GRIEVANCE FORM REQUEST FOR ARBITRATION. The LCTA hereby gives notice of its intent to proceed to arbitration with the following grievance: Xxxxxxxx’s Name: District File #: The Step 2 Decision dated was received by the GRIEVANT on Authorized LCTA Signature Date of Receipt by Employee Relations Office I hereby authorize LCTA to proceed to arbitration with my grievance. I also authorize LCTA and the Xxxx School District to use, and to provide to the arbitrator during the arbitration proceedings, copies of any materials relevant to the issues raised in this arbitration, although such materials may otherwise be confidential under State or Federal law. Signature of Grievant Date This Notice is to be filed with the Director of Labor Relations. Appendix D FY 2015 & FY 2016 LCTA Salary Schedule (Grandfathered) Pay Grade Bachelors Xxxxxxx Xx Specialist Doctorate 0 $ 35,600 37,400 $ 39,200 $ 41,000 1 $ 36,160 37,960 $ 39,760 $ 41,560 2 $ 37,000 38,800 $ 40,600 $ 42,400 3 $ 37,840 39,640 $ 41,440 $ 43,240 4 $ 38,400 40,200 $ 42,000 $ 43,800 5 $ 38,960 40,760 $ 42,560 $ 44,360 6 $ 39,520 41,320 $ 43,120 $ 44,920 7 $ 40,080 41,880 $ 43,680 $ 45,480 8 $ 40,640 42,440 $ 44,240 $ 46,040 9 $ 40,920 42,720 $ 44,520 $ 46,320 10 $ 41,480 43,280 $ 45,080 $ 46,880 11 $ 42,040 43,840 $ 45,640 $ 47,440 12 $ 42,880 44,680 $ 46,480 $ 48,280 13 $ 43,440 45,240 $ 47,040 $ 48,840 14 $ 44,280 46,080 $ 47,880 $ 49,680 15 $ 45,120 46,920 $ 48,720 $ 50,520 16 $ 45,960 47,760 $ 49,560 $ 51,360 17 $ 46,800 48,600 $ 50,400 $ 52,200 18 $ 47,640 49,440 $ 51,240 $ 53,040 19 $ 48,480 50,280 $ 52,080 $ 53,880 20 $ 49,040 50,840 $ 52,640 $ 54,440 21 $ 49,880 51,680 $ 53,480 $ 55,280 22 $ 50,720 52,520 $ 54,320 $ 56,120 23 $ 51,280 53,080 $ 54,880 $ 56,680 24 $ 51,840 53,640 $ 55,440 $ 57,240 25 $ 52,680 54,480 $ 56,280 $ 58,080 26 $ 53,520 55,320 $ 57,120 $ 58,920 27 $ 54,360 56,160 $ 57,960 $ 59,760 28 $ 55,200 57,000 $ 58,800 $ 60,600 29 $ 56,040 57,840 $ 59,640 $ 61,440 30 $ 56,880 58,680 $ 60,480 $ 62,280 31 $ 57,720 59,520 $ 61,320 $ 63,120 32 $ 58,560 60,360 $ 62,160 $ 63,960 33 $ 59,760 61,560 $ 63,360 $ 65,160 34 $ 62,419 64,695 $ 66,570 $ 68,933 35 $ 65,892 68,500 $ 70,650 $ 72,383 79 80 Appendix F 81 82 Appendix I Subject Page Abandonment of Position 31, 34, 40 Academic Freedom 41 Admission to High School Athletic Events – Pilot Program 4 Annual Program-Based Instructional Employees 44 Arbitration, Request for 10, 72 Assaults on Employees 23 Assignments Beyond the Normal Workday and Workweek 14 Assignments within the Normal Workday 14 Athletic Directors 61 Bargaining Unit Job Classifications 59 Benefits Committee 48 Bereavement Leave 38 Board and Superintendent Rights 7 Bulletin Boards 4 Class Size – Class Load 20 Classroom Discipline and Control 22 Classroom Observations 18, 28 Committees 6, 56 Communicating to Employees 4 Compensated Assignments Beyond the Standard Work Schedule (Workday, Workweek, or Work Year) 15 Compensation 15, 16, 42, 43, 44 Compensation, Teacher Education Center or Similar Programs 44 Compensation for Summer School, Evening School, Other Programs, and Hourly-as-Needed Employees 43 Compensatory Time 16, 55 Continuation of Benefits 32 Court Appearances 39 Curriculum and Instruction 20 Curriculum Assistance Supplement 80 Days, Definition 1 Definitions 1 Direct Deposit of Paychecks 49 Domestic Violence Situations, Leave for 40 Dues Deduction 51 Emergency School Closing 41 Employee Assignments 14 Employee Authority and Protection 21 Employee Children, Enrollment in School of Choice 3 Employee, Definition 1 Employee Discipline 21 Page Employee Evaluation 27 Employee Rights and Responsibilities 2 Employee Salaries for the 2013-2014 School Year 42 Employee Workday and Workweek 12 Employee Work Year 15, 51 Employment Practices 26 Faculty Meetings 16 Family and Medical Leave 32 Florida Education Association Delegate Assembly 6 Grades, Submission of 18 Grievance Forms 69, 70, 71, 72, 73 Grievance Procedure 7 Health and Safety 18 Health Insurance Program 47 Holidays 40, 52 Hourly-as-Needed Personnel 43 In-Service Activities 15 Instructional Continuity 40 LCTA Access to District Policies and Rules 5 LCTA Activities, Temporary Duty 6 LCTA Activities, Unpaid Leave 6 LCTA Data Requests 5 LCTA, Release of President for LCTA Activities 5 LCTA, Reports Provided to 5 LCTA Representation on District Committees 6 LCTA Rights and Responsibilities 2 LCTA Use of Facilities 5 Leave for Contracting Communicable Disease at the Worksite 38 Legislative Committee 6 Life Insurance 44, 47 Loss of Pay 42, 55 Lunch Period 13 Maintenance of Standards 52 Medical Information 36 Military Leave 39 Negotiations 1, 56 Negotiations Committee 6 No-Strike Clause 7 Observations, Classroom 18, 28 Overpayment of Salary/Supplement 49 Paid Holidays 40, 52 Page Parental Leave 32 Payroll Deductions 50 Personal and Emergency Leave 36 Personal Automobile Use 48 Personnel Files 22 Planning/Preparation Period 13 Political Activity 42 Private School Experience Credit 45 Professional Assignments and Working Conditions 13 Recognition and Definitions 1 Reduction in Personnel 24 Reimbursement for Damaged Personal Property 22 Removal of ESE Student from the Classroom 23 Removal of Students from the Classroom 23 Reprisal 12 Retirement Incentive 49 Rules and Policies 17 Salary Supplements (Appendix B) 58 School Closing, Emergency 41 School Facilities 17 School Improvement and Accountability and Shared Decision Making 53 Sexual Violence Situations, Leave for 40 Sick Leave 34 Sick Leave Credit and Accrual 34 Sick Leave Transfer to a Family Member 36 Signatures/Witnesses 58 Special Olympics Supervisor 62, 64 Student Teaching Assignments 41 Supplements/Vacancies 58 Tax-Deferred Annuity Programs 44, 48 Teaching Periods and Time for Other Duties 12 Temporary Duty 40, 52 Totality of Agreement - Amendment and Duration 53 Transfers, Vacancies and 29 Unauthorized Leave 33 Unpaid Leaves of More than Ten Days 31 Unpaid Leaves of Ten Days or Less 31 Vacancies and Transfers 29 Verification of Absence 40 Workers’ Compensation - Leave and Benefits 37 Zero Tolerance, Student Behavior 22

