IDENTIFICATION OF PROPOSAL. Virginia Tech will only be accepting electronic submission of proposals. All submissions must be submitted to the Virginia Tech online submission portal. Upon completion you will be directed to your Submission Receipt. Virginia Tech will not confirm receipt of proposals. It is the responsibility of the offeror to make sure their proposal is delivered on time. Attachments must be smaller than 50MB in order to be received by the University. Proposals may NOT be hand delivered to the Procurement Office.
IDENTIFICATION OF PROPOSAL. The proposal package should be identified as follows: Name of Offeror Due Date Time Street or Box Number RFP No. City, State, Zip Code +4 RFP Title Patient Transportation Services / Purchase Officer or Buyer: Xxxxxxx Charity. The package should be addressed as directed on Page 2 of the solicitation. If a proposal is not clearly identified, the Offeror takes the risk that the proposal may be inadvertently opened and the information compromised which may cause the proposal to be disqualified. Proposals may be hand delivered to the designated location in the office issuing the solicitation. No other correspondence or other proposals should be placed in the envelope. LATE PROPOSALS: To be considered for selection, proposals must be received by the issuing office by the designated date and hour. The official time used in the receipt of proposals is that time on the automatic time stamp machine in the issuing office. Proposals received in the issuing office after the date and hour designated are automatically disqualified and will not be considered. The University is not responsible for delays in the delivery of mail by the U.S. Postal Service, private couriers, or the intrauniversity mail system. It is the sole responsibility of the Offeror to insure that its proposal reaches the issuing office by the designated date and hour.