Ineligible XXX Records Sample Clauses

Ineligible XXX Records. If the XXX record submitted is not eligible to receive payment under the claims processing CLIN (the contract terms/conditions do not authorize payment of the claims processing fee on a XXX record), the contractor shall submit the XXX record to the TRICARE Management Activity (TMA) using a Header Type Indicator of ‘0’ or’ 5’. No payment under the claims processing CLIN can occur on any XXX record grouped in a Batch/Voucher with Header Type Indicator of ‘0’ or ‘5’. Only no-pay and credits can be processed under these header types.
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Related to Ineligible XXX Records

  • Books and Records; Certain Funds Received After the Cut-Off Date From and after the sale of the Mortgage Loans to the Purchaser, record title to each Mortgage (other than with respect to any Outside Serviced Mortgage Loan) and each Note shall be transferred to the Trustee subject to and in accordance with this Agreement. Any funds due after the Cut-Off Date in connection with a Mortgage Loan received by the Seller shall be held in trust on behalf of the Trustee (for the benefit of the Certificateholders) as the owner of such Mortgage Loan and shall be transferred promptly to the Certificate Administrator. All scheduled payments of principal and interest due on or before the Cut-Off Date but collected after the Cut-Off Date, and all recoveries and payments of principal and interest collected on or before the Cut-Off Date (only in respect of principal and interest on the Mortgage Loans due on or before the Cut-Off Date and principal prepayments thereon), shall belong to, and shall be promptly remitted to, the Seller. The transfer of each Mortgage Loan shall be reflected on the Seller’s balance sheets and other financial statements as the sale of such Mortgage Loan by the Seller to the Purchaser. The Seller intends to treat the transfer of each Mortgage Loan to the Purchaser as a sale for tax purposes. Following the transfer of the Mortgage Loans by the Seller to the Purchaser, the Seller shall not take any actions inconsistent with the ownership of the Mortgage Loans by the Purchaser and its assignees. The transfer of each Mortgage Loan shall be reflected on the Purchaser’s balance sheets and other financial statements as the purchase of such Mortgage Loan by the Purchaser from the Seller. The Purchaser intends to treat the transfer of each Mortgage Loan from the Seller as a purchase for tax purposes. The Purchaser shall be responsible for maintaining, and shall maintain, a set of records for each Mortgage Loan which shall be clearly marked to reflect the transfer of ownership of each Mortgage Loan by the Seller to the Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement. It is expressly agreed and understood that, notwithstanding the assignment of the Loan Documents, it is expressly intended that the Seller will receive the benefit of any securitization indemnification provisions in the Loan Documents.

  • Review of Servicer’s Records The Servicer will maintain records and documents relating to its performance under this Agreement according to its customary business practices. On reasonable request not more than once during any year, the Servicer will give the Issuer, the Depositor, the Administrator, the Owner Trustee and the Indenture Trustee (or their representatives) access to the records and documents to conduct a review of the Servicer’s performance under this Agreement. Any access or review will be conducted at the Servicer’s offices during its normal business hours at a time reasonably convenient to the Servicer and in a manner that will minimize disruption to its business operations. Any access or review will be subject to the Servicer’s confidentiality and privacy policies.

  • Business Records Keep, and cause each Subsidiary to keep, adequate records and books of account with respect to its business activities in which proper entries are made in accordance with GAAP reflecting all its financial transactions.

  • Account Records Permanent Mortgage Loan account records must be maintained by the Servicer for each Mortgage Loan. Each account record must be identifiable by the Servicer Loan Number.

  • Patient Records Upon termination of this Agreement, the New PC shall retain all patient dental records maintained by the New PC or the MSO in the name of the New PC. During the term of this Agreement, and thereafter, the New PC or its designee shall have reasonable access during normal business hours to the New PC's and the MSO's records, including, but not limited to, records of collections, expenses and disbursements as kept by the MSO in performing the MSO's obligations under this Agreement, and the New PC may copy any or all such records.

  • Accounts; Records The Servicer shall maintain accounts and records as to the Recovery Property accurately and in accordance with its standard accounting procedures and in sufficient detail (i) to permit reconciliation between payments or recoveries with respect to the Recovery Property and the amounts from time to time remitted to the Collection Account in respect of the Recovery Property and (ii) to permit the FRC Collections held by the Servicer to be accounted for separately from the funds with which they may be commingled, so that the dollar amounts of FRC Collections commingled with the Servicer’s funds may be properly identified and traced.

  • Books, Records and Access (a) Maintain, and cause each Subsidiary to maintain, complete and accurate books and records in which full and correct entries in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America shall be made of all dealings and transactions in relation to its respective business and activities.

  • Books, Records and Accounts Custodian acknowledges that all the records it shall prepare and maintain pursuant to this Agreement shall be the property of Fund and that upon request of Fund it shall make Fund's records available to it, along with such other information and data as are reasonably requested by Fund, for inspection, audit or copying, or turn said records over to Fund. Custodian shall, within a reasonable time, render to Fund as of the close of business on each day, a detailed statement of the amounts received or paid and of securities received or delivered for the account of Fund during said day. Custodian shall, from time to time, upon request by Fund, render a detailed statement of the securities and monies held for Fund under this Agreement, and Custodian shall maintain such books and records as are necessary to enable it do so and shall permit such persons as are authorized by Fund, including Fund's independent public accountants, to examine such records or to confirm the contents of such records; and, if demanded, shall permit federal and state regulatory agencies to examine said securities, books and records. Upon the written instructions of Fund or as demanded by federal or state regulatory agencies, Custodian shall instruct any sub- custodian to permit such persons as are authorized by Fund to examine the books, records and securities held by such sub-custodian which relate to Fund.

  • Files and Records All engineering, business and other books, papers, logs, files and records pertaining to the business and operations of the Stations, but not the organizational documents and records described in Section 2.2.7.

  • Availability of Records After the Closing, Buyer, shall make available to Seller as reasonably requested by Seller, its agents and representatives, or as requested by any Governmental Authority, all information, records and documents relating to the Purchased Assets for all periods prior to Closing and shall preserve all such information, records and documents until the later of: (a) six (6) years after the Closing; (b) the expiration of all statutes of limitations for Taxes for periods prior to the Closing, or extensions thereof applicable to Seller and its shareholders for Tax information, records or documents; or (c) the required retention period for all government contract information, records or documents. Prior to destroying any records related to Seller for the period prior to the Closing, Buyer shall notify Seller ninety (90) days in advance of any such proposed destruction of its intent to destroy such records, and Buyer will permit Seller to retain any such records.

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