Responsible Use Sample Clauses
Responsible Use. Digital citizenship is an essential 21st century skill. During the school year, teachers and staff will be reviewing appropriate online behavior and acceptable use of resources. It is important to maintain a family dialogue about educational, recreational, and social use of Chromebooks and other devices your student accesses. Chromebooks are connected to a network that is filtered for inappropriate material, but user responsibility is still the best way to avoid pitfalls in the online world. It is important to remember that Chromebook use is monitored. Here are a few tips for responsible digital citizenship:
Responsible Use. The device must be used for educational purposes and in accordance with the acceptable use policy and other college rules. Any use of a device deemed inappropriate by the college may result in the withdrawal of BYOD privileges and other consequences as deemed appropriate by the college.
Responsible Use. The User will act in accordance with the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, the GDPR and other applicable laws and regulations.
Responsible Use. By using the Services you agree to use the Services only for the purposes intended as permitted by (a) the terms of this User Agreement, and (b) applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted online practices or guidelines. Wherein, you understand that:
Responsible Use. Digital citizenship is an essential 21st century skill. During the school year, your teachers and library media specialist will be reviewing appropriate online behavior and acceptable use of resources. It’s important to maintain a family dialogue about educational, recreational and social use of the Chromebook and other devices your student accesses. Chromebooks are connected to a network that is filtered for inappropriate material, but user responsibility is still the best way to avoid pitfalls in the online world. Remember Chromebook use is monitored. ● Use Internet devices in a central location at home, rather than behind closed doors. ● Help your student to focus on completing tasks and assignments before any recreational activities. ● Help your student solve technical glitches by recording exactly what went wrong and when. ● Ensure that your child understands that he or she should not give personal information to any person or any website without checking with an adult first. ● Talk with your student about cyberbullyingencouraging him/her to be kind and to communicate clearly online. ● Advise your student that anything they post, text, or upload may be forwarded, copied, and published to anyoneincluding future education admissions offices and employers. ● Only registered users in ISD 728 will be able to login to the Chromebook, and all usage can be monitored. Student Last Name: First Name: School: Grade ● Provide a Chromebook for each student, including a loaner device if a Chromebook needs repairs. ● Provide filtered Internet access on the Chromebook. ● Provide Google Apps for Education and other educational applications that support learning in the classroom and at home. ● Take good care of the Chromebook in all locations. ● Bring the Chromebook to school every day, fully charged. ● Be a responsible digital citizen. ● Use the Chromebook for educational purposes. Only pursue personal interests that align with school policies. ● Report any damage or loss, whatever the cause, to your teacher as soon as possible. ● Take responsibility for any damage or loss caused by neglect or abuse. ● Follow the Student Acceptable Use Guidelines outlined in the Student Handbook. ● Return the Chromebook, Accessories and Case to ISD 728 at the end of each school year. Students who withdraw enrollment for any reason must return the Chromebook on or before the date of withdrawal.
Responsible Use. Cellular devices are not to be used during the school day. This includes school lunch periods, school related functions and on the school bus.
Responsible Use. Any use of a device deemed inappropriate by the College may result in the withdrawal of BYOT privileges and any other appropriate disciplinary action deemed appropriate by the College. Refer to the Personal Electronic Devices and Personal Learning Devices Acceptable Use Policy for clarification.
Responsible Use. The use of district Internet filtering does not preclude the necessity for staff to supervise student use of technology. Some inappropriate material is likely to pass through the filter. The following are some guidelines concerning the use of district technology and network services. Material created and/or stored on the system is not guaranteed to be private. Network administrators may review the system from time to time to ensure that the system is being used properly, but this will only be done when motivated by a legitimate reason. For this reason, staff members should know that a third party might view materials. All communications and information should be assumed to be property of the District. Staff members must keep their passwords private and all accounts secure. Staff accounts are for use only by the district employees for whom they are provided. Students may not use staff accounts and/or passwords at any time. Unacceptable uses of the computer/network include but are not limited to:
Responsible Use. Apricorn may provide You with user manuals, technical manuals, and other materials (in printed or electronic form) that describe the installation, operation, use or technical specifications of the Products (the “Documentation”). It is Your responsibility to use the Products in accordance with the Documentation and with reasonable care to ensure that the Products continue to function as expected, including the use or enablement of any security features on the Products. Apricorn is not responsible for lost, stolen or misplaced data that You store on or otherwise input into the Products.
Responsible Use. You must not:
(a) Install or Access the Player without, or in violation of, this XXXX;
(b) share, disclose, distribute, transfer, rent, lease, lend, sublicense, sell, exploit or otherwise make available the Player (or any items or rights therein) to any third party except for the sole purpose of allowing the third party to access, view, or listen to Content;
(c) reverse engineer (including but not limited to monitoring or tracking the inputs and outputs flowing through a system or an application in order to recreate that system), decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to discover, the source code, data representations or underlying algorithms, processes, methods, and any other portion of the Player;
(d) Install or Access the Player by any means other than the interface we provide or authorize, or attempt to do so;
(e) circumvent any Installation or Access restrictions, or technological measures, put into place to control access to or prevent certain uses of the Player;
(f) Install or Access the Player to engage in behavior that violates anyone’s IP rights;
(g) impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity;
(h) disable, impair, destroy, manipulate or disrupt the Player, or attempt to do so;
(i) remove, minimize, alter, obscure, or modify any watermarks, labels, marks or other legal or proprietary notices on or in the Player;
(j) upload, store, create, process, share or otherwise make available any code that contains any viruses, malicious code, malware, or any components designed to harm or limit the functionality of the Player;
(k) manipulate or otherwise display the Player by using framing or similar navigational technology;
(l) use any data mining or similar data gathering and extraction methods in connection with the Player, including data scraping for machine learning or other purposes;
(m) disrupt, interfere with, or inhibit any other user from Installing or Accessing the Player; or
(n) Install or Access the Player in any way that is illegal, unlawful or prohibited, or for any purpose that is in violation or breach of any applicable law or regulation.