Appeal Procedure The Appeal will be deemed an appeal of the entire Arbitration Award. In conducting the Appeal, the Appeal Panel shall conduct a de novo review of all Claims described or otherwise set forth in the Arbitration Notice. Subject to the foregoing and all other provisions of this Paragraph 5, the Appeal Panel shall conduct the Appeal in a manner the Appeal Panel considers appropriate for a fair and expeditious disposition of the Appeal, may hold one or more hearings and permit oral argument, and may review all previous evidence and discovery, together with all briefs, pleadings and other documents filed with the Original Arbitrator (as well as any documents filed with the Appeal Panel pursuant to Paragraph 5.4(a) below). Notwithstanding the foregoing, in connection with the Appeal, the Appeal Panel shall not permit the parties to conduct any additional discovery or raise any new Claims to be arbitrated, shall not permit new witnesses or affidavits, and shall not base any of its findings or determinations on the Original Arbitrator’s findings or the Arbitration Award.
Appeal Procedures A. Employees may appeal discipline imposed under this LOA through the Dispute Resolution Procedure contained in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (i.e. grievance procedure) or to the Minneapolis Civil Service Commission. B. Concerning disciplinary actions taken pursuant to this drug and alcohol testing LOA, available Civil Service Commission appeal procedures are as follows:
Appeal Process PROVIDER may appeal any adverse finding by the Contract Compliance Officer as set forth in sec. 25.08(20)(c), D.C. Ords.
Administrative Appeals An administrative appeal is a request for us to reconsider a full or partial denial of payment for covered healthcare services for the following reasons: • the services were excluded from coverage; • we determined that you were not eligible for coverage; • you or your provider did not follow BCBSRI’s requirements; or • a limitation on an otherwise covered benefit exists. You are not required to file a complaint (as described above), before filing an administrative appeal. If you call our Customer Service Department, a Customer Service Representative will try to resolve your concern. If the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may file a verbal or written administrative appeal with our Grievance and Appeals Unit. If you request an administrative appeal, you must do so within one hundred eighty (180) days of receiving a denial of payment for covered healthcare services. The Grievance and Appeals Unit will conduct a thorough review of your administrative appeal and respond within: • thirty (30) calendar days for a prospective review; and • sixty (60) calendar days for a retrospective review. The letter will provide you with information regarding our determination.
Appeals Procedure If Employee appeals to the Administrator, Employee or his authorized representative may submit in writing whatever issues and comments he believes to be pertinent. The Administrator shall reexamine all facts related to the appeal and make a final determination of whether the denial of benefits is justified under the circumstances. The Administrator shall advise Employee in writing of: (1) The Administrator's decision on appeal. (2) The specific reasons for the decision. (3) The specific provisions of the Agreement on which the decision is based. Notice of the Administrator's decision shall be given within 60 days of the Claimant's written request for review, unless additional time is required due to special circumstances. In no event shall the Administrator render a decision on an appeal later than 120 days after receiving a request for a review.
Direct Claim Procedures In the event an Indemnified Party has a claim for indemnity under Section 7.02 against the Indemnifying Party that does not involve a Third Party Claim, the Indemnified Party agrees to give notice in writing of such claim to the Indemnifying Party. Such notice shall set forth in reasonable detail such claim and the basis for indemnification (taking into account the information then available to the Indemnified Party). The failure to so notify the Indemnifying Party shall not relieve the Indemnifying Party of its obligations hereunder, except to the extent such failure shall have actually materially and adversely prejudiced the Indemnifying Party. If the Indemnifying Party does not notify the Indemnified Party within thirty (30) days following the receipt of a notice with respect to any such claim that the Indemnifying Party disputes its indemnity obligation to the Indemnified Party for any Losses with respect to such claim, such Losses shall be conclusively deemed a liability of the Indemnifying Party and the Indemnifying Party shall promptly pay to the Indemnified Party any and all Losses arising out of such claim. If the Indemnifying Party has timely disputed its indemnity obligation for any Losses with respect to such claim, the parties shall proceed in good faith to negotiate a resolution of such dispute and, if not resolved through such negotiations, such dispute shall be resolved by arbitration determined pursuant to Section 9.06.
Review and Appeal 1. Each Party shall ensure that the importers in its territory have access to administrative review within the customs administration that issued the decision subject to review or, where applicable, the higher authority supervising the administration and/or judicial review of the determination taken at the final level of administrative review, in accordance with the Party's domestic law. 2. The decision on appeal shall be given to the appellant and the reasons for such decision shall be provided in writing. 3. The level of administrative review may include any authority supervising the customs administration of a Party.
Administrative Procedure iTrip staff will administer and determine whether a damage qualifies as Covered Damage. Such staff will have the sole authority to determine the nature and extent of damages, necessary repairs and eligibility for the waiver of liability described herein. The Covered Guest must report any theft or damage to the unit or its contents to iTrip staff by the time of check-out or any otherwise applicable damage waiver for such Covered Guest will be void. The iTrip Franchisee has ultimate claim administration authority. Arbitration is required prior to litigation.
