Training Materials Training Materials will be provided for each student. Training Materials may be used only for either (i) the individual student’s reference during Boeing provided training and for review thereafter or (ii) Customer’s provision of training to individuals directly employed by the Customer.
Information Services The Custodian may rely upon information received from issuers of Securities or agents of such issuers, information received from Subcustodians or depositories, information from data reporting services that provide detail on corporate actions and other securities information, and other commercially reasonable industry sources; and, provided the Custodian has acted in accordance with the standard of care set forth in Section 6 (a), the Custodian shall have no liability as a result of relying upon such information sources, including but not limited to errors in any such information.
Information Services Traffic 5.1 For purposes of this Section 5, Voice Information Services and Voice Information Services Traffic refer to switched voice traffic, delivered to information service providers who offer recorded voice announcement information or open vocal discussion programs to the general public. Voice Information Services Traffic does not include any form of Internet Traffic. Voice Information Services Traffic also does not include 555 traffic or similar traffic with AIN service interfaces, which traffic shall be subject to separate arrangements between the Parties. Voice Information services Traffic is not subject to Reciprocal Compensation charges under Section 7 of the Interconnection Attachment. 5.2 If a D&E Customer is served by resold Verizon Telecommunications Service or a Verizon Local Switching UNE, subject to any call blocking feature used by D&E, to the extent reasonably feasible, Verizon will route Voice Information Services Traffic originating from such Service or UNE to the Voice Information Service platform. For such Voice Information Services Traffic, unless D&E has entered into an arrangement with Verizon to xxxx and collect Voice Information Services provider charges from D&E’s Customers, D&E shall pay to Verizon without discount the Voice Information Services provider charges. D&E shall pay Verizon such charges in full regardless of whether or not it collects such charges from its own Customers. 5.3 D&E shall have the option to route Voice Information Services Traffic that originates on its own network to the appropriate Voice Information Services platform(s) connected to Verizon’s network. In the event D&E exercises such option, D&E will establish, at its own expense, a dedicated trunk group to the Verizon Voice Information Service serving switch. This trunk group will be utilized to allow D&E to route Voice Information Services Traffic originated on its network to Verizon. For such Voice Information Services Traffic, unless D&E has entered into an arrangement with Verizon to xxxx and collect Voice Information Services provider charges from D&E’s Customers, D&E shall pay to Verizon without discount the Voice Information Services provider charges. 5.4 D&E shall pay Verizon such charges in full regardless of whether or not it collects charges for such calls from its own Customers. 5.5 For variable rated Voice Information Services Traffic (e.g., NXX 550, 540, 976, 970, 940, as applicable) from D&E Customers served by resold Verizon Telecommunications Services or a Verizon Local Switching Network Element, D&E shall either (a) pay to Verizon without discount the Voice Information Services provider charges, or (b) enter into an arrangement with Verizon to xxxx and collect Voice Information Services provider charges from D&E’s Customers. 5.6 Either Party may request the other Party provide the requesting Party with non discriminatory access to the other party’s information services platform, where such platform exists. If either Party makes such a request, the Parties shall enter into a mutually acceptable written agreement for such access. 5.7 In the event D&E exercises such option, D&E will establish, at its own expense, a dedicated trunk group to the Verizon Information Service serving switch. This trunk group will be utilized to allow D&E to route information services traffic originated on its network to Verizon.
CERTIFICATION OF NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS OR WORK 8.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that no asbestos containing materials or work is included within the scope of the Work. The Contractor shall take whatever measures it deems necessary to insure that all employees, suppliers, fabricators, material men, subcontractors, or their assigns, comply with this requirement. 8.2 The Contractor shall ensure that Texas Department of Health licensed individuals, consultants or companies are used for any required asbestos work including asbestos inspection, asbestos abatement plans/specifications, asbestos abatement, asbestos project management and third-party asbestos monitoring.
MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP (a) All equipment, material, and articles incorporated into the work covered by this Agreement shall be new and of the most suitable grade for the purpose intended, unless otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement. (b) Seller shall obtain Company approval of the machinery and mechanical and other equipment to be incorporated into the work. When required by Company, Seller shall also obtain Company's approval of the material or articles which Seller contemplates incorporating into the work. When so directed, Seller shall submit samples for approval at Seller's expense. Machinery, equipment, material, and articles that do not have the required approval shall be installed or used at the risk of subsequent rejection. (c) References in the specifications or drawings to equipment, material, articles, or patented processes by trade name, make, or catalog number, shall be regarded as establishing a standard of quality and shall not be construed as limiting competition. Seller may, with Company's written approval, use any equipment, material, article, or process that is equal to that specified, unless the words "No Substitution" follow the listing of the item in the specifications or drawings. Unless otherwise agreed, modifications due to use of “or equal” supplies, is at Seller’s expense. (d) All work under this Agreement shall be performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner. Company may require, in writing, Seller to remove from the work any employee Company deems incompetent, careless, or otherwise objectionable.
