Future Mortgagee. Any Mortgagee with a charge over the Site or part thereof created after the date of this Agreement shall have no liability under this Agreement unless it takes possession of the Site or part thereof or becomes a mortgagee in possession in which case it too will be bound by the obligations (but only to the extent such obligations bind that part of the Site in respect of which it has become a mortgagee in possession) as if it were a person deriving title from the Developer.
Future Mortgagee. The holder of a Future Mortgage.
Future Mortgagee. A Mortgagee with a charge over Plot H1 created after the date of this Agreement shall have no liability under this Agreement unless it takes possession of Plot H1 or part thereof or becomes a mortgagee in possession in which case it too will be bound by the obligations as if it were a person deriving title f rom the Developer.
Future Mortgagee. A Mortgagee with a charge over the Site created after the date of this Agreement shall have no liability under this Agreement unless it takes possession of the Site or part thereof or becomes a mortgagee in possession in which case it too will be bound by the obligations as if it were a person deriving title from the Owner. SCHEDULE 1 Draft Planning Permission SOUTHWARK COUNCIL Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) DRAFT DECISION NOTICE xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx