Finance Charges A finance charge is the cost you pay for credit. We will charge Interest Charges and Fees to your account as described to you in your statements and other Truth in Lending Disclosures. The following describes how the finance charge will be calculated on the Account. You have a 25-day grace (no finance charge) period on your purchase balance and for new purchases if you paid the entire New Balance on your last statement by the end of the grace period. You also have a 25-day grace period for new purchases if you did not have a balance on your last statement. The grace period starts on the billing cycle closing date. If you do not pay the entire New Balance by the end of the grace period, a finance charge will be imposed on the unpaid balance from the first day of the next billing cycle and on new purchases from the date they are posted to your Account. There is no grace period for cash advances. A finance charge will be imposed on cash advances from the date the cash advance is posted to your Account. Balance transfers as permitted by Credit Union from time to time in Credit Union’s sole discretion will be treated as cash advances for the purpose of all finance charges and finance charge calculations. Finance charges on your Account are calculated by applying the applicable Monthly Periodic Rate to the average daily balances for purchases and cash advances. Separate average daily balances are calculated for purchases and cash advances. To get each average daily balance, the daily balances for purchases and cash advances for the billing cycle are added and the totals are divided by the number of days in the cycle. To get the daily balance for cash advances, new cash advances are added to the day’s beginning balance and payments and credits are subtracted. To get the daily balance for purchases, new purchases are added to the day’s beginning balance and payments and credits are subtracted; however, new purchases are not added if you paid the entire New Balance on your last statement by the end of the grace period or if you did not have a balance on your last statement. Fees and unpaid finance charges are not included in the calculation of the average daily balance. Finance charges will continue to accrue on your Account until what you owe under this Agreement is paid in full. Credit Union may offer balance transfer, introductory rate, or other special rate promotions for your Account from time to time in Credit Union’s sole discretion. The applicable Monthly Periodic Rate and ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE for any promotion and any promotion terms and conditions will be disclosed to before or at the time you make use of such promotion.
Interest Fees and Charges 1Interest
Finance Charge Each Receivable provides for the payment of a finance charge or shall yield interest calculated on the basis of an APR ranging from 0.50% to 22.24%.
Late Fees All overdue accrued and unpaid interest to be paid hereunder shall entail a late fee at an interest rate equal to the lesser of 18% per annum or the maximum rate permitted by applicable law (the “Late Fees”) that shall accrue daily from the date such interest is due hereunder through and including the date of actual payment in full.
Maintenance Charges 6.1 The maintenance services for the Said Plot / Said Complex/Said Building, as set out in Annexure T-IV to this Lease Deed, shall be provided by THE LESSOR or its nominees/ assigns, the estimated Maintenance Charges for which shall be calculated prorata of the super built up area of the Demised Premises to the total super built-up area of the Property. 6.2 The Maintenance Charges for such maintenance services shall be paid to THE LESSOR or its nominees/ assigns, in advance for each month, as per the xxxx(s)/ invoice(s) raised by THE LESSOR or its nominees/ assigns. 6.3 The Maintenance Charges shall be subject to deduction of Income Tax at source as applicable, from time to time. 6.4 Any other taxes/ duties/ charges/ cesses / levy(ies) etc. as applicable from time to time on Maintenance Charges including service tax shall be payable by THE LESSEE in addition to the Maintenance Charges mentioned hereinabove as and when demanded by THE LESSOR. 6.5 The Maintenance Charges shall be payable by the Due Date, in advance for each month in respect of which such Maintenance Charges would be payable. 6.6 The Maintenance Charges as specified in this Lease Deed are subject to increase of prices of diesel, gas, petroleum products and other consumables, electricity rates, taxes, wages and salaries, cost of annual maintenance contracts of lifts, DGs, HVAC supplies, transformers, panels etc. during the Lease Term and the Lease Renewal Term (if any). 6.7 After completion of a financial year (i.e. from 1st April of a calendar year to 31st March of the next calendar year), THE LESSOR or its nominees / assigns will provide THE LESSEE, within a reasonable time period, a third party auditor certificate of expenditure/ expenses towards maintenance charges incurred during such financial year. Any under-recovery by THE LESSOR or its nominees/assigns shall become payable by THE LESSEE to THE LESSOR or its nominees/assigns and any over-recovery by THE LESSOR or its nominees/assigns shall become refundable by THE LESSOR/ or its nominees/assigns to THE LESSEE. Any such payment by refund to THE LESSEE shall be without any interest and such payment shall be payable by either party within thirty (30) days of providing such third party auditor certificate and issuance of credit/ debit note (as applicable).
Collection Fees If collection fees are assessed or attorney’s fees are expended by the University in the process of obtaining unpaid housing charges, the student will be responsible for the payment of those fees in addition to the unpaid housing charges.
CP Costs Payments On each Settlement Date, Seller shall pay to Agent (for the benefit of the Conduits) an aggregate amount equal to all accrued and unpaid CP Costs in respect of the outstanding Capital of each of the Conduits for the related Settlement Period in accordance with Article II.
Loan Fees Borrower shall not pay Lender any loan, commitment or other, similar, fees in connection with the Loans.
Periodic Finance Charges and Other Fees The Seller hereby agrees that, except as otherwise required by any Requirement of Law, or as is deemed by the Seller to be necessary in order for the Seller to maintain its credit card business, based upon a good faith assessment by the Seller, in its sole discretion, of the nature of the competition in the credit card business, it shall not at any time reduce the Periodic Finance Charges assessed on any Receivable or other fees on any Account if, as a result of such reduction, the Seller's reasonable expectation of the Portfolio Yield as of such date would be less than the then Base Rate.
Collection Expenses The Borrower further agrees, subject only to any limitation imposed by applicable law, to pay all expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, incurred by the holder of this Note in endeavoring to collect any amounts payable hereunder which are not paid when due.