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GRIEVANCE FORM REQUEST FOR ARBITRATION. The LCTA hereby gives notice of its intent to proceed to arbitration with the following grievance: Xxxxxxxx’s Name: District File #: The Step 2 Decision dated was received by the GRIEVANT on Authorized LCTA Signature Date of Receipt by Employee Relations Office I hereby authorize LCTA to proceed to arbitration with my grievance. I also authorize LCTA and the Xxxx School District to use, and to provide to the arbitrator during the arbitration proceedings, copies of any materials relevant to the issues raised in this arbitration, although such materials may otherwise be confidential under State or Federal law. Signature of Grievant Date This Notice is to be filed with the Director of Labor Relations. Appendix D FY 2015 & FY 2016 LCTA Salary Schedule (Grandfathered) Pay Grade Bachelors Xxxxxxx Xx Specialist Doctorate 0 $ 35,600 37,400 $ 39,200 $ 41,000 1 $ 36,160 37,960 $ 39,760 $ 41,560 2 $ 37,000 38,800 $ 40,600 $ 42,400 3 $ 37,840 39,640 $ 41,440 $ 43,240 4 $ 38,400 40,200 $ 42,000 $ 43,800 5 $ 38,960 40,760 $ 42,560 $ 44,360 6 $ 39,520 41,320 $ 43,120 $ 44,920 7 $ 40,080 41,880 $ 43,680 $ 45,480 8 $ 40,640 42,440 $ 44,240 $ 46,040 9 $ 40,920 42,720 $ 44,520 $ 46,320 10 $ 41,480 43,280 $ 45,080 $ 46,880 11 $ 42,040 43,840 $ 45,640 $ 47,440 12 $ 42,880 44,680 $ 46,480 $ 48,280 13 $ 43,440 45,240 $ 47,040 $ 48,840 14 $ 44,280 46,080 $ 47,880 $ 49,680 15 $ 45,120 46,920 $ 48,720 $ 50,520 16 $ 45,960 47,760 $ 49,560 $ 51,360 17 $ 46,800 48,600 $ 50,400 $ 52,200 18 $ 47,640 49,440 $ 51,240 $ 53,040 19 $ 48,480 50,280 $ 52,080 $ 53,880 20 $ 49,040 50,840 $ 52,640 $ 54,440 21 $ 49,880 51,680 $ 53,480 $ 55,280 22 $ 50,720 52,520 $ 54,320 $ 56,120 23 $ 51,280 53,080 $ 54,880 $ 56,680 24 $ 51,840 53,640 $ 55,440 $ 57,240 25 $ 52,680 54,480 $ 56,280 $ 58,080 26 $ 53,520 55,320 $ 57,120 $ 58,920 27 $ 54,360 56,160 $ 57,960 $ 59,760 28 $ 55,200 57,000 $ 58,800 $ 60,600 29 $ 56,040 57,840 $ 59,640 $ 61,440 30 $ 56,880 58,680 $ 60,480 $ 62,280 31 $ 57,720 59,520 $ 61,320 $ 63,120 32 $ 58,560 60,360 $ 62,160 $ 63,960 33 $ 59,760 61,560 $ 63,360 $ 65,160 34 $ 62,419 64,695 $ 66,570 $ 68,933 35 $ 65,892 68,500 $ 70,650 $ 72,383 79 80 Appendix F 81 82 Appendix I Subject Page Abandonment of Position 31, 34, 40 Academic Freedom 41 Admission to High School Athletic Events – Pilot Program 4 Annual Program-Based Instructional Employees 44 Arbitration, Request for 10, 72 Assaults on Employees 23 Assignments Beyond the Normal Workday and Workweek 14 Assignments within the Normal Workday 14 Athletic Directors 61 Bargaining Unit Job Classifications 59 Benefits Committee 48 Bereavement Leave 38 Board and Superintendent Rights 7 Bulletin Boards 4 Class Size – Class Load 20 Classroom Discipline and Control 22 Classroom Observations 18, 28 Committees 6, 56 Communicating to Employees 4 Compensated Assignments Beyond the Standard Work Schedule (Workday, Workweek, or Work Year) 15 Compensation 15, 16, 42, 43, 44 Compensation, Teacher Education Center or Similar Programs 44 Compensation for Summer School, Evening School, Other Programs, and Hourly-as-Needed Employees 43 Compensatory Time 16, 55 Continuation of Benefits 32 Court Appearances 39 Curriculum and Instruction 20 Curriculum Assistance Supplement 80 Days, Definition 1 Definitions 1 Direct Deposit of Paychecks 49 Domestic Violence Situations, Leave for 40 Dues Deduction 51 Emergency School Closing 41 Employee Assignments 14 Employee Authority and Protection 21 Employee Children, Enrollment in School of Choice 3 Employee, Definition 1 Employee Discipline 21 Page Employee Evaluation 27 Employee Rights and Responsibilities 2 Employee Salaries for the 2013-2014 School Year 42 Employee Workday and Workweek 12 Employee Work Year 15, 51 Employment Practices 26 Faculty Meetings 16 Family and Medical Leave 32 Florida Education Association Delegate Assembly 6 Grades, Submission of 18 Grievance Forms 69, 70, 71, 72, 73 Grievance Procedure 7 Health and Safety 18 Health Insurance Program 47 Holidays 40, 52 Hourly-as-Needed Personnel 43 In-Service Activities 15 Instructional Continuity 40 LCTA Access to District Policies and Rules 5 LCTA Activities, Temporary Duty 6 LCTA Activities, Unpaid Leave 6 LCTA Data Requests 5 LCTA, Release of President for LCTA Activities 5 LCTA, Reports Provided to 5 LCTA Representation on District Committees 6 LCTA Rights and Responsibilities 2 LCTA Use of Facilities 5 Leave for Contracting Communicable Disease at the Worksite 38 Legislative Committee 6 Life Insurance 44, 47 Loss of Pay 42, 55 Lunch Period 13 Maintenance of Standards 52 Medical Information 36 Military Leave 39 