XXXXXXXX FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRINCIPLES In accordance with the XxxXxxxx Fair Employment Principles (Chapter 807 of the Laws of 1992), the Contractor hereby stipulates that the Contractor either (a) has no business operations in Northern Ireland, or (b) shall take lawful steps in good faith to conduct any business operations in Northern Ireland in accordance with the XxxXxxxx Fair Employment Principles (as described in Section 165 of the New York State Finance Law), and shall permit independent monitoring of compliance with such principles.
SUPPLEMENTAL PAYMENT LIMITATION Notwithstanding the foregoing: A. the total of the Supplemental Payments made pursuant to this Article shall not exceed for any calendar year of this Agreement an amount equal to the greater of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per student per year in average daily attendance, as defined by Section 48.005 of the TEXAS EDUCATION CODE, or Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) per year times the number of years beginning with the first complete or partial year of the Qualifying Time Period identified in Section 2.3.C and ending with the year for which the Supplemental Payment is being calculated minus all Supplemental Payments previously made by the Application; B. Supplemental Payments may only be made during the period starting the first year of the Qualifying Time Period and ending December 31 of the third year following the end of the Tax Limitation Period. C. the limitation in Section 6.2.A does not apply to amounts described by Section 313.027(f)(1)–(2) of the TEXAS TAX CODE as implemented in Articles IV and V of this Agreement. D. For purposes of this Agreement, the calculation of the limit of the annual Supplemental Payment shall be the greater of $50,000 or $100 multiplied by the District’s Average Daily Attendance as calculated pursuant to Section 48.005 of the TEXAS EDUCATION CODE, based upon the District’s Average Daily Attendance for the previous school year.
XxxXxxxx Principles - Northern Ireland The provisions of San Francisco Administrative Code §12F are incorporated herein by this reference and made part of this Agreement. By signing this Agreement, Contractor confirms that Contractor has read and understood that the City urges companies doing business in Northern Ireland to resolve employment inequities and to abide by the XxxXxxxx Principles, and urges San Francisco companies to do business with corporations that abide by the XxxXxxxx Principles.
New Hampshire Specific Data Security Requirements The Provider agrees to the following privacy and security standards from “the Minimum Standards for Privacy and Security of Student and Employee Data” from the New Hampshire Department of Education. Specifically, the Provider agrees to: (1) Limit system access to the types of transactions and functions that authorized users, such as students, parents, and LEA are permitted to execute; (2) Limit unsuccessful logon attempts; (3) Employ cryptographic mechanisms to protect the confidentiality of remote access sessions; (4) Authorize wireless access prior to allowing such connections; (5) Create and retain system audit logs and records to the extent needed to enable the monitoring, analysis, investigation, and reporting of unlawful or unauthorized system activity; (6) Ensure that the actions of individual system users can be uniquely traced to those users so they can be held accountable for their actions; (7) Establish and maintain baseline configurations and inventories of organizational systems (including hardware, software, firmware, and documentation) throughout the respective system development life cycles; (8) Restrict, disable, or prevent the use of nonessential programs, functions, ports, protocols, and services; (9) Enforce a minimum password complexity and change of characters when new passwords are created; (10) Perform maintenance on organizational systems; (11) Provide controls on the tools, techniques, mechanisms, and personnel used to conduct system maintenance; (12) Ensure equipment removed for off-site maintenance is sanitized of any Student Data in accordance with NIST SP 800-88 Revision 1; (13) Protect (i.e., physically control and securely store) system media containing Student Data, both paper and digital; (14) Sanitize or destroy system media containing Student Data in accordance with NIST SP 800-88 Revision 1 before disposal or release for reuse; (15) Control access to media containing Student Data and maintain accountability for media during transport outside of controlled areas; (16) Periodically assess the security controls in organizational systems to determine if the controls are effective in their application and develop and implement plans of action designed to correct deficiencies and reduce or eliminate vulnerabilities in organizational systems; (17) Monitor, control, and protect communications (i.e., information transmitted or received by organizational systems) at the external boundaries and key internal boundaries of organizational systems; (18) Deny network communications traffic by default and allow network communications traffic by exception (i.e., deny all, permit by exception); (19) Protect the confidentiality of Student Data at rest; (20) Identify, report, and correct system flaws in a timely manner; (21) Provide protection from malicious code (i.e. Antivirus and Antimalware) at designated locations within organizational systems; (22) Monitor system security alerts and advisories and take action in response; and (23) Update malicious code protection mechanisms when new releases are available.
