INDEPENDENCE OF THE PARTIAL ROUTES. All partial routes according to this agreement are legally independent from each other. The termination of individual partial routes does not affect the rights and obligations with regard to the remaining partial routes.
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  • Repairs; Maintenance and Compliance Borrower shall at all times maintain, preserve and protect all franchises and trade names, and Borrower shall cause the Property to be maintained in a good and safe condition and repair and shall not remove, demolish or alter the Improvements or Equipment (except for alterations performed in accordance with Section 5.4.2 below and normal replacement of Equipment with Equipment of equivalent value and functionality). Borrower shall promptly comply with all Legal Requirements and immediately cure properly any violation of a Legal Requirement. Borrower shall notify Lender in writing within two (2) Business Days after Borrower first receives notice of any such non-compliance. Borrower shall promptly repair, replace or rebuild any part of the Property that becomes damaged, worn or dilapidated and shall complete and pay for any Improvements at any time in the process of construction or repair.

  • INDEPENDENCE OF THE ADVISOR For all purposes herein, the Advisor shall be deemed to be an independent contractor and, unless otherwise expressly provided or authorized, shall have no authority to act for or represent the Partnership in any way and shall not be deemed an agent, promoter or sponsor of the Partnership, CMF, or any other trading advisor. The Advisor shall not be responsible to the Partnership, CMF, any trading advisor or any limited partners for any acts or omissions of any other trading advisor to the Partnership.

  • Independence of the Servicer For all purposes of this Agreement, the Servicer shall be an independent contractor and shall not be subject to the supervision of the Issuer, the Trust Collateral Agent, the Trustee or the Owner Trustee with respect to the manner in which it accomplishes the performance of its obligations hereunder. Unless expressly authorized by this Agreement or any other Basic Document, the Servicer shall have no authority to act for or represent the Issuer or the Owner Trustee in any way and shall not otherwise be deemed an agent of the Issuer or the Owner Trustee.

  • DURATION AND INDEPENDENCE 12.1 This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until complete satisfaction of the Obligations. The Pledge shall not cease to exist, if the Grantors under the Credit Documents have only temporarily discharged the Obligations.

  • Independence of Parties Nothing contained in this Agreement shall constitute either party as an employee, partner, co-venturer or agent of the other, it being intended that each shall act as an independent contractor with respect to the other. Consultant is not authorized to speak on behalf of the Client or bind it in any manner.

  • Listing and Maintenance Requirements The Common Stock is registered pursuant to Section 12(b) or 12(g) of the Exchange Act, and the Company has taken no action designed to, or which to its knowledge is likely to have the effect of, terminating the registration of the Common Stock under the Exchange Act nor has the Company received any notification that the Commission is contemplating terminating such registration. The Company has not, in the 12 months preceding the date hereof, received notice from any Trading Market on which the Common Stock is or has been listed or quoted to the effect that the Company is not in compliance with the listing or maintenance requirements of such Trading Market. The Company is, and has no reason to believe that it will not in the foreseeable future continue to be, in compliance with all such listing and maintenance requirements.

  • Installation and Maintenance of Meters The Servicer shall cause to be installed, replaced and maintained meters in accordance with the Servicer Policies and Practices.

  • Inspection and Testing 7.5.1 Meters, data acquisition, and related protection equipment at Generator's Interconnection Point shall be tested at least biennially by Generator in accordance with the provisions for meter testing as established in American National Standard Institute Code for Electricity Metering (ANSI) Standard C12.16 for Solid State Electricity Meters, as the same may be updated from time to time. Representatives of each Party shall be afforded an opportunity to witness such tests.

  • Expedited Advertising Compliance Review $[ ] for the first 10 pages (minutes if audio or video); $[ ] per page (minute if audio or video) thereafter, 24 hour initial turnaround. § $[ ] FINRA filing fee per communication piece for the first 10 pages (minutes if audio or video); $[ ] per page (minute if audio or video) thereafter. FINRA filing fee subject to change. (FINRA filing fee may not apply to all communication pieces.)

  • Listing and Maintenance Requirements Compliance The Company has not in the two years preceding the date hereof received written notice from any stock exchange, market or trading facility on which the Common Stock is or has been listed or quoted to the effect that the Company is not in compliance with the listing, maintenance or other requirements of such exchange, market, trading or quotation facility. The Company has no reason to believe that it does not now or will not in the future meet any such requirements.

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