Negotiations 1, 56 Negotiations Committee 6 No-Strike Clause 7 Observations, Classroom 18, 28 Overpayment of Salary/Supplement 49 Paid Holidays 40, 52 Page Parental Leave 32 Payroll Deductions 50 Personal and Emergency Leave 36 Personal Automobile Use 48 Personnel Files 22 Planning/Preparation Period 13 Political Activity 42 Private School Experience Credit 45 Professional Assignments and Working Conditions 13 Recognition and Definitions 1 Reduction in Personnel 24 Reimbursement for Damaged Personal Property 22 Removal of ESE Student from the Classroom 23 Removal of Students from the Classroom 23 Reprisal 12 Retirement Incentive 49 Rules and Policies 17 Salary Supplements (Appendix B) 58 School Closing, Emergency 41 School Facilities 17 School Improvement and Accountability and Shared Decision Making 53 Sexual Violence Situations, Leave for 40 Sick Leave 34 Sick Leave Credit and Accrual 34 Sick Leave Transfer to a Family Member 36 Signatures/Witnesses 58 Special Olympics Supervisor 62, 64 Student Teaching Assignments 41 Supplements/Vacancies 58 Tax-Deferred Annuity Programs 44, 48 Teaching Periods and Time for Other Duties 12 Temporary Duty 40, 52 Totality of Agreement - Amendment and Duration 53 Transfers, Vacancies and 29 Unauthorized Leave 33 Unpaid Leaves of More than Ten Days 31 Unpaid Leaves of Ten Days or Less 31 Vacancies and Transfers 29 Verification of Absence 40 Workers’ Compensation - Leave and Benefits 37 Zero Tolerance, Student Behavior 22

Appears in 1 contract


GRIEVANCE FORM REQUEST FOR ARBITRATION. The LCTA hereby gives notice of its intent to proceed to arbitration with the following grievance: Xxxxxxxx’s Name: District File #: The Step 2 Decision dated was received by the GRIEVANT on Authorized LCTA Signature Date of Receipt by Employee Relations Office I hereby authorize LCTA to proceed to arbitration with my grievance. I also authorize LCTA and the Xxxx School District to use, and to provide to the arbitrator during the arbitration proceedings, copies of any materials relevant to the issues raised in this arbitration, although such materials may otherwise be confidential under State or Federal law. Signature of Grievant Date This Notice is to be filed with the Director of Labor Relations. Appendix D FY 2015 & FY 2016 LCTA Salary Schedule (Grandfathered) Pay Grade Bachelors Xxxxxxx Xx Specialist Doctorate 0 $ 35,600 37,400 $ 39,200 $ 41,000 1 $ 36,160 37,960 $ 39,760 $ 41,560 2 $ 37,000 38,800 $ 40,600 $ 42,400 3 $ 37,840 39,640 $ 41,440 $ 43,240 4 $ 38,400 40,200 $ 42,000 $ 43,800 5 $ 38,960 40,760 $ 42,560 $ 44,360 6 $ 39,520 41,320 $ 43,120 $ 44,920 7 $ 40,080 41,880 $ 43,680 $ 45,480 8 $ 40,640 42,440 $ 44,240 $ 46,040 9 $ 40,920 42,720 $ 44,520 $ 46,320 10 $ 41,480 43,280 $ 45,080 $ 46,880 11 $ 42,040 43,840 $ 45,640 $ 47,440 12 $ 42,880 44,680 $ 46,480 $ 48,280 13 $ 43,440 45,240 $ 47,040 $ 48,840 14 $ 44,280 46,080 $ 47,880 $ 49,680 15 $ 45,120 46,920 $ 48,720 $ 50,520 16 $ 45,960 47,760 $ 49,560 $ 51,360 17 $ 46,800 48,600 $ 50,400 $ 52,200 18 $ 47,640 49,440 $ 51,240 $ 53,040 19 $ 48,480 50,280 $ 52,080 $ 53,880 20 $ 49,040 50,840 $ 52,640 $ 54,440 21 $ 49,880 51,680 $ 53,480 $ 55,280 22 $ 50,720 52,520 $ 54,320 $ 56,120 23 $ 51,280 53,080 $ 54,880 $ 56,680 24 $ 51,840 53,640 $ 55,440 $ 57,240 25 $ 52,680 54,480 $ 56,280 $ 58,080 26 $ 53,520 55,320 $ 57,120 $ 58,920 27 $ 54,360 56,160 $ 57,960 $ 59,760 28 $ 55,200 57,000 $ 58,800 $ 60,600 29 $ 56,040 57,840 $ 59,640 $ 61,440 30 $ 56,880 58,680 $ 60,480 $ 62,280 31 $ 57,720 59,520 $ 61,320 $ 63,120 32 $ 58,560 60,360 $ 62,160 $ 63,960 33 $ 59,760 61,560 $ 63,360 $ 65,160 34 $ 62,419 64,695 $ 66,570 $ 68,933 35 $ 65,892 68,500 $ 70,650 $ 72,383 79 80 Appendix F 81 82 Appendix I Subject Page Abandonment of Position 31, 34, 40 36, 43 Academic Freedom 41 44 Admission to High School Athletic Events – Pilot Program 4 Annual Program-Based Instructional Employees 44 46, 47 Arbitration, Request for 1011, 72 Assaults on Employees 23 24 Assignments Beyond the Normal Workday and Workweek 14 15 Assignments within the Normal Workday 14 Athletic Directors 61 64 Bargaining Unit Job Classifications 59 62 Benefits Committee 48 51 Bereavement Leave 38 41 Board and Superintendent Rights 7 Bulletin Boards 4 Class Size – Class Load 20 21 Classroom Discipline and Control 22 24 Classroom Observations 1820, 28 30 Committees 6, 56 57 Communicating to Employees 4 Compensated Assignments Beyond the Standard Work Schedule (Workday, Workweek, or Work Year) 15 Compensation 15, 16, 42, 43, 44 44, 45 Compensation, Teacher Education Center or Similar Programs 44 47 Compensation for Summer School, Evening School, Other Programs, and Hourly-as-Needed Employees 43 46 Compensatory Time 1617, 55 58 Continuation of Benefits 32 35 Court Appearances 39 42 Curriculum and Instruction 20 22 Curriculum Assistance Supplement 80 77 Days, Definition 1 Definitions 1 Direct Deposit of Paychecks 49 51 Domestic Violence Situations, Leave for 40 43 Dues Deduction 51 53 Emergency School Closing 41 43 Employee Assignments 14 17 Employee Authority and Protection 21 23 Employee Children, Enrollment in School of Choice 3 Employee, Definition 1 Employee Discipline 21 23 Page Employee Evaluation 27 28 Employee Rights and Responsibilities 2 Employee Salaries for the 2013-2014 School Year 42 45 Employee Workday and Workweek 12 Employee Work Year 15, 51 54 Employment Practices 26 27 Faculty