Initial Tenant Finish Sample Clauses

Initial Tenant Finish. The Initial Tenant Finish shall be constructed by Landlord in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Landlord's Consultant working with Tenant (the "Premises Plans"). The Premises Plans shall incorporate the design layout concepts set forth in the space plan prepared by the Consultant dated June 28, 1997, previously approved by Landlord and Tenant. Each party shall review the Premises Plans, or any portion or progress set thereof, as promptly as possible after their preparation by Landlord's Consultant, and in any event within ten (10) business days after they are submitted for review in the case of the original complete set of the Premises Plans and any structural modifications thereto and within two (2) business days in the case of any nonstructural modifications to the Premises Plans. In the event either party disapproves the Premises Plans or any portion thereof or any modifications thereto, the notice of disapproval shall specify in detail the reasonable basis for such disapproval. Landlord's Consultant shall promptly make such revisions to the Premises Plans as may be necessary to address either party's reasonable objections, and shall resubmit the Premises Plans to both parties for their approval. Each party shall review such revised plans as promptly as reasonably possible and notify the other party and Landlord's Consultant whether such party approves or reasonably disapproves the Premises Plans as modified. This process shall be repeated, if necessary, until both party's reasonable objections to the Premises Plans have been addressed and both parties have approved the Premises Plans. Landlord and Tenant acknowledge and agree that __________, 199__ is the date by which the Premises Plans are to be finalized and mutually approved.
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Related to Initial Tenant Finish

  • Multi-Tenant Floors If other tenants occupy space on the floor on which the Premises is located, Tenant’s identifying signage shall be provided by Landlord, at Tenant’s cost, and such signage shall be comparable to that used by Landlord for other similar floors in the Building and shall comply with Landlord’s then-current Building standard signage program.

  • Landlord's Improvements All fixtures, improvements or equipment which are installed, constructed on or attached to the Premises or Common Area by Landlord shall be a part of the realty and belong to Landlord.

  • Landlord Improvements Landlord shall substantially complete the Landlord Improvements prior to Tenant’s taking occupancy of the Expansion Space. Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to complete the Landlord Improvements by May 1, 2014. “Substantial Completion” shall mean the Landlord Improvements have been constructed in material accordance with the above referenced drawing, save and except for minor “punch list” items such that Tenant can occupy the Expansion Space and conduct its business, Landlord has obtained all approvals from the applicable governmental authorities for the legal occupancy of the Expansion Space and Landlord has delivered possession of the Expansion Space to Tenant in the required condition, which date is currently anticipated to be May 1, 2014. Upon Substantial Completion, Landlord shall deliver possession of the Expansion Space to Tenant in good, vacant, broom clean condition, with all building systems in good working order and the roof water-tight, and in compliance with all laws applicable to Landlord or Tenant. In the event that construction of the Landlord Improvements is not substantially completed by May 1, 2014, then the Expansion Space Commencement Date shall be automatically amended to be that date the Expansion Space is delivered to Tenant with the Landlord Improvements substantially complete. Upon Substantial Completion of the Landlord Improvements, Landlord shall give Tenant (i) written notice (“Notice of Completion”) that the Expansion Space are ready for occupancy. Within seven (7) days following Landlord’s giving of the Notice of Completion, Landlord and Tenant shall meet at a mutually convenient time to perform a walk-through of the Expansion Space to inspect the Landlord Improvements and to prepare a punch list of minor items needing correction and Landlord shall promptly cause such items to be corrected.

  • Expansion Premises In addition to the Original Premises, commencing on the Expansion Premises Commencement Date (as defined below), Landlord leases to Tenant, and Tenant leases from Landlord, the Expansion Premises.

  • Tenant’s Space Plans Tenant shall deliver to Landlord and the TI Architect schematic drawings and outline specifications (the “TI Design Drawings”) detailing Tenant’s requirements for the Tenant Improvements within 5 business days of the date hereof. Not more than 2 days thereafter, Landlord shall deliver to Tenant the written objections, questions or comments of Landlord and the TI Architect with regard to the TI Design Drawings. Tenant shall cause the TI Design Drawings to be revised to address such written comments and shall resubmit said drawings to Landlord for approval within 2 days thereafter. Such process shall continue until Landlord has approved the TI Design Drawings.

  • Budget For Tenant Improvements A preliminary detailed breakdown by trade of the costs incurred or that will be incurred in connection with the design and construction of the Tenant Improvements is set forth on Schedule 3 attached hereto (the “Budget”). The Budget is based upon the TI Construction Drawings approved by Tenant and shall include a payment to Landlord of administrative rent (“Administrative Rent”) equal to 1.5% of the TI Costs, which Administrative Rent shall include, without limitation, all out-of-pocket costs, expenses and fees incurred by or on behalf of Landlord arising from, out of, or in connection with monitoring the construction of the Tenant Improvements and Changes, and shall be payable out of the TI Fund. Landlord shall provide Tenant with a final Budget promptly following approval of the TI Construction Drawings by Landlord and Tenant. The Budget shall be subject to Tenant’s review and approval which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed by Tenant. Tenant shall have the right to approve any use of the contingency in the Budget by Landlord; provided, however, that, Tenant’s approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, and the contingency shall not be available for use by Tenant for any Changes until all unforeseen conditions, changes to resulting from governmental agencies and the like have first been paid for out of the contingency.

  • TENANT'S IMPROVEMENTS If the Lessor is the Insuring Party, the Lessor shall not be required to insure Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations unless the item in question has become the property of Lessor under the terms of this Lease. If Lessee is the Insuring Party, the policy carried by Lessee under this Paragraph 8.3 shall insure Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations.

  • Tenant Improvements Subject to this Section 4, Tenant shall accept the Suite 110 Premises in its “as is” condition (subject to Landlord's continuing repair and maintenance obligations, as outlined in Section 10 of the Lease (as may be amended)), and Landlord shall have no obligation to make any alterations or improvements thereto whatsoever (provided that Landlord shall deliver same in good and tenantable condition, broom clean, with all systems serving same in good working order). Any alterations that Tenant desires to make in the Suite 110 Premises shall be subject to all the terms and conditions set forth in Section 11 of the Lease. Notwithstanding anything in the Lease to the contrary, Landlord hereby agrees to grant Tenant an allowance in the amount of $10,000 to be applied toward the cost (including architectural and engineering fees) of alterations performed by Tenant in the Suite 110 Premises (the “Granted Allowance”) in conjunction with Tenant’s initial occupancy of Suite 110 Premises. Provided no Event of Default then exists under the Lease, the Granted Allowance (or portions thereof) shall be disbursed to Tenant within thirty (30) days following Tenant's submission to Landlord of paid invoices for work related to alterations performed by Tenant in the Suite 110 Premises, accompanied by waivers of liens executed by all contractors employed by Tenant for the performance of such work. If the cost of Tenant's alterations in the Suite 110 Premises exceeds the amount of the Granted Allowance, the excess shall be paid by Tenant after the Granted Allowance is fully exhausted. Any portion of the Granted Allowance that has not been applied (or contracted to be applied) in the manner set forth above by the date which is twelve (12) months following the Eighth Amendment Commencement Date shall revert to Landlord, and Tenant shall have no further rights with respect thereto.

  • Construction In First Offer Space Tenant shall take the First Offer Space in its “as is” condition, subject to any improvement allowance granted as a component of the Fair Rental Value, and the construction of improvements in the First Offer Space shall comply with the terms of Article 8 of this Lease.

  • LANDLORD'S ACCESS TO PREMISES Landlord reserves and shall at any time upon reasonable notice and in compliance with Tenant’s reasonable security measures have the right to enter the Premises to inspect the same, to supply any service to be provided by Landlord to Tenant hereunder to service and repair HVAC units, water pipes and sprinkler mains, and electrical and telephone risers servicing other parts of the Building, to show said Premises to prospective purchasers or tenants, to alter or repair the Premises or any portion of the Building, and to place “for sale” or “for rent” signs on the Building, all without being deemed guilty of an eviction of Tenant and without abatement of Rent, provided that the business of Tenant shall be interfered with as little as is reasonably practicable. Tenant hereby waives any claim for damages or any inconvenience to or interference with Tenant’s business, any loss of quiet enjoyment of the Premises and any other loss occasioned thereby. For each of the aforesaid purposes, Landlord shall at all times have and retain a key with which to unlock the main door to the Premises but not Tenant’s vaults and safes, and Landlord shall have the right to use any and all means which Landlord may deem proper to open said door in an emergency in order to obtain entry to the Premises, and any entry to the Premises obtained by Landlord by any of said means shall not under any circumstances be construed or deemed to be a forcible or unlawful entry into, or a detainer of the Premises, or any eviction of Tenant from the Premises or any portion thereof. No provision of this Lease shall be construed as obligating Landlord to perform any repairs, alterations or decoration except as otherwise expressly agreed to be performed by Landlord.

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