ingredient Notification for nutritional drinks and meals to include NR use up to 300mg/day. Within [***] of the execution of this Agreement, Seller will endeavor to obtain a GRAS self-determination without notice status for certain mutually agreed Functional Food and Beverages to include NR use up to 500mg/day; provided however that Buyer and Seller shall consider the daily allowable dosage in light of intake products Buyer intends to Launch, it being acknowledged by Buyer that the more opportunities to intake NR Product, the lower the daily allowable usage may result.
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Related to Functional Food and Beverages in United States

  • Business Travel, Lodging, etc Employer shall reimburse Executive for reasonable travel, lodging, meal and other reasonable expenses incurred by him/her in connection with his/her performance of services hereunder upon submission of evidence, satisfactory to Employer, of the incurrence and purpose of each such expense and otherwise in accordance with Employer’s business travel reimbursement policy applicable to its senior executives as in effect from time to time.

  • Anti-Money Laundering and Red Flag Identity Theft Prevention Programs The Trust acknowledges that it has had an opportunity to review, consider and comment upon the written procedures provided by USBFS describing various tools used by USBFS which are designed to promote the detection and reporting of potential money laundering activity by monitoring certain aspects of shareholder activity as well as written procedures for verifying a customer’s identity (collectively, the “Procedures”). Further, the Trust has determined that the Procedures, as part of the Trust’s overall anti-money laundering program and the Red Flag Identity Theft Prevention program, are reasonably designed to prevent the Fund from being used for money laundering or the financing of terrorist activities and to achieve compliance with the applicable provisions of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 and the USA Patriot Act of 2001 and the implementing regulations thereunder. Based on this determination, the Trust hereby instructs and directs USBFS to implement the Procedures on the Trust’s behalf, as such may be amended or revised from time to time. It is contemplated that these Procedures will be amended from time to time by the parties as additional regulations are adopted and/or regulatory guidance is provided relating to the Trust’s anti-money laundering and identity theft responsibilities. USBFS agrees to provide to the Trust:

  • Foreign Corrupt Practices and International Trade Sanctions Neither the Company nor any Company Subsidiary, nor any of their respective directors, officers, agents, employees or any other persons acting on their behalf (i) has violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. § 78dd-1 et seq., as amended, or any other similar applicable foreign, federal, or state legal requirement, (ii) has made or provided, or caused to be made or provided, directly or indirectly, any payment or thing of value to a foreign official, foreign political party, candidate for office or any other person knowing that the person will pay or offer to pay the foreign official, party or candidate, for the purpose of influencing a decision, inducing an official to violate their lawful duty, securing any improper advantage, or inducing a foreign official to use their influence to affect a governmental decision, (iii) has paid, accepted or received any unlawful contributions, payments, expenditures or gifts, (iv) has violated or operated in noncompliance with any export restrictions, money laundering law, anti-terrorism law or regulation, anti-boycott regulations or embargo regulations, or (v) is currently subject to any United States sanctions administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States Treasury Department.

  • Restaurants, Bars, Machines, Other Income All monies received in connection with bar, restaurant, banquet and similar and other services at the Hotel (other than amounts due from any guest and included in room rentals) prior to the close of business for each such operation for the night in which the Cutoff Time occurs shall belong to Seller, and all other receipts and revenues (not previously described in this Section 12.1) from the operation of any department of the Hotel shall be prorated between Seller and Buyer at Closing.

  • Exports The parties acknowledge that the export of technical data, materials or products is subject to the exporting party receiving any necessary export licenses and that the parties cannot be responsible for any delays attributable to export controls which are beyond the reasonable control of either party. Lexicon and BMS agree not to export or re-export, directly or indirectly, any information, technical data, the direct product of such data, samples or equipment received or generated under this Agreement in violation of any applicable export control Laws. Lexicon and BMS agree to obtain similar covenants from their Sublicensees and contractors with respect to the subject matter of this Section 12.11.

