HEALTH AND WELFARE. 36.01 Health and welfare benefits shall be as contained in Appendix "A" of this Agreement and shall form part of this Agreement.
HEALTH AND WELFARE. During the Term of Employment, Executive shall be entitled to participate in all employee pension and welfare benefit plans and programs made available by the Corporation to the Corporation’s senior-level employees generally, as such plans or programs may be in effect from time to time.
HEALTH AND WELFARE. 9.01 The parties hereto acknowledge the Laborers' Health & Welfare Trust Fund of Western Canada. Effective on the commencement of this Agreement, each Employer signatory hereto shall contribute one dollar and sixty cents ($1.60) per hour for each and every hour worked by any employee under the job classifications set out in the Agreement. Contributions shall be made on the basis of full or half hours and shall be made solely by the Employer and no Employer shall deduct such contributions or any portion thereof from the employee's wages. Such contributions are in excess of the wage rates set out in the Agreement, and do not constitute a payment of wages or any portion of a payment of wages.
9.02 Upon the wages of an employee becoming due, the contributions outlined in Article 9.01 shall be calculated by the Employer and set aside for the Trustees of the said fund and the gross contributions for the Employer for all hours worked by all employees in the said classifications in a month shall be forwarded by the Employer to the said fund at: Laborers' Health & Welfare Trust Fund of Western Canada 9th Floor, 0000 - 000 Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx X0X 0X0,
9.03 It is understood that the contributions negotiated under this clause are for the benefit of members of the Union, as recognized by the Trustees of the said fund, who shall continue to have full discretion to make from time to time reasonable rules in this respect.
9.04 The Employer's liability to the Health and Welfare Fund or to any beneficiary or prospective beneficiary shall be strictly limited to remittance of the contributions in the amount and the manner, and at the times set out herein.
9.05 Where an Employee performs work that would require the Employer to contribute hourly contributions to the Laborers' Health and Welfare Trust Fund of Western Canada in the amount specified in this Collective Agreement then the Employer shall keep, and shall be deemed to have kept, such an amount separate and apart from his own monies and shall be deemed to hold the sum so deducted in trust on behalf of employees until the Employer has paid such monies to the applicable trust fund. Further, in the event of any liquidation, assignment, or bankruptcy of such an Employer, an amount equal to the amount that is owed to the applicable Trust Fund by the Employer on whose behalf Employees have performed work entitling them to receive contributions to the fund as is herein before provided for, is deemed to be held in trust f...
HEALTH AND WELFARE. In lieu of health and welfare benefits, auxiliary employees shall receive compensation of one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per working hour.
HEALTH AND WELFARE. 25.01 The Employer agrees to contribute towards the billed premiums in the indicated amounts for the benefits outlined in Schedule “B” for each regular (non-probationary) full-time employee in the active employ of the Employer provided the balance of such premiums are paid by the employee through payroll deductions: Entitlement under any of the Plans in Schedule “B” is subject to the specific provisions of the insurance policies. The Employer may select the Carrier or Carriers of its choice or may change Carriers or self-insure if it sees fit provided the level of benefit coverage is not diminished. Employees on layoff may continue coverage under the Benefits set out in Schedule B other than LTD and Child Care Benefit until the end of the 6th month following layoff (to the extent that the employee was enrolled in these benefits prior to the date of layoff) if the employee prepays monthly the employee share of the premium or contribution cost of the benefits. If the employee so elects, the Employer will continue to pay the employer share of the premium cost of these benefits.
25.02 Sick leave is defined as absence due to an employee’s illness or injury, not incurred in the performance of regular duties, or because of an accident for which compensation under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act is not payable. The purpose of sick leave is to provide a measure of income protection for employees who are prevented by sickness or accident from performing their duties.
25.03 Upon completion of her probationary period an employee may be eligible for sick leave with pay for up to fifteen (15) weeks. However, after the fifth period of absence in any contract year, no pay will be given for the first three days of absence.
25.04 When an employee is unable to report for work because of illness or injury, she must notify her supervisor a minimum of one (1) hour in advance of her scheduled start time. If this is not possible, notification should be given as soon as possible thereafter. Similarly the supervisor should be notified as soon as possible of the employee’s probable date of return to work.
25.05 A medical doctor’s certificate may be required by the Employer for any absence due to illness or injury, regardless of the duration. Payment of sick pay hereunder for any period in excess on one
(1) day will be conditional on providing a completed satisfactory Attending Physician’s Statement (APS) to cover the absence due to illness or injury, if requested. Further, fo...
HEALTH AND WELFARE. (a) The Company agrees to pay 100% of the premium rate as at July 25, 1988 for OHIP coverage for each participating and eligible full time employee and their dependents effective the first of the month following three (3) months of continuous active service. The above will remain frozen at that premium rate should the premium rate increase in the future.
(b) The Company agrees to pay 100% of the premium cost for Blue Cross Extended Health Care Plan or its equivalent for all participating employees and their dependents effective the first of the month following three (3) months service.
(c) The Company agrees to pay 100% of the premium cost for life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment insurance, semi private hospital insurance, major medical insurance, pay direct drug insurance and long term disability insurance for all employees and their dependents, where appropriate under the plans, effective the first of the month following three (3) months of service. Each employee shall be entitled to thirty-five thousand ($35,000) total life insurance.
(d) Benefits set out in the Benefit Booklet but not mentioned herein shall remain the same. Amendments as follows: Extended Health Care Semi Private Hospital
(i) Semi-private room – delete
(ii) Major Medical Paramedical services shall be reimbursed to a maximum of three hundred dollars ($300.00) per approved paramedical service, including: Chiropractor, Podiatrist, Naturopath, Osteopath, Massage Therapist and Acupuncturist Coverage will be extended to include inserts to a maximum of three hundred dollars ($300.00) in a twenty-four (24) month period.
(iii) Pay Direct Drug Plan The Company agrees to pay one hundred percent (100%) of the premium cost for each full-time employee effective the first of the month upon completion of three (3) months continuous service. The employee shall pay five dollars ($5.00) per prescription and the Company shall pay the balance of the cost of each prescription. There is no deductible for any prescription filled at a Xxxx Group Canada affiliated drug store. For drugs purchased at any other pharmacy, the employee shall be responsible for paying the dispensing fee. In the event that there is no Xxxx Group Canada affiliated pharmacy in a particular market place, the Company shall consider reimbursement of the dispensing fee upon presentation of a valid receipt and reasonable explanation.
HEALTH AND WELFARE. General Provisions 30 10.2 Medical Insurance and Health Plan 31 10.3 Retiree Health Savings Plan 33 10.4 Dental Plan 33 10.5 Life Insurance 34 10.6 Employee Assistance Program 34 10.7 Flexible Spending Accounts 35 10.8 State Disability Insurance 35 10.9 State Disability Insurance Reopener 36 10.10 Retiree Health Contribution 36 10.11 Health and Welfare 37
HEALTH AND WELFARE. 29.1 The Railway shall provide an Employee Benefit Plan which shall be in accordance with the provisions of the governing Supplemental Agreement.
HEALTH AND WELFARE. 18.01 Each Employer and the Union agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of that certain Trust Agreement creating the Sound Health & Wellness Trust , initially executed June 18, 1957, and all subsequent revisions or amendments thereto. Each Employer accepts as his representatives for the purpose of this Trust Fund, the Employer Trustees serving on the Board of Trustees of said Trust Fund and their duly appointed successors. Each Employer and the Union also agree to be bound by the terms of the parties’ Health & Welfare and Pension Agreement and by all subsequent revisions or amendments thereto.
18.02 The Employers party to this Agreement shall continue to pay on a per compensable hour basis (maximum of one hundred and seventy-three (173) hours per calendar month per employee) into the Sound Health & Wellness Trust for the purpose of providing the employees with hospital, medical, surgical, vision, group life, accidental death and dismemberment, weekly indemnity benefits and dental benefits in accordance with the contribution rates and related provisions established by the separate Health and Welfare Agreement between Allied Employers, Inc. and various Local Unions dated April 1, 1977, and as subsequently amended.
18.03 The details of the benefit programs including a description of exact benefits to be provided, and the rules under which employees and their dependents shall be eligible for such benefits, shall be determined by the Trustees of the Sound Health & Wellness Trust in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Trust Agreement creating the Trust, dated June 18, 1957, and as may be subsequently amended.
18.04 The contribution referred to shall be computed monthly and the total amount due for each calendar month shall be remitted in a lump sum not later than twenty (20) days after the last day of the month in which the contributions were earned.
18.04.1 Notwithstanding the foregoing section, the Board of Trustees of the Sound Health & Wellness Trust shall have the authority to establish and enforce a method for reporting contributions on an accounting period basis rather than a calendar month basis. In such a case, the one hundred and seventy-three (173) hour maximum shall be appropriately adjusted, as directed by the Trustees, provided that in no event shall the Employer's total obligation be different than what it would have been on a calendar month basis. Further, the total contributions due for each approved accounting period shall ...