Legal Propriety. ● All device users must comply with trademark and copyright laws and all license agreements. Ignorance of the law is no excuse for violations of such laws or agreements. If you are unsure, ask your classroom/homeroom teacher. ● Plagiarism is a violation of the MPS rules. Give credit to all sources used, whether quoted or summarized. This includes all forms of media on the internet, such as graphics, movies, music, and text. ● Illegal downloading and distribution of copyrighted works are serious offenses that carry with them the risk of substantial monetary damages and, in some cases, criminal prosecution. ● Do not loan your assigned device to other students. ● Do not borrow a device from another student. ● Do not share passwords or user names. ● Access to another person’s account or device without their consent or knowledge is considered hacking and is unacceptable.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Tech Contract, Parent Student Contract, Parent Student Contract
Legal Propriety. ● All device users must comply with trademark and copyright laws and all license agreements. Ignorance of the law is no excuse for violations of such laws or agreements. If you are unsure, ask your classroom/homeroom teacher. ● Plagiarism is a violation of the MPS May-Port CG rules. Give credit to all sources used, whether quoted or summarized. This includes all forms of media on the internet, such as graphics, movies, music, and text. ● • Illegal downloading and distribution of copyrighted works are serious offenses that carry with them the risk of substantial monetary damages and, in some cases, criminal prosecution. ● • Do not loan your assigned device to other students. ● • Do not borrow a device from another student. ● • Do not share passwords or user names. ● • Access to another person’s account or device without their consent or knowledge is considered hacking and is unacceptable.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Technology Responsible Use Policy