Meetings 16 17 Family and Medical Leave 32 35 Florida Education Association Delegate Assembly 6 Grades, Submission of 18 20 Grievance Forms 6975, 7076, 71, 72, 73 77 Grievance Procedure 7 8 Health and Safety 18 19 Health Insurance Program 47 50 Holidays 4043, 52 54 Hourly-as-Needed Personnel 43 46 In-Service Activities 15 17 Instructional Continuity 40 43 LCTA Access to District Policies and Rules 5 LCTA Activities, Temporary Duty 6 LCTA Activities, Unpaid Leave 6 7 LCTA Data Requests 5 LCTA, Release of President for LCTA Activities 5 LCTA, Reports Provided to 5 LCTA Representation on District Committees 6 LCTA Rights and Responsibilities 2 LCTA Use of Facilities 5 Leave for Contracting Communicable Disease at the Worksite 38 40 Legislative Committee 6 Life Insurance 4447, 47 50 Loss of Pay 4245, 55 58 Lunch Period 13 Maintenance of Standards 52 55 Medical Information 36 39 Military Leave 39 41 Negotiations 1, 56 59 Negotiations Committee 6 No-Strike Clause 7 Observations, Classroom 1820, 28 30 Overpayment of Salary/Supplement 49 51 Paid Holidays 4043, 52 54 Page Parental Leave 32 34 Payroll Deductions 50 53 Personal and Emergency Leave 36 39 Personal Automobile Use 48 51 Personnel Files 22 23 Planning/Preparation Period 13 Political Activity 42 44 Private School Experience Credit 45 48 Professional Assignments and Working Conditions 13 12 Recognition and Definitions 1 Reduction in Personnel 24 26 Reimbursement for Damaged Personal Property 22 23 Removal of ESE Student from the Classroom 23 24 Removal of Students from the Classroom 23 24 Reprisal 12 Retirement Incentive 49 52 Rules and Policies 17 18 Salary Supplements (Appendix B) 58 63 School Closing, Emergency 41 43 School Facilities 17 18 School Improvement and Accountability and Shared Decision Making 53 54 Sexual Violence Situations, Leave for 40 43 Sick Leave 34 36 Sick Leave Credit and Accrual 34 36 Sick Leave Transfer to a Family Member 36 39 Signatures/Witnesses 58 61 Special Olympics Supervisor 6265, 64 66 Student Teaching Assignments 41 44 Supplements/Vacancies 58 63 Tax-Deferred Annuity Programs 4447, 48 51 Teaching Periods and Time for Other Duties 12 14 Temporary Duty 4042, 52 55 Totality of Agreement - Amendment and Duration 53 59 Transfers, Vacancies and 29 32 Unauthorized Leave 33 36 Unpaid Leaves of More than Ten Days 31 33 Unpaid Leaves of Ten Days or Less 31 34 Vacancies and Transfers 29 32 Verification of Absence 40 43 Workers’ Compensation - Leave and Benefits 37 Zero Tolerance, Student Behavior 2239

Appears in 1 contract


GRIEVANCE FORM REQUEST FOR ARBITRATION. The LCTA hereby gives notice of its intent to proceed to arbitration with the following grievance: Xxxxxxxx’s Name: District File #: The Step 2 Decision dated was received by the GRIEVANT on Authorized LCTA Signature Date of Receipt by Employee Relations Office I hereby authorize LCTA to proceed to arbitration with my grievance. I also authorize LCTA and the Xxxx School District to use, and to provide to the arbitrator during the arbitration proceedings, copies of any materials relevant to the issues raised in this arbitration, although such materials may otherwise be confidential under State or Federal law. Signature of Grievant Date This Notice is to be filed with the Director of Labor Relations. Appendix D FY 2015 & FY 2016 Instructional Staff Salary Placement Schedule Related Years of Experience (See LCTA Salary Schedule (GrandfatheredContract - Compensation) Pay Grade Beginning Bachelors Xxxxxxx Xx Specialist Doctorate - Annual Beginning Bachelors - Hourly Rate 0 $ 35,600 37,400 47,000.00 $ 39,200 $ 41,000 31.97 1 $ 36,160 37,960 47,000.00 $ 39,760 $ 41,560 31.97 2 $ 37,000 38,800 47,000.00 $ 40,600 $ 42,400 31.97 3 $ 37,840 39,640 47,000.00 $ 41,440 $ 43,240 31.97 4 $ 38,400 40,200 47,000.00 $ 42,000 $ 43,800 31.97 5 $ 38,960 40,760 47,000.00 $ 42,560 $ 44,360 31.97 6 $ 39,520 41,320 47,000.00 $ 43,120 $ 44,920 31.97 7 $ 40,080 41,880 47,000.00 $ 43,680 $ 45,480 31.97 8 $ 40,640 42,440 47,000.00 $ 44,240 $ 46,040 31.97 9 $ 40,920 42,720 47,000.00 $ 44,520 $ 46,320 31.97 10 $ 41,480 43,280 47,000.00 $ 45,080 $ 46,880 31.97 11 $ 42,040 43,840 47,000.00 $ 45,640 $ 47,440 31.97 12 $ 42,880 44,680 47,000.00 $ 46,480 $ 48,280 31.97 13 $ 43,440 45,240 47,000.00 $ 47,040 $ 48,840 31.97 14 $ 44,280 46,080 47,000.00 $ 47,880 $ 49,680 31.97 15 $ 45,120 46,920 47,068.36 $ 48,720 $ 50,520 32.02 16 $ 45,960 47,760 47,908.36 $ 49,560 $ 51,360 32.59 17 $ 46,800 48,600 48,748.36 $ 50,400 $ 52,200 33.16 18 $ 47,640 49,440 49,588.36 $ 51,240 $ 53,040 33.73 19 $ 48,480 50,280 50,428.36 $ 52,080 $ 53,880 34.31 20 $ 49,040 50,840 50,988.36 $ 52,640 $ 54,440 34.69 21 $ 49,880 51,680 51,828.36 $ 53,480 $ 55,280 35.26 22 $ 50,720 52,520 52,668.36 $ 54,320 $ 56,120 35.83 23 $ 51,280 53,080 53,228.36 $ 54,880 $ 56,680 36.21 24 $ 51,840 53,640 53,788.36 $ 55,440 $ 57,240 36.59 25 $ 52,680 54,480 54,628.36 $ 56,280 $ 58,080 37.16 26 $ 53,520 55,320 55,468.36 $ 57,120 $ 58,920 37.73 27 $ 54,360 56,160 56,308.36 $ 57,960 $ 59,760 38.31 28 $ 55,200 57,000 57,148.36 $ 58,800 $ 60,600 38.88 29 $ 56,040 57,840 57,988.36 $ 59,640 $ 61,440 39.45 30 $ 56,880 58,680 58,828.36 $ 60,480 $ 62,280 40.02 31 $ 57,720 59,520 59,668.36 $ 61,320 $ 63,120 40.59 32 $ 58,560 60,360 60,508.36 $ 62,160 $ 63,960 41.16 33 $ 59,760 61,560 61,708.36 $ 63,360 $ 65,160 41.98 34 $ 62,419 64,695 64,367.36 $ 66,570 $ 68,933 