JOINTALLOTTEES. That in case there are Joint Allottees all communications shall be sent by the Promoter to the Allottee whose name appears first and at the address given by him/her which shall for all intents and purposes to consider as properly served on all the Allottees.
JOINTALLOTTEES. ThatincasethereareJointAllotteesallcommunicationsshallbesentbythePromoter to the Allottee whose name appears first and at the address given by him/her, which shallforallintentsandpurposestoconsiderasproperlyservedonalltheAllottees.
JOINTALLOTTEES. Incaseof Joint Allottees,they havebeenreferredto hereininsingular numberand all communications shall be sent by the Promoters to the Allottee whose name is appearingfirst inthisAgreement andat theaddressgivenbythemwhichshallfor all intents and purposes to consider as properly served on all the Allottees.
JOINTALLOTTEES. Thatincasethere are joint Allottees all communications shall besent by thePromoter to the Allottee whose name appears first andat the address given by him/her/it which shall for all intents andpurposestoconsiderasproperlyservedonalltheAllottees. ThattherightsandobligationsofthepartiesunderorarisingoutofthisAgreementsha llbeconstruedandenforcedin accordancewiththeActandtheRulesandRegulationsmadethereunderincludingot herapplicablelawsofIndiaforthetimebeinginforce.
JOINTALLOTTEES. ThatincasethereareJointAllotteesallcommunications shallbesentbythePromotertotheAllotteewhosenameappears first and at the address given by him/her, which shall for all intents andpurposestoconsiderasproperlyservedonalltheAllottees.


  • JOINT ALLOTTEES That in case there are Joint Allottees all communications shall be sent by the Promoter to the Allottee whose name appears first and at the address given by him/her which shall for all intents and purposes to consider as properly served on all the Allottees.

  • Partners If the Partnership declines to purchase said ownership interest under said notice period, each Partner shall jointly and severally be given a first right of refusal within days’ notice to purchase the ownership interest under the same terms and conditions agreed upon by the potential buyer. If more than one (1) Partner agrees to purchase, they shall be obligated to share the terms of the purchase equally.

  • Bullying Bullying is verbal or physical conduct that over a period, continuously and systemically, humiliates, intimidates, shows hostility towards, threatens or offends a person, and that a reasonable person would know or ought to have known would have such an effect.