General undertakings by Members. (1) Members undertake to adopt such measures as are necessary to enable them to fulfil their obligations under this Agreement and fully cooperate with one another in securing the attainment of the objectives of this Agreement; in particular, Members undertake to provide all information necessary to facilitate the functioning of this Agreement.
(2) Members recognize that Certificates of Origin are important sources of information on the trade in coffee. Exporting Members, therefore, assume responsibility for ensuring the proper issuing and use of Certificates of Origin according to the rules established by the Council.
(3) Members recognize further that information on re-exports is also important for the proper analysis of the world coffee economy. Importing Members, therefore, undertake to supply regular and accurate information on re- exports, in the form and manner determined by the Council.
General undertakings by Members. (1) Members undertake to adopt such measures as are necessary to enable them to fulfil their obligations under this Agreement and fully cooperate with one another in securing the attainment of the objectives of this Agreement; in particular, Members also undertake to provide, where possible, the information necessary to facilitate the functioning of this Agreement, provided that such information does not breach confidentiality.
(2) Members recognize that Certificates of Origin are important sources of statistical information on the trade in coffee. Exporting Members, therefore, assume responsibility for ensuring the proper issuing of Certificates of Origin.
(3) Members recognize further that information on re-exports is also important for the proper analysis of the world coffee economy. Importing Members, therefore, undertake to supply regular and accurate information on re-exports, in the form and manner determined by the Council.
General undertakings by Members. (1) Members undertake to conduct their trade policy in such a way that the objectives set out in Article 1 may be attained. They further undertake to achieve these objectives by strict observance of the obligations and provisions of this Agreement.
(2) Members recognise the need to adopt policies which will maintain prices at levels which will ensure adequate remuneration to producers and seek to ensure that prices of coffee to consumers will not hamper a desirable increase in consumption. When such objectives are being achieved Members shall abstain from multilateral actions which could affect the price of coffee.
(3) Exporting Members undertake not to adopt or maintain any governmental measures which would permit the sale of coffee to non-members on terms commercially more favourable than those which they are prepared to offer at the same time to importing Members, taking into account normal trade practices.
(4) The Council shall review periodically compliance with the provisions of paragraph
(3) of this Article and may require Members to supply appropriate information in accordance with the provisions of Article 53.
(5) Members recognise that Certificates of Origin are a vital source of information on the trade in coffee. During periods when quotas are suspended, the responsibility for ensuring the proper use of Certificates of Origin rests with exporting Members. However, importing Members, while under no obligation to demand that Certificates accompany consignments of coffee when quotas are not in effect, shall cooperate fully with the Organization in the collection and verification of Certificates relating to shipments of coffee received from exporting Member countries in order to ensure that the maximum information is available to all Members.
General undertakings by Members. General undertakings by Members