July 2004 Sample Clauses

July 2004An agreement on free rent determination implies that the rent may only be reduced in those cases where the rent is unreasonably high. Therefore, the tenant may not claim a reduction of the rent, which is otherwise the case, even though the mutually agreed rent substantially ex- ceeds the cost-related rent or the value of the property. An agreement on free rent determination and rent regu- lation during the period of the tenancy must be stated in section 11 of the tenancy agreement. If an agreement on free rent determination has been made, it may be agreed that the rent in the period of the tenancy is to be regulated in accordance with the net price index. The agreement must be stated in section 11 of the tenancy agreement. If it does not appear from the tenancy agreement that the rent can be regulated in accordance with the net price index, the rent cannot be regulated during the period of the tenancy. However, the rent may be regulated as a consequence of increases in and imposition of new taxes and dues. For properties situated in unregulated munici- palities, this requires a special agreement. The agree- ment must be stated in section 11 of the tenancy agree- ment. There are special rules for determining the rent in prop- erties, whose construction has been financed by index- linked loans. According to these rules, the rent may be determined so that the total rental income can cover the necessary op- erating costs of the property at the time of construction with the addition of the return on the value of the prop- erty. Corresponding rules apply to properties occupied after 1 January 1989, constructed and let by landlords subject to the act on real interest tax. For both types of properties, special rules apply to the regulation of the rent during the period of the tenancy.
July 2004. Lesotho – 21 October 2002 (s) Lesotho – 24 March 2004 Namibia – 21 October 2002 (s) Namibia – 27 March 2004 South Africa - 21 October 2002 (s) South Africa – 15 June 2004 Swaziland - 21 October 2002 (s) Swaziland – 29 March 2004
July 2004An Employee’s pre-existing sick leave anniversary date is maintained for the purposes of the personal leave entitlement.
July 2004State of Alaska, Department of Environmental Conservation, Enforcement Manual, Sixth Edition. ADEC. October 2005.
July 2004. Parkerings-Compagniet AS v. Republic of Lithuania, ICSID Case No. ARB/05/8, Award, 11 September 2007. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx v. Democratic Republic of Congo, ICSID Case No. ARB/99/7, Decision on Annulment, 01 November 2007.
July 2004. Conditional pension entitlement adjustment
July 2004A reference to a statutory provision includes a reference to:
July 2004EXHIBIT F Form for dismissal of European patent opposition REGISTERED European Patent Office D-80298 Munchen Tyskland PrR/LeH/126117 28 July 2004 European Patent No. 613560 Appeal Case No. T 0264/04-338 On behalf on our client we hereby withdraw Appeal Case No. T 0264/04-338 filed against the decision taken in the Opposition against EP 613 560 B1. Yours sincerely, Internationalt Patent-Bureau A/S Jens Rotne (Professional representative) Encl.: EPO FORM 1037 Exexxxxxx Xxxsion EXHIBIT F continued EPO Form 1037 [LETTERHEAD OF INTERNATIONALT PATENT-BUREAU A/S] EPA/EPO/OEB Form 1037.1 03.99 Eingangsbestatigung fur Einsender Acknowledgement of receipt for sender Accuse de reseption expediteur Bestatigung uber den Acknowledgement of Accuse de reception a Eingang nachgereichter receipt for subsequently l'Office europeen des Unterlagen fur Patentan- filed items relating to brevets de pieces produites meldungen/Patente beim patent applications/patents posterieurement au depot Europaischen Patentamt at the European Patent d'une demande de brevet/ Office a la delivrance d'un brevet europeen Datum und Ort des Eingangs sind Date and place of receipt are La date et le lieu de reception aus der Perforation dieser shown by the perforation appearing sont indiques par la perforation Eingangsbestatigung ersichtlich on this receipt du present accuse de reception (M + Datum = Einreichungsort Munchen; (M + date = Munich as place of receipt; (M + date = pieces recues a Munich; H + Datum = Einreichungsort Den Haag; H + date = The Hague as place of receipt; H + date = piecxx xecues a La Haye; Datum + B = Einreichungsort Berlin) date + B = Berlin as place of receipt) date + B = pieces recues a Berlin) Eingereichte Unterlagen Items filed Pieces envoyees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anmeldungs- (und Direktions-*) Nr./Patent Nr. Ihr Zeichen ggfs. Art und Datum der Unterlagen** Application (and Directorate*) No./Patent No. Your reference Nature and date of items (optional)** N(degree) de la demande (et de la direction*) /n(degree) du brevet Votre reference Nature et date des pieces (facultatif)** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 IPB/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 -----------------------------------...
July 2004The Borrower shall ensure that at least Baht 600,000,000 (Six Hundred Million Baht) intercompany loans within Innovex Group Companies are subordinated to the Debt of the Borrower under this Agreement and/or the Transaction Documents at all time, provided that the Borrower shall submit the written report on this matter to the Creditors every quarter ending on 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December until the debt of the Borrower under the Long Term Facilities is paid in full.
July 2004. All other subcontract portions remain unchanged. The parties hereto have executed this amendment as shown below: Seller: Buyer: Neah Power Systems, Inc. Thales Communications, Inc. By: By: /s/ David Dorheim /s/ David D. Arnolx --------------------------- ----------------------------- (Signature) (Signature) David Dorheim David D. Arnolx --------------------------- ----------------------------- (Typed or Printed Name) (Typed or Printed Name) President & CEO Director of Contracts --------------------------- ----------------------------- (Title) (Title) July 28, 2004 July 30, 2004 --------------------------- ----------------------------- (Date) (Date) Subcontract 32162-SV Amendment 1