Packaging Materials and Containers for Retail Sale 1. When packaging materials and containers in which a good is packaged for retail sales are classified in the Harmonized System with the good, they shall not be taken into account in determining whether all non-originating materials used in the production of the good undergo the applicable change in tariff classification set out in Annex 4.03. 2. When the good is subject to a requirement of regional value content, the value of these packaging materials and containers shall be taken into account as originating or non-originating materials, as the case may be, in calculating the regional value content of the good.
Marketing Materials (a) During the term of this Agreement, the Sub-Adviser agrees to furnish the Manager at its principal office for prior review and approval by the Manager all written and/or printed materials, including but not limited to, PowerPointÒ or slide presentations, news releases, advertisements, brochures, fact sheets and other promotional, informational or marketing materials (the “Marketing Materials”) for internal use or public dissemination, that are produced or are for use or reference by the Sub-Adviser, its affiliates or other designees, broker-dealers or the public in connection with the Series, and Sub-Adviser shall not use any such materials if the Manager reasonably objects in writing within five business days (or such other period as may be mutually agreed) after receipt thereof. Marketing Materials may be furnished to the Manager by first class or overnight mail, facsimile transmission equipment, electronic delivery or hand delivery. (b) During the term of this Agreement, the Manager agrees to furnish the Sub-Adviser at its principal office all prospectuses, proxy statements, reports to shareholders, or Marketing Materials prepared for distribution to shareholders of each Series, or the public that refer to the Sub-Adviser in any way, prior to the use thereof, and the Manager shall not use any such materials if the Sub-Adviser reasonably objects in writing within five business days (or such other period as may be mutually agreed) after receipt thereof. The Sub-Adviser’s right to object to such materials is limited to the portions of such materials that expressly relate to the Sub-Adviser, its services and its clients. The Manager agrees to use its reasonable best efforts to ensure that materials prepared by its employees or agents or its affiliates that refer to the Sub-Adviser or its clients in any way are consistent with those materials previously approved by the Sub-Adviser as referenced in the first sentence of this paragraph. Marketing Materials may be furnished to the Sub-Adviser by first class or overnight mail, facsimile transmission equipment, electronic delivery or hand delivery.
Advertising Materials 1. Open Ecosystem Partner may add its own material to the information supplied by either indirectly by Distributor or directly by SAP, solely for the purposes of Open Ecosystem Partner's own marketing activities. Any material which is added must be clearly marked as Open Ecosystem Partner's material. 2. All marketing and promotional materials developed by or for Open Ecosystem Partner, including, but not limited to, print advertisement, broadcast or telecast commercials, product brochures, sales aids, manuals, displays, and publicity concerning the Software distributed hereunder and related services must be of first quality.
SALES MATERIALS 4.1 LIFE COMPANY will furnish, or will cause to be furnished, to TRUST and ADVISER, each piece of sales literature or other promotional material in which TRUST or ADVISER is named, at least ten (10) Business Days prior to its intended use. No such material will be used if TRUST or ADVISER objects to its use in writing within seven (7) Business Days after receipt of such material. 4.2 TRUST and ADVISER will furnish, or will cause to be furnished, to LIFE COMPANY, each piece of sales literature or other promotional material in which LIFE COMPANY or its Separate Accounts are named, at least ten (10) Business Days prior to its intended use. No such material will be used if LIFE COMPANY objects to its use in writing within seven (7) Business Days after receipt of such material. 4.3 TRUST and its affiliates and agents shall not give any information or make any representations on behalf of LIFE COMPANY or concerning LIFE COMPANY, the Separate Accounts, or the Variable Contracts issued by LIFE COMPANY, other than the information or representations contained in a registration statement or prospectus for such Variable Contracts, as such registration statement and prospectus may be amended or supplemented from time to time, or in reports of the Separate Accounts or reports prepared for distribution to owners of such Variable Contracts, or in sales literature or other promotional material approved by LIFE COMPANY or its designee, except with the written permission of LIFE COMPANY. 4.4 LIFE COMPANY and its affiliates and agents shall not give any information or make any representations on behalf of TRUST or concerning TRUST other than the information or representations contained in a registration statement or prospectus for TRUST, as such registration statement and prospectus may be amended or supplemented from time to time, or in sales literature or other promotional material approved by TRUST or its designee, except with the written permission of TRUST or ADVISER. 4.5 For purposes of this Agreement, the phrase "sales literature or other promotional material" or words of similar import include, without limitation, advertisements (such as material published, or designed for use, in a newspaper, magazine or other periodical, radio, television, telephone or tape recording, videotape display, signs or billboards, motion pictures or other public media), sales literature (such as any written communication distributed or made generally available to customers or the public, including brochures, circulars, research reports, market letters, form letters, seminar texts, or reprints or excerpts of any other advertisement, sales literature, or published article), educational or training materials or other communications distributed or made generally available to some or all agents or employees, registration statements, prospectuses, statements of additional information, shareholder reports and proxy materials, and any other material constituting sales literature or advertising under National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. ("NASD") rules, the '40 Act, the '33 Act or rules thereunder.
Construction materials (1) The restrictions of section 1605 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Pub. L. 111-5) (Recovery Act) do not apply to Recovery Act designated country manufactured construction material. The restrictions of the Buy American statute do not apply to designated country unmanufactured construction material. Consistent with U.S. obligations under international agreements, this clause implements--