Referral Procedure Section 4.01 In the interest of maintaining an efficient system of production in the Industry, providing for an orderly procedure of referral of applicants for employment, preserving the legitimate interests of the employees in their employment status within the area and of eliminating discrimination in employment because of membership or non-membership in the Union, the parties hereto agree to the following system of referral of applicants for employment. Section 4.02 The Union shall be the sole and exclusive source of referral of applicants for employment. Section 4.03 The Employer shall have the right to reject any applicant for employment. Section 4.04 The Union shall select and refer applicants for employment without discrimination against such applicants by reason of membership or non-membership in the Union and such selection and referral shall not be affected in any way by rules, regulations, by-laws, constitutional provisions or any other aspect or obligation of Union membership policies or requirements. All such selection and referral shall be in accord with the following procedure. Section 4.05 The Union shall maintain a register of applicants for employment established on the basis of the Classifications and Groups listed below. Each applicant for employment shall be registered in the highest priority Group in the classification or classifications for which he qualifies. GROUP - I. All applicants for employment who have three and one-half (3 1/2) or more years’ experience in the trade, are residents of the geographical area constituting the normal construction labor market, have passed a Journeyman Lineman's examination given by a duly constituted Outside Construction Local Union of the IBEW or have been certified as a Journeyman Lineman by any Outside Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, and who have been employed in the trade for a period of at least one (1) year in the last three and one-half (3 1/2) years in the geographical area covered by the collective bargaining agreement. Group I status shall be limited to one Local Union at one time. An applicant who qualifies for Group I in a local union shall be so registered electronically and remain on Group I in that local union unless and until the applicant designates another local union as his or her Group I local union. If an applicant qualifies for Group I status in a local union other than his or her home local union and designates that local as his or her Group I local union, the business manager of the new group 1 status local union shall by electronic means notify the business manager of the applicant’s former Group I status local union.
Referral Procedures For Local Unions now having a job referral system as contained in their Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Contractor agrees to utilize such system and it shall be used exclusively by such Contractor, except as it may be modified by this Article. Referrals shall not be affected by obligations of Union membership or the lack thereof. Where airport security clearance requirements apply to work to be performed, the Contractor shall inform the Union’s hiring hall dispatcher of those requirements when requesting workers. For those Local Unions having a Book system as part of their Collective Bargaining Agreement, such system will be honored in regards to lay-off of workers from covered projects. Section 2. In the event that Local Unions are unable to fill any request for employees within the time specified by the local CBAs the Contractor may employ applicants from any other available source. The Contractor shall inform the Union of the name and social security number of any applicants hired from other sources and shall refer the applicant to the Local Union for dispatch to the Covered Project prior to the commencement of work, and make trust fund contributions for every hour worked. Section 3. There shall be no discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of his/her membership or non-membership in the Union or based upon race, creed, color, sex, age or national origin, or any other legally protected class of such employee or applicant. Section 4. No employee covered by this PLA shall be required to join any Union as a condition of being employed on the Covered Project; provided, however, that an employee who is a member of the referring Union at the time of the referral shall maintain that membership while employed under the PLA. All employees shall, however, be required to comply with the union security provision of the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement, for the period during which they are performing on-site work, except as modified by this PLA. The Contractor agrees to deduct union dues or representation fees, whichever is applicable, from the pay of any employee who executes a voluntary authorization for such deductions and to remit the dues to the Union or Council. Initiation fees shall be waived for those employees who are not members of any signatory Union when they begin work on this Covered Project. The dues obligations of such employees shall be confined to that portion of union membership dues directly related to representation of workers in collective bargaining, and in enforcement of the Unions’ collective bargaining agreements. Nothing in this Section is intended to eliminate or affect the right of any employee to join the Union or the right of any union to collect full dues from its member. Section 5. The Parties agree that where a Contractor is not party to a current Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Union having jurisdiction over the affected work, the Contractor may request by name, and the Local will honor, referral of up to a maximum of five (5) persons per each contractor (“core” employees), provided that the Contractor first demonstrate that those persons possess the following qualifications: (1) Any license required by state or federal law for the Project work to be performed; (2) Have worked a total of at least one thousand two hundred (1,200) hours in the construction craft during the prior two (2) years; (3) Were on the Contractor’s active payroll for at least sixty (60) out of the ninety (90) calendar days prior to the contract award; (4) Have the ability to perform the work safely. The Contractor may elect to hire its first “core” employee to be a xxxxxxx. After the Contractor hires his first core employee, the Union will refer to such Contractor one journeyman employee from the hiring hall out-of-work list for the affected trade or craft, then refer one of such Contractor’s “core” employees as a journeyman, and shall alternate one core employee and one employee from the out-of-work list, until such Contractor’s crew requirements are met or until such Contractor has hired five (5) “core” employees, whichever occurs first. Thereafter, all additional employees in the affected trade or craft shall be hired exclusively from the hiring hall out-of-work list(s). For the duration of the Contractor’s work the ratio of “core” employees to hiring hall referrals shall be maintained and when the Contractor’s workforce is reduced, employees shall be reduced in the same ratio as was applied in the initial hiring. All employees, core and union, shall be dispatched from the appropriate union. Trust benefits shall be paid on all employees, core and union. Section 6. Upon referral or dispatch from a Union, “turnaround” or refusal of any worker by the Contractors, requires written explanation from the Contractor that shall be communicated through the Prime Contractor to the Port and affected Union within 48 hours. Section 7. Individual seniority will not be recognized or applied to employees working on the Project. This provision will not interfere with or supersede the use by individual Contractors of “call lists” maintained by such Contractor pursuant to addenda to the local Collective Bargaining Agreement between such Contractor and a Union signatory to this PLA. Section 8. The selection of craft foremen and/or general foremen and the number of such foremen and/or general foremen required shall be entirely the responsibility of the Contractor. Craft foremen shall be designated working foremen at the request of the Contractor. Craft workers covered by this PLA will, in the normal day- to-day operations, take their direction and supervision from their xxxxxxx.