43.79 35 $ 65,892 68,500 67,840.36 $ 70,650 $ 72,383 79 80 Appendix F 81 82 Appendix I 46.15 Pursuant to Florida Statute 1012.22(1)(c)(3), a District School Board may not use advanced degrees in setting a salary schedule for instructional personnel or school-based administrators who are hired on or after July 1, 2011. Advanced degrees are paid as a salary supplement in the following amounts: Master's Degree - $1800, Ed Specialist Degree - $3600 and Doctoral Degree - $5400. To qualify for advanced degree supplement, the advanced degree must be in individual’s area of certification Index Subject Page Abandonment of Position 3119, 3420, 40 24 Academic Freedom 41 25 Admission to High School Athletic Events – Pilot Program 4 2 Annual Program-Based Instructional Employees 44 Employees… 26 Arbitration, Request for 106, 72 46 Assaults on Employees 23 14 Assignments Beyond the Normal Workday and Workweek 14 8 Assignments within the Normal Workday 14 8 Athletic Directors 61 37 Bargaining Unit Job Classifications 59 35 Benefits Committee 48 28, 32 Bereavement Leave 38 23 Board and Superintendent Rights 7 4 Bulletin Boards 4 2 Class Size – Class Load 20 12 Classroom Discipline and Control 22 14 Classroom Observations 1811, 28 Committees 617 Committees… 3, 56 32 Communicating to Employees 4 2 Compensated Assignments Beyond the Standard Work Schedule (Workday8 Compensation 8, Workweek9, or Work Year) 15 Compensation 1518, 1624, 4225, 4326, 44 38, 47 Compensation, Teacher Education Center or Similar Programs 44 26 Compensation for Summer School, Evening School, Other Programs, and Hourly-as-Needed Employees 43 25, 26 Compensatory Time 167, 55 9, 10, 32 Continuation of Benefits 32 19 Court Appearances 39 23, 24 Curriculum and Instruction 20 Curriculum Assistance Supplement 80 12, 25 Days, Definition 1 Definitions 1 Direct Deposit of Paychecks 49 28, 29 Domestic Violence Situations, Leave for 40 24 Dues Deduction 51 29, Emergency School Closing 41 24 Employee Assignments 14 8 Employee Authority and Protection 21 13 Employee Children, Enrollment in School of Choice 3 2 Employee, Definition 1 Employee Discipline 21 Page 8 Employee Evaluation 27 8,16 Employee Rights and Responsibilities 2 Employee Salaries for the 2013-2014 School Year 42 47 Employee Workday and Workweek 12 7 Employee Work Year 158, 51 30 Employment Practices 26 16 Faculty Meetings 16 3, 10 Family and Medical Leave 32 20 Florida Education Association Delegate Assembly 6 3 Grades, Submission of 18 11 Grievance Forms 6944, 7045, 71, 72, 73 46 Grievance Procedure 7 4, 5 Health and Safety 18 11 Subject Page Health Insurance Program 47 28 Holidays 4024, 52 30 Hourly-as-Needed Personnel 43 Personnel… 25, 26, 28 In-Service Activities 15 9 Instructional Continuity 40 24 LCTA Access to District Policies and Rules 5 3 LCTA Activities, Temporary Duty 6 3 LCTA Activities, Unpaid Leave 6 4 LCTA Data Requests 5 3 LCTA, Release of President for LCTA Activities 5 3 LCTA, Reports Provided to 5 3 LCTA Representation on District Committees 6 3 LCTA Rights and Responsibilities 2 LCTA Use of Facilities 5 3 Leave for Contracting Communicable Disease at the Worksite 38 23 Legislative Committee 6 4 Life Insurance 4426, 47 28 Loss of Pay 4224, 55 25, 32 Lunch Period 13 7 Maintenance of Standards 52 30 Medical Information 36 22 Military Leave 39 23 Negotiations 1, 56 3, 33 Negotiations Committee 6 3 No-Strike Clause 7 4 Observations, Classroom 1811, 28 17 Overpayment of Salary/Supplement 49 28 Paid Holidays 4024, 52 Page 30 Parental Leave 32 19 Payroll Deductions 50 29 Personal and Emergency Leave 36 Personal Automobile Use 48 22 Personnel Files 22 13 Planning/Preparation Period 13 7 Political Activity 42 25 Private School Experience Credit 45 27 Professional Assignments and Working Conditions 13 7 Recognition and Definitions 1 Reduction in Personnel 24 15 Reimbursement for Damaged Personal Property 22 13 Removal of ESE Student from the Classroom 23 14 Removal of Students from the Classroom 23 14 Reprisal 12 7 Retirement Incentive 49 29 Rules and Policies 17 2, 10 Salary Supplements (Appendix B) 58 36 School Closing, Emergency 41 24 School Facilities 17 10 School Improvement and Accountability and Shared Decision Making 53 30, 31 Sexual Violence Situations, Leave for 40 24 Sick Leave 34 20 Sick Leave Credit and Accrual 34 20 Sick Leave Transfer to a Family Member 36 22 Signatures/Witnesses 58 34 Special Olympics Supervisor 62, 64 37 Student Teaching Assignments 41 Supplements/Vacancies 58 24 Tax-Deferred Annuity Programs 44, 48 28 Teaching Periods and Time for Other Duties 12 7 Subject Page Temporary Duty 403, 52 23, 30 Totality of Agreement - Amendment and Duration 53 32 Transfers, Vacancies and 29 18 Unauthorized Leave 33 20 Unpaid Leaves of More than Ten Days 31 19 Unpaid Leaves of Ten Days or Less 31 19 Vacancies and Transfers 29 18 Verification of Absence 40 24 Workers’ Compensation - Leave and Benefits 37 Zero Tolerance, Student Behavior 22

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GRIEVANCE FORM REQUEST FOR ARBITRATION. The LCTA hereby gives notice of its intent to proceed to arbitration with the following grievance: Xxxxxxxx’s Name: District File #: The Step 2 Decision dated was received by the GRIEVANT on Authorized LCTA Signature Date of Receipt by Employee Relations Office I hereby authorize LCTA to proceed to arbitration with my grievance. I also authorize LCTA and the Xxxx School District to use, and to provide to the arbitrator during the arbitration proceedings, copies of any materials relevant to the issues raised in this arbitration, although such materials may otherwise be confidential under State or Federal law. Signature of Grievant Date This Notice is to be filed with the Director of Labor Relations. Appendix D FY 2015 & FY 2016 LCTA Salary Schedule (Grandfathered) Pay Grade Bachelors Xxxxxxx Xx Specialist Doctorate 0 $ 35,600 37,400 $ 39,200 $ 41,000 1 $ 36,160 37,960 $ 39,760 $ 41,560 2 $ 37,000 38,800 $ 40,600 $ 42,400 3 $ 37,840 39,640 $ 41,440 $ 43,240 4 $ 38,400 40,200 $ 42,000 $ 43,800 5 $ 38,960 40,760 $ 42,560 $ 44,360 6 $ 39,520 41,320 $ 43,120 $ 44,920 7 $ 40,080 41,880 $ 43,680 $ 45,480 8 $ 40,640 42,440 $ 44,240 $ 46,040 9 $ 40,920 42,720 $ 44,520 $ 46,320 10 $ 41,480 43,280 $ 45,080 $ 46,880 11 $ 42,040 43,840 $ 45,640 $ 47,440 12 $ 42,880 44,680 $ 46,480 $ 48,280 13 $ 43,440 45,240 $ 47,040 $ 48,840 14 $ 44,280 46,080 $ 47,880 $ 49,680 15 $ 45,120 46,920 $ 48,720 $ 50,520 16 $ 45,960 47,760 $ 49,560 $ 51,360 17 $ 46,800 48,600 $ 50,400 $ 52,200 18 $ 47,640 49,440 $ 51,240 $ 53,040 19 $ 48,480 50,280 $ 52,080 $ 53,880 20 $ 49,040 50,840 $ 52,640 $ 54,440 21 $ 49,880 51,680 $ 53,480 $ 55,280 22 $ 50,720 52,520 $ 54,320 $ 56,120 23 $ 51,280 53,080 $ 54,880 $ 56,680 24 $ 51,840 53,640 $ 55,440 $ 57,240 25 $ 52,680 54,480 $ 56,280 $ 58,080 26 $ 53,520 55,320 $ 57,120 $ 58,920 27 $ 54,360 56,160 $ 57,960 $ 59,760 28 $ 55,200 57,000 $ 58,800 $ 60,600 29 $ 56,040 57,840 $ 59,640 $ 61,440 30 $ 56,880 58,680 $ 60,480 $ 62,280 31 $ 57,720 59,520 $ 61,320 $ 63,120 32 $ 58,560 60,360 $ 62,160 $ 63,960 33 $ 59,760 61,560 $ 63,360 $ 65,160 34 $ 62,419 64,695 $ 66,570 $ 68,933 35 $ 65,892 68,500 $ 70,650 $ 72,383 79 80 Appendix F 81 82 Appendix I Subject Page Abandonment of Position 31, 34, 40 Academic Freedom 41 Admission to High School Athletic Events – Pilot Program 4 Annual Program-Based Instructional Employees Employees… 44 Arbitration, Request for 10, 72 Assaults on Employees 23 Assignments Beyond the Normal Workday and Workweek 14 Assignments within the Normal Workday 14 Athletic Directors 61 Bargaining Unit Job Classifications 59 Benefits Committee 48 Bereavement Leave 38 Board and Superintendent Rights 7 Bulletin Boards 4 Class Size – Class Load 20 Classroom Discipline and Control 22 Classroom Observations 18, 28 Committees 6, 56 Communicating to Employees 4 Compensated Assignments Beyond the Standard Work Schedule (Workday, Workweek, or Work Year) 15 Compensation 15, 16, 42, 43, 44 Compensation, Teacher Education Center or Similar Programs 44 Compensation for Summer School, Evening School, Other Programs, and Hourly-as-Needed Employees 43 Compensatory Time 16, 55 Continuation of Benefits 32 Court Appearances 39 Curriculum and Instruction 20 Curriculum Assistance Supplement 80 Days, Definition 1 Definitions 1 Direct Deposit of Paychecks 49 Domestic Violence Situations, Leave for 40 Dues Deduction 51 Emergency School Closing 41 Employee Assignments 14 Employee Authority and Protection 21 Employee Children, Enrollment in School of Choice 3 Employee, Definition 1 Employee Discipline 21 Page Employee Evaluation 27 Employee Rights and Responsibilities 2 Employee Salaries for the 2013-2014 School Year 42 Employee Workday and Workweek 12 Employee Work Year 15, 51 Employment Practices 26 Faculty Meetings 16 Family and Medical Leave 32 Florida Education Association Delegate Assembly 6 Grades, Submission of 18 Grievance Forms 69, 70, 71, 72, 73 Grievance Procedure 7 Health and Safety 18 Health Insurance Program 47 Holidays 40, 52 Hourly-as-Needed Personnel 43 In-Service Activities 15 Instructional Continuity 40 LCTA Access to District Policies and Rules 5 LCTA Activities, Temporary Duty 6 LCTA Activities, Unpaid Leave 6 LCTA Data Requests 5 LCTA, Release of President for LCTA Activities 5 LCTA, Reports Provided to 5 LCTA Representation on District Committees 6 LCTA Rights and Responsibilities 2 LCTA Use of Facilities 5 Leave for Contracting Communicable Disease at the Worksite 38 Legislative Committee 6 Life Insurance 44, 47 Loss of Pay 42, 55 Lunch Period 13 Maintenance of Standards 52 Medical Information 36 Military Leave 39 Negotiations 1, 56 Negotiations Committee 6 No-Strike Clause 7 Observations, Classroom 18, 28 Overpayment of Salary/Supplement 49 Paid Holidays 40, 52 Page Parental Leave 32 Payroll Deductions 50 Personal and Emergency Leave 36 Personal Automobile Use 48 Personnel Files 22 Planning/Preparation Period 13 Political Activity 42 Private School Experience Credit 45 Professional Assignments and Working Conditions 13 Recognition and Definitions 1 Reduction in Personnel 24 Reimbursement for Damaged Personal Property 22 Removal of ESE Student from the Classroom 23 Removal of Students from the Classroom 23 Reprisal 12 Retirement Incentive 49 Rules and Policies 17 Salary Supplements (Appendix B) 58 School Closing, Emergency 41 School Facilities 17 School Improvement and Accountability and Shared Decision Making 53 Sexual Violence Situations, Leave for 40 Sick Leave 34 Sick Leave Credit and Accrual 34 Sick Leave Transfer to a Family Member 36 Signatures/Witnesses 58 Special Olympics Supervisor 62, 64 Student Teaching Assignments 41 Supplements/Vacancies 58 Tax-Deferred Annuity Programs 44, 48 Teaching Periods and Time for Other Duties 12 Temporary Duty 40, 52 Totality of Agreement - Amendment and Duration 53 Transfers, Vacancies and 29 Unauthorized Leave 33 Unpaid Leaves of More than Ten Days 31 Unpaid Leaves of Ten Days or Less 31 Vacancies and Transfers 29 Verification of Absence 40 Workers’ Compensation - Leave and Benefits 37 Zero Tolerance, Student Behavior 22

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GRIEVANCE FORM REQUEST FOR ARBITRATION. The LCTA hereby gives notice of its intent to proceed to arbitration with the following grievance: Xxxxxxxx’s Name: District File #: The Step 2 Decision dated was received by the GRIEVANT on Authorized LCTA Signature Date of Receipt by Employee Relations Office I hereby authorize LCTA to proceed to arbitration with my grievance. I also authorize LCTA and the Xxxx School District to use, and to provide to the arbitrator during the arbitration proceedings, copies of any materials relevant to the issues raised in this arbitration, although such materials may otherwise be confidential under State or Federal law. Signature of Grievant Date This Notice is to be filed with the Director District Chief of Labor Relations. Appendix APPENDIX D FY 2015 & FY 2016 LCTA 2011-2012 Teachers Salary Schedule (Grandfathered) 2011‐2012 Teachers Salary Schedule Xxxx County School District ‐ Xxxx Classroom Teachers Association Years Experience 2011‐12 2011‐12 2011‐12 2011‐12 2011‐12 Completed June Pay Grade Bachelors Xxxxxxx Xx Specialist Doctorate BA MS ES Doc 2007 Level Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule 0 0 $ 35,600 37,400 34,548 $ 39,200 35,764 $ 41,000 36,980 $ 38,196 1 1 $ 36,160 37,960 34,738 $ 39,760 35,896 $ 41,560 37,107 $ 38,317 2 2 $ 37,000 38,800 34,829 $ 40,600 36,000 $ 42,400 37,204 $ 38,402 3 2 $ 34,829 $ 36,000 $ 37,204 $ 38,402 4 3 $ 37,840 39,640 35,174 $ 41,440 36,360 $ 43,240 37,682 $ 38,887 5 4 $ 38,400 40,200 35,797 $ 42,000 37,033 $ 43,800 38,333 $ 39,527 6 5 $ 38,960 40,760 36,634 $ 42,560 37,897 $ 44,360 39,267 $ 40,474 7 5 $ 36,634 $ 37,897 $ 39,267 $ 40,474 8 6 $ 39,520 41,320 37,051 $ 43,120 38,312 $ 44,920 39,804 $ 41,120 9 7 $ 40,080 41,880 37,893 $ 43,680 39,173 $ 45,480 40,812 $ 42,168 10 7 $ 37,893 $ 39,173 $ 40,812 $ 42,168 11 8 $ 40,640 42,440 38,323 $ 44,240 39,604 $ 46,040 41,345 $ 42,723 12 9 $ 40,920 42,720 38,753 $ 44,520 40,035 $ 46,320 41,898 $ 43,278 13 10 $ 41,480 43,280 39,244 $ 45,080 40,527 $ 46,880 42,501 $ 43,895 14 11 $ 42,040 43,840 40,191 $ 45,640 41,472 $ 47,440 43,639 $ 45,394 15 11 $ 40,191 $ 41,472 $ 43,639 $ 45,394 16 12 $ 42,880 44,680 40,803 $ 46,480 42,125 $ 48,280 44,253 $ 46,318 17 13 $ 43,440 45,240 41,406 $ 47,040 43,230 $ 48,840 45,265 $ 47,427 18 14 $ 44,280 46,080 42,127 $ 47,880 44,364 $ 49,680 46,336 $ 48,599 19 15 $ 45,120 46,920 43,145 $ 48,720 45,487 $ 50,520 47,338 $ 49,722 20 16 $ 45,960 47,760 44,164 $ 49,560 46,652 $ 51,360 48,446 $ 50,953 21 17 $ 46,800 48,600 46,705 $ 50,400 49,241 $ 52,200 50,865 $ 53,517 22 17 $ 46,705 $ 49,241 $ 50,865 $ 53,517 23 18 $ 47,640 49,440 48,198 $ 51,240 50,686 $ 53,040 52,394 $ 54,830 24 19 $ 48,480 50,280 49,720 $ 52,080 52,208 $ 53,880 53,913 $ 56,266 25 20 $ 49,040 50,840 51,264 $ 52,640 53,720 $ 54,440 55,526 $ 57,835 26 21 $ 49,880 51,680 52,869 $ 53,480 55,450 $ 55,280 57,263 $ 59,570 27 22 $ 50,720 52,520 57,973 $ 54,320 60,201 $ 56,120 61,987 $ 64,348 28+ 23 $ 51,280 53,080 61,372 $ 54,880 63,924 $ 56,680 66,029 $ 67,725 PLEASE NOTE: THIS SCHEDULE IS DESIGNED TO INDICATE PAY LEVELS THAT EQUATE WITH YEARS OF CREDITABLE EXPERIENCE COMPLETED THROUGH JUNE OF 2007 FOR NEW AND CURRENT INSTRUCTIONAL EMPLOYEES FOR THE 2010‐2011 YEAR ONLY. IT SHOULD NOT BE USED TO PREDICT OIR PROJECT FUTURE PAY LEVELS OR INCREASES AS IT IS RENEGOTIATED AND RESTRUCTURED ANNUALLY. 2011‐2012 Teacher's Salary Schedule for employees hired on or after July 1, 2011 Years Experience 2011‐2012 Completed June Pay 2011‐12 2011‐12 2011‐12 2011‐12 2007 Level BA MS ES DOC Schedule + Supplement + Supplement + Supplement 0 00 $ 34,548.00 $ 35,748.00 $ 36,948.00 $ 38,148.00 1 01 $ 34,738.00 $ 35,938.00 $ 37,138.00 $ 38,338.00 2 02 $ 34,829.00 $ 36,029.00 $ 37,229.00 $ 38,429.00 3 02 $ 34,829.00 $ 36,029.00 $ 37,229.00 $ 38,429.00 4 03 $ 35,174.00 $ 36,374.00 $ 37,574.00 $ 38,774.00 5 04 $ 35,797.00 $ 36,997.00 $ 38,197.00 $ 39,397.00 6 05 $ 36,634.00 $ 37,834.00 $ 39,034.00 $ 40,234.00 7 05 $ 36,634.00 $ 37,834.00 $ 39,034.00 $ 40,234.00 8 06 $ 37,051.00 $ 38,251.00 $ 39,451.00 $ 40,651.00 9 07 $ 37,893.00 $ 39,093.00 $ 40,293.00 $ 41,493.00 10 07 $ 37,893.00 $ 39,093.00 $ 40,293.00 $ 41,493.00 11 08 $ 38,323.00 $ 39,523.00 $ 40,723.00 $ 41,923.00 12 09 $ 38,753.00 $ 39,953.00 $ 41,153.00 $ 42,353.00 13 10 $ 39,244.00 $ 40,444.00 $ 41,644.00 $ 42,844.00 14 11 $ 40,191.00 $ 41,391.00 $ 42,591.00 $ 43,791.00 15 11 $ 40,191.00 $ 41,391.00 $ 42,591.00 $ 43,791.00 16 12 $ 40,803.00 $ 42,003.00 $ 43,203.00 $ 44,403.00 17 13 $ 41,406.00 $ 42,606.00 $ 43,806.00 $ 45,006.00 18 14 $ 42,127.00 $ 43,327.00 $ 44,527.00 $ 45,727.00 19 15 $ 43,145.00 $ 44,345.00 $ 45,545.00 $ 46,745.00 20 16 $ 44,164.00 $ 45,364.00 $ 46,564.00 $ 47,764.00 21 17 $ 46,705.00 $ 47,905.00 $ 49,105.00 $ 50,305.00 22 17 $ 46,705.00 $ 47,905.00 $ 49,105.00 $ 50,305.00 23 18 $ 48,198.00 $ 49,398.00 $ 50,598.00 $ 51,798.00 24 19 $ 51,840 53,640 49,720.00 $ 55,440 50,920.00 $ 57,240 52,120.00 $ 53,320.00 25 20 $ 52,680 54,480 51,264.00 $ 56,280 52,464.00 $ 58,080 53,664.00 $ 54,864.00 26 21 $ 53,520 55,320 52,869.00 $ 57,120 54,069.00 $ 58,920 55,269.00 $ 56,469.00 27 22 $ 54,360 56,160 57,973.00 $ 57,960 59,173.00 $ 59,760 28 60,373.00 $ 55,200 57,000 61,573.00 28+ 23 $ 58,800 61,372.00 $ 60,600 29 62,572.00 $ 56,040 57,840 63,772.00 $ 59,640 $ 61,440 30 $ 56,880 58,680 $ 60,480 $ 62,280 31 $ 57,720 59,520 $ 61,320 $ 63,120 32 $ 58,560 60,360 $ 62,160 $ 63,960 33 $ 59,760 61,560 $ 63,360 $ 65,160 34 $ 62,419 64,695 $ 66,570 $ 68,933 35 $ 65,892 68,500 $ 70,650 $ 72,383 79 80 Appendix 64,972.00 PLEASE NOTE: THIS SCHEDULE IS DESIGNED TO INDICATE PAY LEVELS THAT EQUATE WITH YEARS OF CREDITABLE EXPERIENCE COMPLETED THROUGH JUNE OF 2007 FOR EMPLOYEES HIRED ON OR AFTER JULY 1, 2011 FOR 2011‐2012 YEAR ONLY. IT SHOULD NOT BE USED TO PREDICT OIR PROJECT FUTURE PAY LEVELS OR INCREASES AS IT IS RENEGOTIATED AND RESTRUCTURED ANNUALLY. PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE, ADVANCED DEGREE SUPPLEMENTS ARE ONLY ALLOWED WHEN THE ADVANCED DEGREE IS HELD IN THE AREA OF CERTIFCATION. APPENDIX E APPENDIX F 81 82 Appendix APPENDIX G APPENDIX H APPENDIX I APPENDIX J APPENDIX K Index Subject Page Abandonment of Position 3130, 3433, 40 39 Academic Freedom 41 40 Admission to High School Athletic Events – Pilot Program 4 Annual Program-Based Instructional Employees 44 43 Arbitration, Request for 10, 72 69 Assaults on Employees 23 22 Assignments Beyond the Normal Workday and Workweek 14 Assignments within Within the Normal Workday 14 Athletic Directors 61 60 Bargaining Unit Job Classifications 59 58 Benefits Committee 48 47 Bereavement Leave 38 37 Board and Superintendent Rights 7 Bulletin Boards 4 Class Size – Class Load 20 Load. 19 Classroom Discipline and Control 22 Classroom Observations 18, 28 Committees 6Committees… 5, 56 55 Communicating to Employees 4 Compensated Assignments Beyond the Standard Work Schedule (Workday, Workweek, or Work Year) 15 Compensation 15, 16, 42, 43, 44 41 Compensation, Teacher Education Center or Similar Programs 44 43 Compensation for Summer School, Evening School, Other Programs, and Hourly-as-Needed Employees 43 42 Compensatory Time 1615, 55 56 Continuation of Benefits 32 31 Court Appearances 39 38 Curriculum and Instruction 20 Curriculum Assistance Supplement 80 76 Days, Definition 1 Definitions 1 Direct Deposit of Paychecks 49 48 Domestic Violence Situations, Leave for 40 39 Dues Deduction 51 Deduction. 50 Emergency School Closing 41 40 Employee Assignments 14 13 Employee Authority and Protection 21 Employee Children, Enrollment in School of Choice 3 Employee, Definition 1 Employee Discipline 21 Page Employee Evaluation 27 26 Employee Rights and Responsibilities 2 Employee Salaries for the 20132011-2014 2012 School Year 42 41 Employee Workday and Workweek 12 Employee Work Year 15, 51 50 Employment Practices 26 Faculty Meetings 16 Family and Medical Leave 32 31 Florida Education Association Delegate Assembly 6 Grades, Submission of of… 18 Grievance Forms 69, 70, 71, 72, 73 8,67,68,69 Grievance Procedure 7 Health and Safety 18 Health Insurance Program 47 46 Holidays 4039, 52 51 Hourly-as-Needed Personnel 43 Personnel… 42 In-Service Activities 15 Instructional Continuity 40 39 LCTA Access to District Policies and Rules 5 4 LCTA Activities, Temporary Duty 6 5 LCTA Activities, Unpaid Leave 6 LCTA Data Requests 5 LCTA, Release of President for LCTA Activities Activities. 5 LCTA, Reports Provided to 5 LCTA Representation on District Committees 6 LCTA Rights and Responsibilities 2 LCTA Use of Facilities 5 Leave for Contracting Communicable Disease at the Worksite 38 37 Legislative Committee 6 5 Life Insurance 4443, 47 46 Loss of Pay 42, 55 54 Lunch Period 13 12 Maintenance of Standards 52 51 Medical Information 36 35 Military Leave 39 38 Negotiations 1, 56 Negotiations Committee 6 No-Strike Clause 7 Observations, Classroom 18, 28 27 Overpayment of Salary/Supplement 49 47 Paid Holidays 4039, 52 51 Page Parental Leave 32 Payroll Deductions 50 49 Personal and Emergency Leave 36 35 Personal Automobile Use 48 47 Personnel Files 22 21 Planning/Preparation Period 13 Political Activity 42 41 Private School Experience Credit 45 44 Professional Assignments and Working Conditions 13 12 Recognition and Definitions 1 Reduction in Personnel 24 Reimbursement for Damaged Personal Property 22 Removal of ESE Student from the Classroom 23 Removal of Students from the Classroom 23 Reprisal 12 Retirement Incentive 49 Rules and Policies 17 Salary Supplements (Appendix B) 58 School Closing, Emergency 41 40 School Facilities 17 School Improvement and Accountability and Shared Decision Making 53 51 Sexual Violence Situations, Leave for 40 39 Sick Leave 34 33 Sick Leave Credit and Accrual 34 33 Sick Leave Transfer to a Family Member 36 35 Signatures/Witnesses 58 57 Special Olympics Supervisor 6261, 64 Student Teaching Assignments 41 40 Supplements/Vacancies 58 Tax-Deferred Annuity Programs 4443, 48 47 Teaching Periods and Time for Other Duties 12 Temporary Duty 4039, 52 51 Totality of Agreement - Amendment and Duration 53 55 Transfers, Vacancies and 29 28 Unauthorized Leave 33 32 Unpaid Leaves of More than Ten Days 31 30 Unpaid Leaves of Ten Days or Less 31 30 Vacancies and Transfers 29 28 Verification of Absence 40 39 Workers’ Compensation - Leave and Benefits 37 Zero Tolerance, Student Behavior 2236

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