  • Conhecimento da Lingua O Contratado, pelo presente instrumento, declara expressamente que tem pleno conhecimento da língua inglesa e que leu, compreendeu e livremente aceitou e concordou com os termos e condições estabelecidas no Plano e no Acordo de Atribuição (“Agreement” xx xxxxxx).

  • Argentina Caja de Valores S A. Australia Austraclear Limited Reserve Bank Information and Transfer System Austria Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG (Wertpapiersammelbank Division) Belgium Caisse Interprofessionnelle de Depots et de Virements de Titres, S.A. Banque Nationale de Belgique Brazil Companhia Brasileira de Liquidacao e Custodia Sistema Especial de Liquidacao e de Custodia (SELIC) Central de Custodia e de Liquidacao Financeira de Titulos Privados (CETIP) Bulgaria Central Depository AD Bulgarian National Bank Canada Canadian Depository for Securities Limited Chile Deposito Central de Valores S.A. People's Republic Shanghai Securities Central Clearing & of China Registration Corporation Shenzhen Securities Central Clearing Co., Ltd. Colombia Deposito Centralizado de Valores Costa Rica Central de Valores S.A. Croatia Ministry of Finance National Bank of Croatia Sredisnja Depozitarna Agencija d.d. STATE STREET SCHEDULE B GLOBAL CUSTODY NETWORK DEPOSITORIES OPERATING IN NETWORK MARKETS COUNTRY DEPOSITORIES Czech Republic Stredisko cennych papiru Czech National Bank Denmark Vaerdipapircentralen (Danish Securities Center) Egypt Misr for Clearing, Settlement, and Depository Estonia Eesti Vaartpaberite Keskdepositoorium Finland Finnish Central Securities Depository France Euroclear France Germany Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt Greece Bank of Greece, System for Monitoring Transactions in Securities in Book-Entry Form Apothetirion Titlon AE - Central Securities Depository Hong Kong Central Clearing and Settlement System Central Moneymarkets Unit Hungary Kozponti Elszamolohaz es Ertektar (Budapest) Rt. (KELER) India National Securities Depository Limited Central Depository Services India Limited Reserve Bank of India Indonesia Bank Indonesia PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia Israel Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Clearing House Ltd. (TASE Clearinghouse) STATE STREET SCHEDULE B GLOBAL CUSTODY NETWORK DEPOSITORIES OPERATING IN NETWORK MARKETS COUNTRY DEPOSITORIES Italy Monte Titoli S.p.A. Ivory Coast Depositaire Central - Banque de Reglement Jamaica Jamaica Central Securities Depository Japan Japan Securities Depository Center (JASDEC) Bank of Japan Net System Kazakhstan Central Depository of Securities Kenya Central Bank of Kenya Republic of Korea Korea Securities Depository Latvia Latvian Central Depository Lebanon Custodian and Clearing Center of Financial Instruments for Lebanon and the Middle East (Midclear) S.A.L. Banque du Liban Lithuania Central Securities Depository of Lithuania Malaysia Malaysian Central Depository Sdn. Bhd. Bank Negara Malaysia, Scripless Securities Trading and Safekeeping System Mauritius Central Depository and Settlement Co. Ltd. Bank of Mauritius Mexico S.D. INDEVAL (Instituto para el Deposito de Valores) Morocco Maroclear STATE STREET SCHEDULE B GLOBAL CUSTODY NETWORK DEPOSITORIES OPERATING IN NETWORK MARKETS COUNTRY DEPOSITORIES Netherlands Nederlands Centraal Instituut voor Giraal Effectenverkeer B.V. (NECIGEF) New Zealand New Zealand Central Securities Depository Limited Nigeria Central Securities Clearing System Limited Norway Verdipapirsentralen (Norwegian Central Securities Depository) Oman Muscat Depository & Securities Registration Company, SAOC Pakistan Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited State Bank of Pakistan Palestine Clearing Depository and Settlement, a department of the Palestine Stock Exchange Peru Caja de Valores y Liquidaciones, Institucion de Compensacion y Liquidacion de Valores S.A Philippines Philippine Central Depository, Inc. Registry of Scripless Securities (ROSS) of the Bureau of Treaxxxx Poland National Depository of Securities (Krajowy Depozyt Papierow Wartosciowych SA) Central Treasury Bills Registrar Portugal Central de Valores Mobiliarios Qatar Central Clearing and Registration (CCR), a department of the Doha Securities Market STATE STREET SCHEDULE B GLOBAL CUSTODY NETWORK DEPOSITORIES OPERATING IN NETWORK MARKETS COUNTRY DEPOSITORIES Romania National Securities Clearing, Settlement and Depository Company Bucharest Stock Exchange Registry Division National Bank of Romania Singapore Central Depository (Pte) Limited Monetary Authority of Singapore Slovak Republic Stredisko cennych papierov National Bank of Slovakia Slovenia Klirinsko Depotna Druzba d.d. South Africa Central Depository Limited Share Transactions Totally Electronic (STRATE) Ltd. Spain Servicio de Compensacion y Liquidacion de Valores, S.A. Banco de Espana, Central de Anotaciones en Cuenta Sri Lanka Central Depository System (Pvt) Limited Sweden Vardepapperscentralen VPC AB (Swedish Central Securities Depository) Switzerland SegaIntersettle AG (SIS) Taiwan - R.O.C. Taiwan Securities Central Depository Co., Ltd. Thailand Thailand Securities Depository Company Limited Tunisia Societe Tunisienne Interprofessionelle pour la Compensation et de Depots des Valeurs Mobilieres STATE STREET SCHEDULE B GLOBAL CUSTODY NETWORK DEPOSITORIES OPERATING IN NETWORK MARKETS COUNTRY DEPOSITORIES Turkey Takas ve Saklama Bankasi A.S. (TAKASBANK) Central Bank of Turkey Ukraine National Bank of Ukraine United Kingdom Central Gilts Office and Central Moneymarkets Office Venezuela Banco Central de Venezuela Zambia LuSE Central Shares Depositxxx Limited Bank of Zambia TRANSNATIONAL Euroclear Clearstream Banking AG SCHEDULE C MARKET INFORMATION PUBLICATION/TYPE OF INFORMATION BRIEF DESCRIPTION (FREQUENCY) THE GUIDE TO CUSTODY IN WORLD MARKETS An overview of safekeeping and (annually) settlement practices and procedures in each market in which State Street Bank and Trust Company offers custodial services. GLOBAL CUSTODY NETWORK REVIEW Information relating to the (annually) operating history and structure of depositories and subcustodians located in the markets in which State Street Bank and Trust Company offers custodial services, including transnational depositories. GLOBAL LEGAL SURVEY With respect to each market in which (annually) State Street Bank and Trust Company offers custodial services, opinions relating to whether local law restricts (i) access of a fund's independent public accountants to books and records of a Foreign Sub-Custodian or Foreign Securities System, (ii) the Fund's ability to recover in the event of bankruptcy or insolvency of a Foreign Sub-Custodian or Foreign Securities System, (iii) the Fund's ability to recover in the event of a loss by a Foreign Sub-Custodian or Foreign Securities System, and (iv) the ability of a foreign investor to convert cash and cash equivalents to U.S. dollars. SUBCUSTODIAN AGREEMENTS Copies of the subcustodian contracts (annually) State Street Bank and Trust Company has entered into with each subcustodian in the markets in which State Street Bank and Trust Company offers subcustody services to its US mutual fund clients. Network Bulletins (weekly): Developments of interest to investors in the markets in which State Street Bank and Trust Company offers custodial services. Foreign Custody Advisories (as With respect to markets in which necessary): State Street Bank and Trust Company offers custodial services which exhibit special custody risks, developments which may impact State Street's ability to deliver expected levels of service. [STATE STREET ICON] STATE STREET Saving Institutional Investors Worlwide(SM) FUNDS TRANSFER AGREEMENT OPERATING GUIDELINES --------------------

  • Foreign Assets Control Regulations, Etc (a) Neither the sale of the Notes by the Company hereunder nor its use of the proceeds thereof will violate the Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended, or any of the foreign assets control regulations of the United States Treasury Department (31 CFR, Subtitle B, Chapter V, as amended) or any enabling legislation or executive order relating thereto.

