Introduction of Extended Tours. (a) Extended tours shall be introduced into any unit when:
(i) eighty percent (80%) of the nurses so indicate by secret ballot; and
(ii) the Hospital agrees to implement extended tours, such agreement shall not be withheld in an unreasonable or arbitrary manner.
Introduction of Extended Tours. (a) Extended tours shall be introduced into any unit when:
i) seventy-five percent (75%) of the nurses in the unit so indicate by secret ballot; and
ii) the Employer agrees to implement extended tours, such agreement shall not be withheld in an unreasonable or arbitrary manner.
(b) Extended Tours may be discontinued in any unit when:
i) fifty percent (50%) of the nurses in the unit so indicate by secret ballot; or
ii) the Employer because of:
(A) adverse effects of patient care;
(B) inability to provide a workable staffing schedule;
(C) where the Employer wishes to do so for other reasons which are neither unreasonable nor arbitrary, states its intention to discontinue the extended tours in the schedule.
(c) When notice of discontinuation is given by either party in accordance with paragraph (2) above, then:
i) the parties shall meet within two (2) weeks of the giving of notice to review the request for discontinuation; and
ii) where it is determined that extended tours will be discontinued, affected nurses shall be given sixty (60) days notice before the schedules are so amended.
Introduction of Extended Tours. Extended tours shall be introduced into any unit when:
Introduction of Extended Tours. A compressed work week and/or Hybrid schedules shall be introduced into any department/area when: