June 2004 Sample Clauses

June 2004. October 2005) Customer Service Representative & Lead Trainer Guest Service Agent & Front Office Manager EDUCATION:
June 2004. 50 July, August and September 2004...................... 49
June 2004. 35541308 September 2010 .. 62.97439383 July 2004 .......
June 2004The Shareholders' Agreement shall remain effective as amended by this Agreement and the Accession Agreement. The Investment Agreement is unaltered by this Agreement and remains effective. The parties to this Agreement acknowledge that there are no side-agreements to this Agreement.
June 2004. 4,036,450.20 May 2007............. 0.71
June 2004. 1,530,462.33 June 2007.................. 127.21
June 2004The Pledgee can revoke its permission at any time by giving written notice of the revocation to the Pledgor. This permission automatically terminates in case of the occurrence of an Event of Default.The pledge shall remain vested until the transfer and delivery of the Goods has taken place.
June 2004. 84.93974311 February 2009...... 38.17694353 October 2013.......
June 2004. Oakhurst Wins in Development.‖ Christian Index. 22 August 1963. ―Skating is Missions.‖ Home Missions. April 1967, 25-6. Stepp, Diane. ―Oakhurst Baptists Plan to Integrate.‖ Atlanta Constitution. 5 July 1967. ―Walker Knight Takes Home Missions Post.‖ Baptist Press. 10 June 1959. xxxx://xxxxx.xxxxx.xxx.x0.xxxxxxxxx.xxx/0000,00-Xxx-0000.xxx (accessed 26 March 2013). Wells, Frank & Hebert, Dick. ―Allen, Maddox Battle it Out at 11th Hour,‖ 21 September 1961. ―West End Baptist: Church Disbands at Month‘s End,‖ Atlanta Journal, 13 October 1973. Wright, Mike. ―Oakhurst Baptists Earn High Award.‖ The Atlanta Journal. 24 August 1963.
June 2004. The main goal of the College is to prepare its students finishing its vocational an BA courses, Higher Educational Vocational Training (in Hungarian), Postgraduate specialist training courses (in Hungarian), In addition to teaching activities, the College also aims to fulfil the role of a regional centre of knowledge, based on its capacities of staff, knowledge and infrastructure. The College also acts as an organizer and manager of business to business relations and an interface between the world of labour and the world of education through consulting activities and the organization of business trainings. Currently, Xxxxxx Xxx College is the only higher education institution in the region of South Buda and we are determined to continue to be an important educational actor in the field of economics and arts, extending our selection of programmes with ones in technical sciences and IT This MoU details the modalities and general conditions regarding collaboration between Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies & Xxxxxx Xxx College to cooperate and focus their efforts on cooperation within area of, Consultancy, Exchanging of expertise by means of guest lectures, workshop for the benefit of faculty & Students, international industrial visit, hiring students for internship and live project for practical training, R&D Services, Skill Development & Placement and international and domestic industrial and Educational and travel programs.