LICENSES; REGISTRATIONS; PERMITS. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.21, Seller possesses all material governmental registrations, licenses, permits, authorizations, consents and approvals (“Permits”) necessary to operate the Business as currently conducted. All of such Permits are set forth in Schedule 4.21 and are in full force and effect; no violations are or have been recorded in respect of any thereof; and no proceeding is pending or, to the knowledge of Seller, threatened to revoke or limit any thereof.
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LICENSES; REGISTRATIONS; PERMITS. ETC Seller and each of its managers, officers, directors, employees and independent contractors possess all governmental registrations, licenses, permits, authorizations, consents and approvals (collectively referred to herein as "Permits") necessary to operate the Business as currently conducted, which necessary Permits are set forth on SCHEDULE 3.17. All such Permits are in full force and effect and no such party is in default under any of such Permits and no event has occurred and no condition exists which, with the giving of notice, the passage of time, or both, would constitute a default thereunder. True and correct copies of the Permits (including, without limitation, Environmental Permits) issued most recently by the applicable authorities with respect to the operation of the business of Seller have been made available to Purchaser prior to the date hereof. Neither of the Stockholders nor Seller has received written or verbal notice of any action or proceeding which has been initiated or is proposed to be initiated by any Governmental Body having jurisdiction thereof, to either revoke, withdraw or suspend any of the Permits (including, without limitation, Environmental Permits) or any judicial or administrative agency judgment or decision not to renew any of the Permits (including, without limitation, Environmental Permits) or any licensure or certification action of any other type.
LICENSES; REGISTRATIONS; PERMITS. ETC. Seller possesses all governmental registrations, certificates of need, consents, qualifications, accreditations, licenses, permits, authorizations and approvals necessary to own and operate the Business, except those the failure of which to have do not materially adversely affect Seller's ability to conduct the Business, which approvals are set forth on SCHEDULE 5.8 hereto, and true, complete and correct copies of which approvals have previously been delivered to Purchaser. All such approvals are in full force and effect as of the date hereof and Seller is in compliance therewith in all material respects.
LICENSES; REGISTRATIONS; PERMITS. ETC. Wear possesses all governmental registrations, certificates of need, consents, qualifications, accreditations, licenses, permits, authorizations and approvals necessary to own and operate its business, except those approvals the failure of which to have do not materially adversely affect Wear's ability to conduct the Business, which approvals are set forth on SCHEDULE 6.7 hereto, and true, complete and correct copies of which approvals have previously been delivered to Purchaser. All such approvals are in full force and effect as of the date hereof and Wear is in compliance therewith in all material respects.


  • Licenses; Permits (a) Each Loan Party has obtained all permits, licenses and other authorizations which are required with respect to the ownership and operations of its business except where the failure to obtain such permits, licenses or other authorizations, individually or in the aggregate, would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect. Each Loan Party is in material compliance with all terms and conditions of all such permits, licenses, orders and authorizations, and is also in compliance with all Applicable Laws, except where the failure to comply with such terms, conditions or Applicable Laws, individually or in the aggregate, would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect.

  • Licenses and Registrations It has all governmental, regulatory, self-regulatory, and exchange licenses, registrations, memberships, and approvals required to act as investment adviser to the Fund and it will obtain and maintain any such required licenses, registrations, memberships, and approvals.

  • Licenses, Permits and Approvals Seller has not received any written notice, and Seller has no knowledge that the Property fails to comply with all applicable licenses, permits and approvals and federal, state or local statutes, laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, requirements and codes including, without limitation, those regarding zoning, land use, building, fire, health, safety, environmental, subdivision, water quality, sanitation controls and the Americans with Disabilities Act, and similar rules and regulations relating and/or applicable to the ownership, use and operation of the Property as it is now operated. Seller has received all licenses, permits and approvals required or needed for the lawful conduct, occupancy and operation of the business of the Hotel, and each license and permit is in full force and effect, and will be received and in full force and effect as of the Closing. No licenses, permits or approvals necessary for the lawful conduct, occupancy or operation of the business of the Hotel, to Seller’s knowledge requires any approval of a governmental authority for transfer of the Property except as set forth in Exhibit D.

  • Licenses or Permits The Company and each of its subsidiaries possess all licenses, certificates, authorizations and permits issued by, and have made all declarations and filings with, the appropriate local, state, federal or foreign governmental or regulatory agencies or bodies (including, without limitation, those administered by the FDA or by any foreign, federal, state or local governmental or regulatory authority performing functions similar to those performed by the FDA) that are necessary for the ownership or lease of their respective properties or the conduct of their respective businesses as described in the Registration Statement, the General Disclosure Package and the Prospectus (collectively, the “Governmental Permits”) except where any failures to possess or make the same would not, singularly or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect. The Company and its subsidiaries are in compliance with all such Governmental Permits; all such Governmental Permits are valid and in full force and effect, except where the invalidity or failure to be in full force and effect would not, singularly or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect. Neither the Company nor any subsidiary has received notification of any revocation, modification, suspension, termination or invalidation (or proceedings related thereto) of any such Governmental Permit and the Company has no reason to believe that any such Governmental Permit will not be renewed.

