Official Time Sample Clauses
Official Time. Duty time that is granted to representatives on behalf of the exclusive representative to perform representational functions without loss of pay or charge to an employee’s leave account. Official time will not be granted for internal union business, as defined by 5 USC 7131(b).
Official Time. AD HOC
1. The total amount of official time available for ad hoc use will be the remainder of official time after the number of full-time equivalent positions have been identified for block time use. On a quarterly basis, the Agency will provide the Union with a report indicating the total number of ad hoc official time hours used in that quarter.
2. Official time for representational activities, excluding block time, will be requested in accordance with the following provisions:
3. Union representatives will submit a CBP Request for Official Time for Union Business (Appendix VI, Form G-955) to their immediate supervisor or designated management official (DMO) to request official time.
4. Should the immediate supervisor or DMO be unavailable (e.g. off-duty, detailed out), the requestor may submit the G-955 to an on-duty shift supervisor.
5. Should the supervisor or DMO not be available, the representative may call the on-duty station supervisor to coordinate the submission of the G-955.
6. In cases where the G-955 cannot be submitted in person (e.g. representative is at home or there is no on-duty supervisor), it may be emailed to the supervisor or DMO.
7. Supervisors should consider contractual timelines and Agency scheduled activities related to the requested time.
8. The following information must be completed on the Form G-955:
(a) Name of supervisor;
(b) Name, title, and duty location of representative;
(c) Date and time of request;
(d) Date(s) of official time requested;
(e) Total number of official time hours expected to perform activities described;
(f) Upon completion, supervisor will complete total number of hours used to perform activities described;
(g) Explanation of the activity to be performed which must include: the issue (i.e. overtime grievance, investigation of discrimination complaint, Sector LMR meeting, completing report for the Department of Labor, etc), and the location where the official time will be performed; if it will be performed at a CBP location other than the representative’s regular duty station;
(h) The representative’s contact phone number;
(i) The duty location of the employee(s) being represented if formal action has been initiated, the name and title of the employee;
(j) Signature of the representative making the request;
(k) Date and time the representative signed the request; and
(l) The reviewing supervisor will circle approved or denied and if denied, will explain.
9. The supervisor will endorse the form in a time...
Official Time. The parties recognize that good communications are vital to positive and constructive relationships between the Union and Management. These communications should facilitate and encourage the amicable settlement of disputes between employees and Management involving conditions of employment and should contribute to the effective and efficient conduct of public business.
Official Time. Section 1. UNION and EMPLOYER agree that there are mutual benefits resulting from the use of official time to represent employees and work with supervisors and managers to resolve issues and concerns. Such time will be adequate to represent bargaining unit employees and administer this Agreement with the Agency.
Official Time. Official time to prepare for and present grievances will be administered pursuant to Article 2 of this agreement.
Official Time. Section 1 - Purpose Official time as a necessary part of collective bargaining and related activities is in the public interest. The parties recognize that good communications are vital to positive and constructive relationships between the Union and the Department. These communications should facilitate and encourage the amicable settlement of disputes between employees and the Department involving conditions of employment and should contribute to the effective and efficient conduct of public business. They further recognize that this consolidated unit is very large and complex and requires Union coordination of its representational activities at several levels. As provided in 5 USC 7131, official time shall be granted as specified in law and in any additional amount the Department and the Union agree to be reasonable, necessary, and in the public interest. Official time shall be granted for activities as specified in law and in amounts specified by this Agreement or otherwise negotiated. Official time shall be used for: Handling grievances and other complaints; Handling other representational functions; or, Engaging in appropriate lobbying functions.
Section 2 - Designated Union Officials/Representatives Official time in the following amounts is authorized for each of these Union officials: National VA Council President - 100% Three National VA Council Executive Vice Presidents - 100% National Treasurer - 50% Fifteen District Representatives - 50% Twelve Appointed National Representatives - 50% Five Appointed National Safety and Health Representatives - 50% These national Union representatives may designate a Union representative at their home station and transfer unused official time to that representative to perform the duties of the position for which official time is authorized. When the Union assigns individual(s) who are not subject to a national or local 100% official time allocation to participate on a national task force or committee, the Department will afford such individual(s) official time for preparation, travel, and participation related to such assignment. VA Central Office (VACO) LMR will work with local facilities to obtain the time as needed. This time will come from the bank of hours described below, if the employee is not otherwise on 100% official time. Should the bank of hours become unavailable, the Department will authorize the time to participate. Two members of the VA Mid-Term Bargaining Committee and two members of the VBA Mid...
Official Time. Section a. Official time is defined as paid duty time used for various labor relations and representational obligations in accordance with laws, rules, regulations, and this Agreement.
1. reasonable official time will be granted to elected/appointed Union officers, designated stewards, and other representatives authorized by the Union, in accordance with this article and to the extent that official time falls within the duty hours of the Union officer, xxxxxxx, and/or representative affected;
2. the Union and the Agency recognize that the granting of official time may ultimately lead to improved labor management relations. Such a relationship is in the interest of all parties, including the public; and
3. except when specifically agreed to in advance, travel-related expenses for the Union’s use of official time will not be paid by the Employer.
Section b. The procedures for approval of official time will be:
1. for locals covering one institution/facility, procedures outlined in Article 6 and 7 will be followed;
2. for locals covering more than one institution/facility, approval must be obtained from the requester’s supervisor, who will coordinate with affected Wardens and supervisors;
3. for other situations, such as performing Union activities at an institution/facility not within the same local and/or region, approval may only be granted by the Regional Director or designee. To initiate this process, the Union representative should submit his/her request through his/her supervisor, who will forward the request through the Warden for concurrence, to the Regional Director or designee; and
4. the above procedures will not apply to any Union representative utilizing 100% official time. For purposes of notification, the procedures set forth in Article 7, Section h. will be followed.
Section c. It is understood that official time for designated Union representatives can be granted using the procedures set forth in Article
1. for formal discussions, as outlined in Article 7, Section l., and any other meeting with Agency (Management) officials concerning personnel policies, practices, or other general conditions of employment or any other matter covered by 5 USC, Chapter 71;
2. for unfair labor practice charges (ULP’s) or any other proceedings before the FLRA in accordance with Section 7131(c) of 5 USC;
3. when an employee elects to have a Union representative in the following circumstances:
a. at oral responses for probationary bargaining unit employees when s...
Official Time a) A collective total of 160 hours of official time may be granted to Union officials affiliated with the National Meat Graders’ Council during each calendar year for the purpose of attending training sessions sponsored by the Union in accordance with the following:
1) Written requests for official time and approval from the approving Union official must be submitted at least 30 calendar days prior to the training to the Employer. All requests will be considered dependent upon the service needs of the Employer on a case-by-case basis.
2) The determination of which Union officials will be sent for training is at the discretion of the National Council.
Official Time. SECTION A: For the purpose of this article, official time is defined as time granted to Union representatives to perform representational functions while otherwise in a duty status without charge to annual leave or loss of pay. Union representatives include elected officers, stewards, and Union appointees. Management and the Union recognize that time spent by Union representatives contributes to the development of orderly and effective labor-management relations.
1. The Union and Management agree that official time is necessary to produce orderly and effective labor management relations, which are applied consistently throughout the organization, and to effectively carry out the duties of their offices. The Union has a total of 3,500 hours of official time per contract year for all Union representatives to perform all representational functions, including but not limited to training, grievance processing, collective bargaining, and representational activities under the Federal Service Labor Management Relations Statute and this agreement. The only representational activity not included within these 3,500 hours is time spent by Union representatives on Labor Management Forum (LMF) activities.
Official Time. General 8 4.06 Functions for Which a Reasonable Amount of Official Time is Authorized 4.07 Functions for Which a Limited Amount of Official 8 9 Time is Authorized 4.08 Restrictions on Official Time 10 4.09 Official Time For Employees 10 4.10 Official Time Release Procedure 10 4.11 Labor Relations Training 11 4.12 Full-Time Council Representatives at AFMC Headquarters 12 4.13 Full-Time Local Representatives 12 4.14 Part-Time Secretary-Treasurer 14 5 DISCIPLINE AND COUNSELING 15 5.01 Definition and Coverage 15 5.02 Nondisciplinary Counseling 15 5.03 Nonformal Investigatory Interviews and Representational Rights 5.04 Notices of Proposed Actions and Notices of 15 16 Final Decisions 5.05 Oral Admonishment 17 ARTICLE SUBJECT PAGE 5.06 Written Reprimands, Suspensions and Removals 17 5.07 Records of Disciplinary Actions 17 5.08 Grievances and Appeals 18 5.09 Lesser Penalties 18 5.10 Decisions by Appropriate Authority 18 5.11 Last Chance Agreements 18 6.01 Scope and Coverage 19 6.02 Informal Dispute Resolution 19 6.03 Optional Use of Statutory Appeal Procedures 19 6.04 Grievability/Arbitrability Determinations 19 6.05 Extensions of Time Limits 20 6.06 Union Representative at Grievances Where Employees 20 Represent Themselves