Maternity Adoption and Parental Leave For the purposes of granting Maternity, Adoption and Parental Leave, the provisions of the Canada Labour Code and of its Regulations shall apply.
Variation of period of parental leave Unless agreed otherwise between the employer and employee, an employee may apply to their employer to change the period of parental leave on one occasion. Any such change to be notified at least four weeks prior to the commencement of the changed arrangements.
CERTIFICATION REGARDING CERTAIN FOREIGN-OWNED COMPANIES IN CONNECTION WITH CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE (Texas law as of September 1, 2021) By submitting a proposal to this Solicitation, you certify that you agree to the following required by Texas law as of September 1, 2021: Proposing Company is prohibited from entering into a contract or other agreement relating to critical infrastructure that would grant to the company direct or remote access to or control of critical infrastructure in this state, excluding access specifically allowed by the Proposing Company for product warranty and support purposes. Company, certifies that neither it nor its parent company nor any affiliate of company or its parent company, is (1) owned by or the majority of stock or other ownership interest of the company is held or controlled by individuals who are citizens of China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, or a designated country; (2) a company or other entity, including governmental entity, that is owned or controlled by citizens of or is directly controlled by the government of China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, or a designated country; or (3) headquartered in China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, or a designated country. For purposes of this contract, “critical infrastructure” means “a communication infrastructure system, cybersecurity system, electric grid, hazardous waste treatment system, or water treatment facility.” See Tex. Gov’t Code § 2274.0101(2) of SB 1226 (87th leg.). The company verifies and certifies that company will not grant direct or remote access to or control of critical infrastructure, except for product warranty and support purposes, to prohibited individuals, companies, or entities, including governmental entities, owned, controlled, or headquartered in China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, or a designated country, as determined by the Governor.
CERTIFICATION REGARDING BOYCOTTING CERTAIN ENERGY COMPANIES (Texas law as of September 1, 2021) By submitting a proposal to this Solicitation, you certify that you agree, when it is applicable, to the following required by Texas law as of September 1, 2021: If (a) company is not a sole proprietorship; (b) company has ten (10) or more full-time employees; and (c) this contract has a value of $100,000 or more that is to be paid wholly or partly from public funds, the following certification shall apply; otherwise, this certification is not required. Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code Ch. 2274 of SB 13 (87th session), the company hereby certifies and verifies that the company, or any wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary, parent company, or affiliate of these entities or business associations, if any, does not boycott energy companies and will not boycott energy companies during the term of the contract. For purposes of this contract, the term “company” shall mean an organization, association, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited liability company, that exists to make a profit. The term “boycott energy company” shall mean “without an ordinary business purpose, refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations with a company because the company (a) engages in the exploration, production, utilization, transportation, sale, or manufacturing of fossil fuel-based energy and does not commit or pledge to meet environmental standards beyond applicable federal and state law, or (b) does business with a company described by paragraph (a).” See Tex. Gov’t Code § 809.001(1).
Rollovers of Settlement Payments From Bankrupt Airlines If you are a qualified airline employee who has received a qualified airline settlement payment from a commercial airline carrier under the approval of an order of a federal bankruptcy court in a case filed after September 11, 2001, and before January 1, 2007, you are allowed to roll over any portion of the proceeds into your Xxxx XXX within 180 days after receipt of such amount, or by a later date if extended by federal law. For further detailed information and effective dates you may obtain IRS Publication 590-A, Contributions to Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs), from the IRS or refer to the IRS website at
Volunteer Firefighting Leave Leave without pay will be granted when an employee who is a volunteer firefighter is called to duty to respond to a fire, natural disaster or medical emergency.