Interest of the Loan. In the event when the Borrower transfer its equity in the Borrower’s Company to the Lender or the person designated by the Lender, the loan hereunder shall be deemed as the loan without interest, if the transfer price of such equity equals to or is less than the principal under this Agreement. However, in case that the transfer price exceeds the amount of principal hereunder, the exceeding amounts shall be deemed the interests of such loan under this Agreement and shall be paid to the Lender by the Borrower.
Interest of the Loan. Both Parties hereby agree and acknowledge that unless this Agreement provides otherwise, the loan hereunder shall bear no interest. However, when the loan becomes due and the Borrower transfers his/her shares to the Lender or its designated entities in the manner of repayment provided by this Agreement, if the actual price for share transfer is higher than the principal of the loan to the Borrower because of the requirements of the laws or other reasons, the difference between the transfer price and the principal shall be deemed interest or capital occupation expense, and shall be paid to the Lender together with the principal.
Interest of the Loan. 1. All parties confirm that Party A shall not calculate any interest on the Loan.
Interest of the Loan. When Borrower transfers the Borrower’s Equity Interest in the Company to Lender or Lender’s designated persons, in the event the transfer price is equal to or lower than the principal of the Loan under this Agreement, the Loan under this Agreement shall be deemed as an interest-free loan. In such a circumstance, Borrower does not need to pay Lender the interest of the Loan. But in the event the transfer price is higher than the principal of the Loan under this Agreement, the difference shall be deemed as the interest of the Loan under this Agreement and shall be paid by Borrower to Lender.
Interest of the Loan. 4.1 The parties hereby agree and acknowledge that, the Loan under this Agreement shall be interest-free.
4.2 Notwithstanding the forgoing, the Parties hereby acknowledge and agree that where the Loan is due and the Borrower needs to transfer its equity hereof to the Lender and/or its designee, if the actual equity transfer price is higher than the Borrower’s loan principal due to legal requirements or other causes, the excess shall be deemed as the loan interest or fund utilization costs to the extent permitted by PRC laws, and shall be paid to the Lender together with the loan principal.
Interest of the Loan. In the event of a transfer of the equity and creditor’s rights held by Borrower in Wuxi Shenglong to Lender or its Designee, if the transfer price for such transfer equals to or is less than the principal of the loan under this Agreement, the loan hereunder shall be deemed to be offered on an interest-free basis. If the transfer price exceeds the principal of the loan under this Agreement, the amount in excess of such principal shall be deemed as the interest accrued on the loan hereunder and be paid by Borrower to Lender.
Interest of the Loan. 5.1 当借款人根据独家购买权协议向贷款人或贷款人指定的人转让其持有的借款人股权时,如果该股权的转让价等于或低于本合同项下借款的本金,则本合同项下的借款视为无息借款;但如果该股权转让价高于本合同项下借款的本金,则高出本金的部分应视为本合同项下借款的利息,由借款人偿还给贷款人。
5.1 When the Borrower transfers the equity of the Company that he holds to the Lender or a person designated by the Lender in accordance with the Exclusive Call Option Agreement, the Loan under this Contract shall be regarded as interest-free in the case where the Equity Transfer price is equal to or lower than the Principal Amount under this Contract; the amount in excess of the Principal shall be regarded as the interest of the Loan and be repaid by the Borrower to the Lender if the Equity Transfer price is higher than the Principal under this Contract.
Interest of the Loan. During the Term of Loan, the Loan under this Agreement is a non-interest bearing loan. The interest of the Loan shall be calculated based on an annual interest rate of 0% from the second day upon the expiry of the Term of Loan.
Interest of the Loan. Each Party hereby agrees and confirms that the loan hereunder is a non-interest-bearing loan unless otherwise specified herein.
Interest of the Loan. Party A agrees to charge no interest within the term of the Loan provided in Article 4. If Party B fails to pay off the Agreed Loan upon the expiration of the term of the Loan in accordance with this Agreement, and Party A does not transfer the Agreed Loan to shares of any Group Companies in accordance with Article 9, Party A shall charge Party B a penalty at an annualized interest of 12 % of Party B’s actual outstanding amount, from the date Party B withdraw the Loan and to the date Party B pays off the Agreed Loan and interest.