Holiday Service. Contractor observes January 1st, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and December 25th as legal holidays. Contractor shall not provide collection service on these designated holidays. In any week in which one of these holidays falls on a work day, Service Unit collection service for the holiday and each work day thereafter will be delayed one work day for the remainder of the week with normally scheduled Friday collection services being performed on Saturday. MFD, commercial and City collection service shall be adjusted as agreed between the Contractor and the Service Recipient.
Appears in 2 contracts
Holiday Service. The Contractor observes January 1st, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and December 25th and January 1st as legal holidays. Contractor shall is not required to provide collection service services or maintain office hours on these the designated holidays. In any week in which one of these holidays falls on a work dayday (Monday through Saturday), Service Unit SFD collection service services for the holiday and each work day thereafter will be delayed one work day for the remainder of the week week, with normally scheduled Friday SFD collection services being performed on Saturday. MFD, MFD and commercial and City collection service services shall be adjusted as agreed between necessary but must meet the Contractor and the Service Recipientminimum frequency requirements of one time per week.
Appears in 2 contracts