However, the supplementary Sample Clauses

However, the supplementary fee specified in paragraph (2)(ii) may, without prejudice to the date of the international registration, be paid within the period fixed by the Regulations if the number of classes of goods or services has been fixed or disputed by the International Bureau. If, upon expiry of the said period, the supplementary fee has not been paid or the list of goods or services has not been reduced to the required extent by the applicant, the international application shall be deemed to have been abandoned. (continued on page 34) (continued on page 35) PROTOCOL 35 Act by the International Bureau, after deduction of the expenses and charges necessitated by the implementation of the said Act. If, at the time this Act enters into force, a country has not yet ratified or acceded to the said Act, it shall be entitled, until the date on which its ratification or accession becomes effective, to a share of the excess receipts calculated on the basis of that earlier Act which is applicable to it.
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Related to However, the supplementary

  • Supplementary Agreements II.13.1 Any amendment to the grant conditions must be the subject of a written supplementary agreement. No oral agreement may bind the parties to this effect.

  • B1 The Services B1.1 The Contractor shall supply the Services during the Contract Period in accordance with the Authority’s requirements as set out in the Specification and the provisions of the Contract in consideration of the payment of the Contract Price. The Authority may inspect and examine the manner in which the Contractor supplies the Services at the Premises during normal business hours on reasonable notice.

  • Supplementary Agreement The parties stipulate and agree that the escrow provisions in this Section 6(b) (Escrow Establishment) of Attachment B (Facility Owned by Seller) and the Source Code Escrow Agreement and Proceeds Escrow Agreement are "supplementary agreements" as contemplated in Section 365(n)(1)(B) of the Code. In any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy proceeding involving Seller, failure by Company to assert its rights to "retain its rights" to the intellectual property encompassed by the Source Code or the funds in the Proceeds Escrow, pursuant to Section 365(n)(1)(B) of the Code, under an executory contract rejected in a bankruptcy proceeding, shall not be construed as an election to terminate the contract by Company under Section 365(n)(1)(A) of the Code.

  • Certification Regarding Entire TIPS Agreement Vendor agrees that, if awarded, Vendor's final TIPS Contract will consist of the provisions set forth in the finalized TIPS Vendor Agreement, Vendor's responses to these attribute questions, and: (1) The TIPS solicitation document resulting in this Agreement; (2) Any addenda or clarifications issued in relation to the TIPS solicitation; (3) All solicitation information provided to Vendor by TIPS through the TIPS eBid System; (3) Vendor’s entire proposal response to the TIPS solicitation including all accepted required attachments, acknowledged notices and certifications, accepted negotiated terms, accepted pricing, accepted responses to questions, and accepted written clarifications of Vendor’s proposal, and; any properly included attachments to the TIPS Contract. Does Vendor agree? Yes, Vendor agrees 3 Minimum Percentage Discount Offered to TIPS Members on all Goods and Services (READ 6 CAREFULLY) Please read thoroughly and carefully as an error on your response can render your contract award unusable. TIPS Members often turn to TIPS Contracts for ease of use and to receive discounted pricing. What is the minimum percentage discount that you can offer TIPS Members off of all goods and service pricing (whether offered through Pricing Form 1, Pricing Form 2, or in another accepted format) that you offer? Only limited goods/services specifically identified and excluded from this discount in Vendor’s original proposal may be excluded from this discount. Vendor must respond with a percentage from 0%-100%. The percentage discount that you input below will be applied to your "Catalog Pricing", as defined in the solicitation, for all TIPS Sales made during the life of the contract. You cannot alter this percentage discount once the solicitation legally closes. You will always be required to discount every TIPS Sale by the percentage included below with the exception of limited goods/services specifically identified and excluded from this discount in Vendor’s original proposal. If you add goods or services to your "Catalog Pricing" during the life of the contract, you will be required to sell those new items with this discount applied.

  • Certification Regarding Entire TIPS Agreement for Part 1 and Part 2 Contracts 5 This is a two part solicitation. Part 1 is solicited for TIPS sales that are not considered a "public work" construction project. Part 1 permits the sale of goods and non-construction/non-"public work" services such as maintenance and minor repairs. Part 2 Job Order Contract (JOC) is solicited for projects considered by your TIPS Member Customers to be a "public work" construction project. The determination of whether or not a TIPS sale amounts to a "public work" construction project requiring a Part 2 JOC contract is made by the TIPS Member Customer at the time of each TIPS sale. Thus, Vendors are encouraged to respond to both Parts 1 and 2 in case your TIPS Member Customers require that a sale be made under one Part or the other. However, responding to both Parts is not required. If Vendor responds and is awarded to both Parts, Vendor will have one contract for Part 1 and a separate contract for Part 2.

  • CALENDAR FOR SUCCESSOR MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING In the event Union or Management desires a successor MOU, said party shall serve upon the other between April 1, 2018 and April 30, 2018, its written proposals for such successor MOU. Meet and confer sessions shall begin no later than thirty (30) calendar days following submittal of the proposals.

  • Procurement of the Site 10.3.1 Pursuant to the notice specified in Clause 4.1.2, the Authority Representative and the Concessionaire shall, on a mutually agreed date and time, inspect the Site and prepare a memorandum containing an inventory of the Site including the vacant and unencumbered land, buildings, structures, road works, trees and any other immovable property on or attached to the Site. Such memorandum shall have appended thereto an appendix (the “Appendix”) specifying in reasonable detail those parts of the Site to which vacant access and Right of Way has not been granted to the Concessionaire. Signing of the memorandum, in two counterparts (each of which shall constitute an original), by the authorised representatives of the Parties shall, subject to the provisions of Clause 10.2.2, be deemed to constitute a valid licence and Right of Way to the Concessionaire for free and unrestricted use and development of the vacant and unencumbered Site during the Concession Period under and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and for no other purpose whatsoever. For the avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that valid licence and Right of Way with respect to the parts of the Site as set forth in the Appendix shall be deemed to have been granted to the Concessionaire upon vacant access thereto being provided by the Authority to the Concessionaire.

  • Relation to other International Agreements 1. The Parties affirm their existing rights and obligations with respect to each other under the WTO Agreement and any other agreements related to trade to which the Parties are party (1).

  • TERM OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This MOU shall be effective July 1, 2020 and together with all the terms, conditions and effects thereof, shall expire as of midnight on June 30, 2021.

  • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement, the Parties shall execute, acknowledge, deliver and record a “short form” memorandum of this Agreement in the form of Exhibit J attached hereto (as modified, including by the addition of any required property descriptions, required by local law and practice to put such Memorandum of record and put third parties on notice of this Agreement), which shall be placed of record in each state and county in which the currently-existing Dedicated Properties are located. Further such memoranda shall be executed and delivered by Shipper as Gatherer from time to time requests to evidence the dedication of additional areas or Oil and Gas Interests under this Agreement.

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