EXTENSION OF USE. The Contract may be extended to additional States or governmental jurisdictions upon mutual written agreement between New York State (the lead contracting State) and the Contractor. Political subdivisions and other authorized entities within each participating State or governmental jurisdiction may also participate in the Contract if such State normally allows participation by such entities. New York State reserves the right to negotiate additional minimum NYS Vehicle Discounts based on any increased volume generated by such extensions.
EXTENSION OF USE. The Contract may be extended to additional States or governmental jurisdictions upon mutual written agreement between OGS and the Contractor following the procedure under Section II.9
EXTENSION OF USE. Any contract resulting from this bid solicitation may be extended to additional States or governmental jurisdictions upon mutual written agreement between New York State (the lead contracting State) and the Contractor. Political subdivisions and other authorized entities within each participating State or governmental jurisdiction may also participate in any resultant contract if such State normally allows participation by such entities. New York State reserves the right to negotiate additional discounts based on any increased volume generated by such extensions.
EXTENSION OF USE. Any Contract resulting from this bid Solicitation may be extended to additional States or governmental jurisdictions upon mutual written agreement between New York State (the lead contracting State) and the Contractor. Political subdivisions and other authorized entities within each participating State or governmental jurisdiction may also participate in any resultant Contract if such State normally allows participation by such entities. New York State reserves the right to negotiate additional discounts based on any increased volume generated by such extensions. Please contact NYS Procurement Services Customer Services for more information via email at: XXX.xx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx@xxx.xx.xxx.
EXTENSION OF USE. This Contract may be extended to additional States or Government Jurisdictions upon mutual written agreement between the College and the Vendor. Political Subdivisions and other authorized entities within each participating State or Government Jurisdictions may also participate in this Contract if authorized by applicable law. The College reserves the right to negotiate additional discounts based on any increased volume generated by such extensions. Vendor agrees to honor all orders from State Agencies, Political Subdivisions and others authorized by law to participate in this Contract which are in compliance with the pricing, terms, and conditions contained herein. Any unilateral limitations or restrictions imposed by the Vendor and/or Manufacturer on eligible Authorized Users will be grounds for cancellation of the Contract. If a Contract, or any portion thereof, is cancelled for this reason, any additional costs incurred by the eligible purchaser will be borne by the Vendor.
EXTENSION OF USE. The terms and conditions of this Agreement may be extended to any other New York State agency, political subdivision, governmental jurisdiction or other authorized entity, through the use of a formally executed agreement between the Contractor and the state agency, political subdivision, governmental jurisdiction, or other authorized entity, subject to review and approval of the Office of the New York State Attorney General and the Office of the New York State Comptroller, if applicable. New York State reserves the right to negotiate pricing discounts based on any increased volume generated by such extensions. In accordance with Section 41 of the State Finance Law, the State shall have no liability under this Agreement to the Contractor or to anyone else beyond funds appropriated and available for this Agreement. Accordingly, this Agreement will be performed only as long as the New York State legislature appropriates funds and the Governor allocates such funds to the State. Failure of New York State to enact a timely Budget may result in the State being unable to reimburse the Contractor for Services provided in the new fiscal year. All work approved and accepted by the State will subsequently be reimbursed when the Budget has been signed into law.
EXTENSION OF USE. This Contract may be extended to additional States or governmental jurisdictions upon mutual written agreement between New York State (the lead contracting State) and the Contractor. Political subdivisions and other authorized entities within each participating State or governmental jurisdiction may also participate in this Contract if such State normally allows participation by such entities. New York State reserves the right to negotiate additional discounts based on any increased volume generated by such extensions. Contractor agrees to honor all orders from State Agencies, Political Subdivisions and others authorized by law to participate in this Contract, which are in compliance with the pricing, terms, and conditions contained herein. Any unilateral limitations or restrictions imposed by the Contractor and/or manufacturer on eligible Authorized Users will be grounds for cancellation of the Contract. If a Contract, or any portion thereof, is canceled for this reason, any additional costs incurred by the eligible purchaser will be borne by the Contractor.
EXTENSION OF USE. This Aggregate Hardware Buy 18-01 Agreement may be extended in accordance with the section of Contractor's Manufacturer Umbrella Contract titled Non-State Agencies Participation in Centralized Contracts and Extension of Use.
EXTENSION OF USE. This Contract May be extended to additional States or governmental jurisdictions upon mutual Written agreement between New York State and the Contractor. Political subdivisions and other authorized entities within each participating state or governmental jurisdiction May also participate in this Contract if such state normally allows participation by such entities. New York State reserves the right to negotiate additional discounts based on any increased volume generated by such extensions. In the past, the following states or jurisdictions from within the following states, have participated in purchasing from NYS Transit Bus contracts: Alaska, Vermont, New Jersey, Maryland, Michigan and Wisconsin. These states and others, especially those that are contiguous to New York State, May participate in purchasing from this Contract upon approval by New York State (the lead contracting State). The Contractor agrees to honor all such extension of use requests for orders which are in compliance with the pricing, terms, and conditions set forth in this Contract document. An entity requesting an order under this Extension of Use section Must submit a completed Extension of Use Approval Form, available on the OGS website for Award 23170, to NYS DOT at the address below. Contractor Shall not process an additional State or governmental jurisdiction Transit Bus order under the Contract without Written approval from NYS DOT, Public Transportation Bureau. Email address: xxx.0000@xxx.xx.xxx
EXTENSION OF USE. This Contract may not be extended to additional States or beyond those entities included in the definition of Authorized User.