Post-Commercial Operation Date Testing and Modifications Each Party shall at its own expense perform routine inspection and testing of its facilities and equipment in accordance with Good Utility Practice as may be necessary to ensure the continued interconnection of the Large Generating Facility with the Participating TO’s Transmission System in a safe and reliable manner. Each Party shall have the right, upon advance written notice, to require reasonable additional testing of the other Party’s facilities, at the requesting Party’s expense, as may be in accordance with Good Utility Practice.
Acceptance Tests 11.1 If the Contract provides acceptance tests for Goods and/or the result of Services after their completion and/or delivery to the Purchaser, the acceptance shall only be considered as definitive when such tests have demonstrated the compliance of the Goods and/or the result of the Services to the requirements in the Contract. 11.2 Where the Contract provides for an acceptance procedure in the presence of both parties, at the successful completion of such procedure, the Purchaser shall issue the Supplier with an acceptance certificate which shall authorise the Supplier to invoice the Purchaser for any payment due on such acceptance. 11.3 The Purchaser shall at its discretion be entitled to issue and acceptancecertificate with reserves. The Supplier shall be obliged to remedy any non-conformities within the period set out in the acceptance certificate. Any payment which would otherwise have been due on acceptance may be withheld by the Purchaser in whole or part until the non- conformities underlying the reserves have been remedied.
Commercial Operation Date Testing and Modifications Prior to the Commercial Operation Date, the Connecting Transmission Owner shall test the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities (including required control technologies and protection systems) and System Upgrade Facilities and System Deliverability Upgrades and Developer shall test the Large Generating Facility and the Developer’s Attachment Facilities to ensure their safe and reliable operation. Similar testing may be required after initial operation. Developer and Connecting Transmission Owner shall each make any modifications to its facilities that are found to be necessary as a result of such testing. Developer shall bear the cost of all such testing and modifications. Developer shall generate test energy at the Large Generating Facility only if it has arranged for the injection of such test energy in accordance with NYISO procedures.
Performance Tests Contractor shall perform Performance Tests in accordance with Section 11.2 of the Agreement and Attachment S.
Project Completion Date It is agreed between the Parties that the Project Completion Date is <END DATE, YEAR>. If the Project is not completed by such date then, subject to an amendment agreed to between the Parties, Alberta Innovates may elect to terminate this Investment Agreement. In such event, Alberta Innovates will notify the Applicant of its decision to terminate as soon as reasonably practical and shall advise the Applicant of the effective date of termination. Alberta Innovates will have no liability or obligation to reimburse the Applicant for any Project Costs incurred after the effective date of termination and may require the Applicant to return any portions of the Investment which were spent on Ineligible Expenses. Additionally, any portion of the Investment not used and accounted for in accordance with this Agreement as of the Project Completion Date or earlier termination is repayable by the Applicant to AI at AI’s request.
Work Conditions The Contractor agrees to accept sole responsibility to comply with all federal, provincial and municipal legislation which may have application to the Work and agrees to comply with all provincial and federal legislation affecting conditions of work and wage rates including the Employment Standards Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. E-6.2, the Workers Compensation Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. W-7.1, or any other laws that impose obligations in the nature of employers’ obligations. The Contractor agrees to follow the Public Service Commission Human Resource Policies 9.05 Violence in the Workplace Policy; 9.08 Drug, Alcohol, and Medication Policy, and 11.01 Policy for the Prevention and Resolution of Harassment in the Workplace while working on Government sites, in Government vehicles or alongside Government staff. The Contractor agrees to accept the full cost of doing those things required under this paragraph and will not charge or seek reimbursement from the Owner in any way, such costs having been taken into consideration and included in the rates of payment stipulated in this Agreement.
Final Completion Date Final Completion for the Work as defined in Article 6.1.3 of the General Conditions to the Continuing Contract for Construction Management shall be achieved by October 31, 2024.
Acceptance Testing At the time of installation of a LIS trunk group, and at no additional charge, acceptance tests will be performed to ensure that the service is operational and meets the applicable technical parameters.
Project Specific Milestones In addition to the milestones stated in Section 212.5 of the Tariff, as applicable, during the term of this ISA, Interconnection Customer shall ensure that it meets each of the following development milestones: 6.1 Substantial Site work completed. On or before October 1, 2020, Interconnection Customer must demonstrate completion of at least 20% of project site construction. At this time, Interconnection Customer must submit to Interconnected Transmission Owner and Transmission Provider initial drawings, certified by a professional engineer, of the Customer Interconnection Facilities. 6.2 Delivery of major electrical equipment. On or before October 1, 2020, Interconnection Customer must demonstrate that all generating units have been delivered to Interconnection Customer’s project site.
Work Week and Work Day (a) (Applicable to full-time employees only) The normal or standard work week shall be an average of thirty-seven and one-half (37½) hours, with a normal or standard work day of seven and one-half (7½) hours except in those Hospitals where agreements already provide a standard or normal work week of less than thirty-seven and one-half (37½) hours per week and seven and one-half (7½) hours per day. (Those Hospitals with the lesser required hours shall reflect in the salary rates a pro-rata lesser amount compared with salaries for other Hospitals based on the ratio that the standard or normal hours of work at the Hospital concerned are to thirty-seven and one-half (37½) hours and shall appropriately reflect such hours in this Article). The length of time over which the hours of work per week are to be averaged shall be determined locally and shall be set out in the Local Provisions Appendix. (b) (applicable to part-time employees only) The normal or standard work day shall be seven and one-half (7½) hours per day and the normal or standard full- time work week shall be an average of thirty-seven and one- half (37½) hours per week except in those hospitals where agreements already provide a normal or standard work day of less than seven and one-half hours and a normal or standard full-time work week of less than thirty-seven and one-half (37½) hours. (Those Hospitals with the lesser required hours shall reflect in the salary rates a pro-rata lesser amount compared with salaries for other Hospitals based on the ratio that the standard or normal hours work at the Hospital concerned are to thirty-seven and one-half (37½) hours and shall appropriately reflect such hours in this article.) Part-time employees shall be entitled to overtime pay at the rate of time and one-half their regular straight time hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of the normal or standard work day or in excess of the normal or standard full-time work week. The length of time over which the hours of work per week are to be averaged shall be determined locally and shall be set out in the Local Provisions Appendix. (c) Where the Hospital and the Union agree, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Labour, other arrangements regarding hours of work may be entered into between parties on a local level with respect to tours beyond the normal or standard work day in accordance with the provisions set out in Article 25.01 of the collective agreement.