  • Licenses, Permits, Etc (a) The Company and its Subsidiaries own or possess all licenses, permits, franchises, authorizations, patents, copyrights, proprietary software, service marks, trademarks and trade names, or rights thereto, that individually or in the aggregate are Material, without known conflict with the rights of others.

  • Licenses Except as would not have a Material Adverse Effect, each Acquiror Company possesses from the appropriate Governmental Authority all licenses, permits, authorizations, approvals, franchises and rights that are necessary for such Acquiror Company to engage in its business as currently conducted and to permit such Acquiror Company to own and use its properties and assets in the manner in which it currently owns and uses such properties and assets (collectively, "Acquiror Permits"). No Acquiror Company has received notice from any Governmental Authority or other Person that there is lacking any license, permit, authorization, approval, franchise or right necessary for such Acquiror Company to engage in its business as currently conducted and to permit such Acquiror Company to own and use its properties and assets in the manner in which it currently owns and uses such properties and assets. Except as would not have a Material Adverse Effect, the Acquiror Permits are valid and in full force and effect. Except as would not have a Material Adverse Effect, no event has occurred or circumstance exists that may (with or without notice or lapse of time): (a) constitute or result, directly or indirectly, in a violation of or a failure to comply with any Acquiror Permit; or (b) result, directly or indirectly, in the revocation, withdrawal, suspension, cancellation or termination of, or any modification to, any Acquiror Permit. No Acquiror Company has received notice from any Governmental Authority or any other Person regarding: (a) any actual, alleged, possible or potential contravention of any Acquiror Permit; or (b) any actual, proposed, possible or potential revocation, withdrawal, suspension, cancellation, termination of, or modification to, any Acquiror Permit. All applications required to have been filed for the renewal of such Company Permits have been duly filed on a timely basis with the appropriate Persons, and all other filings required to have been made with respect to such Acquiror Permits have been duly made on a timely basis with the appropriate Persons. All Acquiror Permits are renewable by their terms or in the ordinary course of business without the need to comply with any special qualification procedures or to pay any amounts other than routine fees or similar charges, all of which have, to the extent due, been duly paid.

  • Sublicenses Merck shall have the right to sublicense ([…***…]) any or all of the licenses granted to Merck hereunder, including in connection with the performance of tasks and obligations with respect to the Research, Development and Commercialization of Program Nanobody(ies), Compound(s) and Product(s) as Merck deems appropriate and without the prior written consent of Ablynx. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any such sublicense granted to a Third Party that encompasses material Commercialization of Program Nanobody(ies), Compound(s) and Product(s) for the U.S. or any Primary Country shall require prior written notification to Ablynx. Merck shall be responsible for ensuring that the performance by any of its sublicensees hereunder that are exercising rights under a sublicense hereunder is in accordance with the applicable terms of this Agreement (to the extent applicable to sublicensees), and the grant of any such sublicense shall not relieve Merck of its obligations under this Agreement (except to the extent they are performed by any such sublicensee(s) in accordance with this Agreement). In all cases, the rights granted to any sublicensee shall be subject and subordinate to the applicable terms and conditions of this Agreement. Where a sublicensee of Merck that is not an Affiliate is to perform any Research Program activities during the Research Program Term for the applicable Research Program, the grant of such a sublicense shall require the prior written consent of Ablynx (not to be unreasonably withheld), and Merck shall oversee the performance by such sublicensee of the relevant activities by the sublicensee in a manner that would be reasonably expected to result in their timely and successful completion of such activities in accordance with this Agreement, and Merck shall remain responsible and primarily and fully liable for the performance of such activities in accordance with this Agreement. Merck hereby expressly waives any requirement that Ablynx exhaust any right, power or remedy, or proceed against such sublicensee for any obligation or performance hereunder, prior to proceeding directly against Merck with respect to the sublicense. Merck shall ensure compliance with the applicable terms of this Agreement (to the extent applicable to sublicensees) by its sublicensee, including with respect to provisions on confidentiality, intellectual property ownership and compliance with Applicable Laws. Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that Merck grants a sublicense so as to enable said sublicensee to perform Research Program activities, Merck shall ensure that its sublicensee is obligated to assign rights to any Program Know-How made by such Third Party sublicensee so that such rights can be conveyed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including Section 7.1.

  • Licenses and Approvals It has obtained all necessary licenses and approvals, in all jurisdictions where the failure to do so could reasonably be expected to materially and adversely affect its ability to acquire, own and service the Receivables.

  • Licenses, etc any license, authorisation, consent or approval at any time necessary to enable any Security Party to comply with its obligations under the Security Documents or the Underlying Documents is revoked or withheld or modified or is otherwise not granted or fails to remain in full force and effect or if any exchange control or other law or regulation shall exist which would make any transaction under the Security Documents or the Underlying Documents or the continuation thereof, unlawful or would prevent the performance by any Security Party of any term of any of the Security Documents or the Underlying Documents; or

  • Consents, Licenses and Approvals The Administrative Agent shall have received, with a counterpart for each Lender, a certificate of a Responsible Officer of the Borrower (i) attaching copies of all consents, authorizations and filings referred to in Section 5.4, and (ii) stating that such consents, licenses and filings are in full force and effect, and each such consent, authorization and filing shall be in form and substance satisfactory to the Administrative Agent.

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