  • U.S. Stay Regulations To the extent that the QFC Stay Rules are applicable hereto, then the parties agree that (i) to the extent that prior to the date hereof both parties have adhered to the 2018 ISDA U.S. Resolution Stay Protocol (the “Protocol”), the terms of the Protocol are incorporated into and form a part of this Confirmation, and for such purposes this Confirmation shall be deemed a Protocol Covered Agreement and each party shall be deemed to have the same status as “Regulated Entity” and/or “Adhering Party” as applicable to it under the Protocol; (ii) to the extent that prior to the date hereof the parties have executed a separate agreement the effect of which is to amend the qualified financial contracts between them to conform with the requirements of the QFC Stay Rules (the “Bilateral Agreement”), the terms of the Bilateral Agreement are incorporated into and form a part of this Confirmation and each party shall be deemed to have the status of “Covered Entity” or “Counterparty Entity” (or other similar term) as applicable to it under the Bilateral Agreement; or (iii) if clause (i) and clause (ii) do not apply, the terms of Section 1 and Section 2 and the related defined terms (together, the “Bilateral Terms”) of the form of bilateral template entitled “Full-Length Omnibus (for use between U.S. G-SIBs and Corporate Groups)” published by ISDA on November 2, 2018 (currently available on the 2018 ISDA U.S. Resolution Stay Protocol page at and, a copy of which is available upon request), the effect of which is to amend the qualified financial contracts between the parties thereto to conform with the requirements of the QFC Stay Rules, are hereby incorporated into and form a part of this Confirmation, and for such purposes this Confirmation shall be deemed a “Covered Agreement,” Dealer shall be deemed a “Covered Entity” and Counterparty shall be deemed a “Counterparty Entity.” In the event that, after the date of this Confirmation, both parties hereto become adhering parties to the Protocol, the terms of the Protocol will replace the terms of this paragraph. In the event of any inconsistencies between this Confirmation and the terms of the Protocol, the Bilateral Agreement or the Bilateral Terms (each, the “QFC Stay Terms”), as applicable, the QFC Stay Terms will govern. Terms used in this paragraph without definition shall have the meanings assigned to them under the QFC Stay Rules. For purposes of this paragraph, references to “this Confirmation” include any related credit enhancements entered into between the parties or provided by one to the other. In addition, the parties agree that the terms of this paragraph shall be incorporated into any related covered affiliate credit enhancements, with all references to Dealer replaced by references to the covered affiliate support provider.

  • Foreign Assets Control Regulations and Anti-Money Laundering Each Credit Party and each Subsidiary of each Credit Party is and will remain in compliance in all material respects with all U.S. economic sanctions laws, Executive Orders and implementing regulations as promulgated by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”), and all applicable anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing provisions of the Bank Secrecy Act and all regulations issued pursuant to it. No Credit Party and no Subsidiary or Affiliate of a Credit Party (i) is a Person designated by the U.S. government on the list of the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (the “SDN List”) with which a U.S. Person cannot deal with or otherwise engage in business transactions, (ii) is a Person who is otherwise the target of U.S. economic sanctions laws such that a U.S. Person cannot deal or otherwise engage in business transactions with such Person or (iii) is controlled by (including without limitation by virtue of such person being a director or owning voting shares or interests), or acts, directly or indirectly, for or on behalf of, any person or entity on the SDN List or a foreign government that is the target of U.S. economic sanctions prohibitions such that the entry into, or performance under, this Agreement or any other Loan Document would be prohibited under U.S. law.

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